Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 81: catastrophe

It seems that there is no need to continue watching. Let's see what happened to the princess. Now Aruba is already under war, where should Weiwei go now? The most likely place is the palace, but how does the next plot come about?

Xie Chen thought about it and decided to go there and take a look first. The space along the way jumped to the apex of the palace, the place with the best view. In order to make it convenient for him to watch the show, he also used the convenience of the glittering fruit to control the surrounding light. Hid his figure.

No one found him. At this time, the sand crocodile also appeared in front of everyone, revealing his ambition. The hypocritical crocodile finally opened his mouth to his goal, but no one was present on the stage. Can stop him.

Using his own life as a bet, the all-out blow of the sharp-clawed four-person force that drank the water in a desperate way, without even touching the corners of the crocodile, looked at the sand crocodile sitting high on the edge of the palace, and died of regret. After witnessing the defeat of his subordinates, Chaka, who was insulted, finally used the fruit power to turn into a pitch-black jackal and give up a blow.

Knowing that the opponent is a person with natural fruit ability, even though he still chose such a simple physical attack, I really don’t know if it is the dedication that euphemistically calls him righteousness, or just say he is too stupid, but that’s right. In addition to this, they should also There is no way, try your best, at least to make them feel that at least they have done something for this country, such as giving their lives.

At this time, the young leader of the rebel army finally woke up under the stimulation of the scene before him, and the play became more and more interesting.

Task: Prevent the sand crocodile's conspiracy from succeeding, prevent the conflict between the two armies from further intensifying, and ensure the safety of Nicole Robin in the tomb. Reward for completing the task: amulet of absolute defense. Failure penalty: performance drop by 50%.

"Well, performance decline... That means that speed attacks must be discounted. It's really strict." Xie Chen didn't care, and got ready for a good activity. Before Lu Fei came, it would be good to fight a sand crocodile. Wu Hai shouldn't make him feel bored.

Space jump.

Xie Chen got behind Sand Crocodile and stopped the attack he originally intended to attack Weiwei, so as to prevent him from deserting and escape. Xie Chen used domineering, "Shoot against such a lovely princess, this is not what Mr. should do. Thing."

"It's you." The sand crocodile stared dangerously at the guy who repeatedly hindered him.

"Xie Chen!?" Weiwei gave a relieved smile.

"Weiwei, sorry, it's late, you hurry up to stop the war now, let me come here." Xie Chen said and signaled Weiwei to go quickly, and quickly added that she should pay attention to her own people , "There are undercover agents in both armies. Be careful not to get hurt. If you have time, how about killing the people who have the Baroque job club?"


"You know?!" The sand crocodile backhanded him away with a sandstorm. He couldn't believe that his seamless plan had been learned by others. There were countless possibilities flashed in his mind, but they were denied one by one. Because no matter which, it takes time, "Hmph, forget it, even if you know what? It's too late."

"Indeed, it's already late, and I have to admit that your plan is good." Sand Crocodile is an absolutely outstanding strategist. Previously in the East China Sea, it was said that Baiji Locke, who was known for his wisdom, was as simple as a kindergarten child compared with the sand crocodile in front of him.

Because King Cobra is definitely a king, even the leader of the rebel army seemed to have trusted the king very much, and finally wanted to convince him that how to get the country turmoil under the rule of such a king is definitely a problem, but he does it. Arrived.

The dancing fan incident, pretending to be the king’s army, and then using the image of a hero to gain the trust of the people, bit by bit eroded the original state of this country.

"But, in my opinion, it's not too late. You just said the bomb, right? Now let it be dealt with. Let me see..." Through the magic eye of the magic outfit, combining farsightedness and perspective, Soon the target was found on the top floor of a bell tower. "It's in that clock tower, right."

"!" Krokdal's eyes widened, who was originally proud.

"And now the navy also knows your true face. If you let them know again, what do you think will happen to them?" Xie Chen raised his hand with a laser and broke the phone he was carrying. Worm, to avoid the possibility of letting his hand detonate the bomb in advance, "Look, it's not dead now."

"Heh, do you think the plan I have prepared for so long will be easily cracked? There is a limit to naivety!" He glanced at the phone worm that had turned into ashes, and the irritation in his heart could be imagined, "and you fool Death as painful as the captain, arc moon sand dunes!"

"Do you want to fight? I've long wanted to fight with you. Let's compare, is it the light intensity or the strong sand of you!" Seeing the other party's huge arm turned into a crescent-shaped sand blade When he hit him, Xie Chen's eyes flashed warfare. The moment the sandy arm was about to touch him, it turned into a beam of light, recombined in the air, and emitted a laser, but the opponent could also disperse the sand, with little effect.

Upon seeing this, Xie Chen gave up using the laser, and instead used the sword of light for close combat. The lightsaber, which was originally like the holy sword in the archangel’s hand, was filled with domineering and magical black stripes, which made the opponent's brows frown. The lock is tighter, don't hit hard, you come under me, it is actually a tie in the eyes of outsiders.

"Unexpectedly... actually hit this step with the sand crocodile," the king who was nailed to the wall couldn't believe his eyes, "that person...what is..."

"It looks like it will take some time."

"Humph! You are better than I thought."

"Is it only a little bit? Really sad." Xie Chen smiled and narrowed his eyes, and said enough words to make the other party angry, " are a little weaker than I thought."

"what did you say!"..


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