Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 84: The bomb of the clock tower

After solving the two people on the clock tower, the remaining Baroque workers also chased up. These shrimp soldiers and crabs did not even need them to clean up. The kings and rebels who knew the truth would vent their anger in the first place. Rush to the front.

Xie Chen turned his head and looked at the palace for the last time. If nothing happens, Robin will take the wounded king to the royal family’s cemetery. There is the original historical text she has been looking for. As for Lu Fei, she should lose another time. , He will chase to the final battlefield of the Sand Kingdom event, where he will defeat the sand crocodiles.

Count the passage of time.

"Excuse me...what happened to the clock tower you just attacked?" Bell followed Xie Chen, hesitating to ask a question that he didn't understand at the beginning.

"Yeah, you don't know yet." Xie Chen grabbed his hair, and calmly understood to him, "In short, that sand crocodile was hidden somewhere in this city, and it was hidden enough to ruin Aruba. The bomb was on the bell tower. It just solved the two enemies there. Don’t worry too much.”

"Whh...what!!!" Bell said in a loud voice when he heard this.

"You should calm down too. There is still a lot of time. The enemy has been cleared. Then just take the bomb away from here. Your ability is more convenient. You can just do this thing, and this island is not everywhere. In the populated desert, it’s easy to find a place where it won’t cause any impact and let it explode, right?

Xie Chen suddenly felt that the crocodile was really sad.

To be honest, if there is no Luffy's intervention, even if he destroys the country, what if he doesn't know the whereabouts of Pluto through Robin? At least he won't lose everything he already has. He is still Qiwuhai, a boss of more than ten thousand people, and a great hero in the eyes of most people, not to mention that he can't live if he knows his true colors.

He sees the people here as chess pieces, and he really plays them in applause. The strategies are also interlocking. Almost all the details are considered, but in his opinion there is still a naivety. For example, if the time bomb is a dirty bomb, there may be many variables. Even if it is taken elsewhere and detonated, as long as it is in this country, it will definitely cause irreversible effects.

Is it because I didn't think about it here, or did I feel that this kind of crushing can already cause enough humiliation to this country?

There are also methods of killing. If he uses his weapon to add a final blow to confirm that the opponent is indeed dead, then the situation is different.

After all, he has been going smoothly for too long, and he has been accustomed to being in his own hands. He has forgotten that the world is full of too many uncertainties. How can he think that one day he will be planted in such a "stupid little pirate "On the body.

"What's the matter?" Bell saw that the other party fell silent suddenly, and couldn't help asking, "Is something wrong?"

"No...nothing, just thinking about the sand crocodile," Xie Chen felt that the conclusion just now turned back and thought, this country is really not ordinary lucky, "Hurry up, the clock tower is right in front of you."

"Ah... yes!" They were already standing under the clock tower, Xie Chen stepped up into the sky, turned into a beam of light and instantly reached the top of the clock tower, tried to pull the hour hand, and found that the clock had been changed to As soon as the door was opened, you saw an incredible fortress. From the muzzle, you can estimate the size of the bomb. If the gunpowder is chosen with great power, it will be no problem to destroy the city in one blow.

"Actually...really in such a place."

"It's hard to think of it? It's actually a place you can see as soon as you look up." The opponent's psychological warfare is also really good, but think about it, isn't this one place suitable?

Xie Chen took out the shell that was specially made into a time bomb, weighed the weight, and it was very heavy. For ordinary people, it might be difficult to simply push it. "Can you take this thing to fly a little further? There are nine minutes."

"How far need to be taken?"

"At least you have to take the distance as far as the diameter of this city. If you don't worry, you can throw it a little further. Anyway, there is time. Nine minutes will be enough for you to fly several times." It's just a time bomb. Misconceptions, if you think about it more carefully, at least make it so that it will automatically explode once it leaves a certain range.

"I understand." Bell bent over and thanked him before turning into an eagle. He used his powerful claws to **** a gap in a cannonball, then used his twin feathers to roll up a powerful whirlwind, and soon he flew away.

Once again, Xie Chen turned to the top of the clock tower and scanned his eyes. After a while, he determined the location of the final battle. It was a coincidence that he was seeing Robin escorting the king into the secret passage.

I found you~

Xie Chen raised the corners of his mouth. Although the real person is thousands of meters away, he seems to be close to him. I have to say that from any angle, they are rare beauties, and they are completely different from Nami. The two styles, if set in the country of sand, should be described as a noble Cleopatra, beauty and wisdom coexist, like a poppy-like woman with two sides.

The smile is also different from Nami's cheerful and energetic feeling. There is a sense of alienation in the fascinating smile, which actually enhances her charm.

Regarding her affairs, he remembers roughly, but now he cares about her affairs, a little bit wants to know more specific things, what kind of things are superimposed one by one, creating this woman in front of him. He clearly had a miserable childhood and a dark life experience, and he clearly experienced countless exploits and betrayals. Why?

Nami has been desperate for the island where she was born, even if she does things that go against her heart, she keeps the bright colors that she should have.

But at that time, Robin, what else was there?

Why do you still keep yourself bright and pure white?

When you devote all your energy to the pursuit of historical truth, what is supporting you? ..


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