Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 97: Under the sun

Xie Chen stepped into the air and headed towards the navy. At the distance that had been discovered, Xie Chen turned to space jumps, making the opponent feel that the enemy had appeared suddenly, and attracted all his attention.

Xie Chen floated in the air, condescendingly looking down at the navy panicked by his presence, "Hello everyone, isn't it really good weather today?"

"'s the sun...sunlight! Xie Chen!" One of the soldiers reacted first and shouted out his identity loudly, his voice trembling with fear, and his words were not clear.

"When! Damn it! Hurry up and notify Colonel Tina!" The other one with a higher rank, calmer than the former, gave orders to others, "Others be on alert! Start war!"

"'s under the sun or something, it's true, just call me under the sun, maybe I'll be happier." Xie Chen also had a little opinion on how the navy called him, "Although I don't hate Shining Fruit. La."

A bullet was fired at Xie Chen. The marksmanship was good, centered in the left eye, but what use was this for those with natural fruit ability? Instead, it highlights their panic.

"Idiot! Why use ordinary bullets! Target the capable!"

"I haven't finished my words yet. Would you please be quiet for a while?" Xie Chen blew his fingers to shut up the noisy people, and then said, "In short, you are a bit in the way, so can you please Are you going to get out?"

"Are you kidding?!"

"That means the negotiation failed?"

Anyway, Xie Chen didn't intend to solve this peacefully. From the beginning, he planned to solve it violently. Xie Chen looked around and found that the three ships are usually in a team, and the team can be wiped out instantly with the sparkling fruit, but this is too boring. And the Merley is still at a safe distance, don't worry.

"In this case, let me move unilaterally." Xie Chen took the light whip in his hand and jumped into the navy. The first whip locked all the circles on the side and made them lose their combat effectiveness. , "What's the matter, there is no such thing as your colonel?"

"But... **** it!" Because of the disparity in strength, the navy on the scene rushed forward desperately, some wanted to wait by the side with sea tower stone products, and some had already given up. It's just that their fate is the same.

Originally wanted to do a good job, the result soon became his unilateral killing and abuse, Xie Chen soon began to feel bored.

There is no one who can fight.

"A little disappointed." Xie Chen jumped out of the crowd as he said. The light whip changed into a lightsaber. With a little bit of domineering injection, the dark patterns surrounded the lightsaber, and it expanded continuously. On the Black Gold Sword floating on the warship, under absolute pressure, everyone present finally understood.

Why does this man who is obviously a pirate have such a respectable title in his title?

This man has enough power to be king and emperor in this world.

When Xie Chen quickly solved the three ships, the Meili also approached, and the deceptive sniper ability was brought into play. It happened to hit a warship that wanted to fire on the remains of the warship where Xie Chen was standing. By the way, the other ship on the side involved.

"It's really good." Xie Chen jumped back to the Meili. Now there are no enemies in front of them. If you hurry up, even if the other warships on the side advance at full speed, there will be nothing to them. Threatened.

"Xie Chen, did you do those? That's awesome!"

"No... compared to this, it's more appropriate to say that it's scary." Liebu muttered, thinking that Xie Chen is not an enemy but a partner. It is really great. If it is the navy, it is really hopeless. Look like.

"It's just that the ability is just more convenient." Xie Chen was checked by Nami and Chopper and confirmed that there was no serious trauma. Even if there was, he recovered with the ability in front of them. "Here It is easy to solve because the colonel is not here, Heilao Tina, I heard that she is a very powerful person."

"Heilao Tina...ahhh~ it sounds like a woman as beautiful as a rose~" Sanji heard Tina's name, and suddenly rippled.

Xie Chen grabbed his hair, curled the corners of his mouth, and said, "I heard it's a great beauty, Sanji, your instinct is really strong in this respect."

"Really!?" The red heart almost jumped out of his eyes.

"Ah, yeah." The grinning Xie Chen felt an extra hand on his waist, and at the same time he pinched his tender meat constantly and forcefully. Not surprisingly, it was Nami with bulging cheeks, a pair of shrewd. The hydrating beautiful eyes were full of dissatisfaction with him, staring at him angrily. "Oh, what happened to Little Thief Cat?"

Ah, I seem to make the little thief cat angry again.

"You always know this very well!" Nami remembered about that woman before, and Xie Chen was confident that she definitely knew more than the other person. "Thanks! Morning!"

"There are also various reasons." Xie Chen wanted to move the topic away, but the other party let go first. Judging from the appearance, it has already started over there. It is indeed correct to calculate the time. , "Well, you take a break here first, and leave the rest to me."

"What's wrong with Nami-san?" Sanji looked at Nami worriedly, "Why is it uncomfortable?"

"No, just let her see Viviana." Xie Chen thought for a while. It should be uncomfortable, so he cast a soothing magic on her eyes, which made him a little bit distressed, because he had mastered it. Attacking and cursing is to host black magic. To do something similar to white magic, you must control the magic power to the extent that it does not harm people.

Still in the case of such a limited ability.

But there can be nothing wrong with this alone, the little thief cat is just one.

"Did you guys do it! Actually make Tina's subordinates...Tina is very angry!!!" An angry female voice came from the rear, and the voice looked over. The person who said that was standing on the warship. At the forefront, there was a pink-haired woman who was facing up in pitch black-Heila Tina. ..


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