Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 106: Stolen record

There are always some interesting things in sea voyages. Xie Chen recalled what happened during this period.

In the thick fog of invisible fingers, the Golden Merley accidentally sailed into the navy fleet. A kitchen servant who was troubled by not making curry fell from the warship and landed on the Merley. After learning about the situation, Sanji Shi decided to send the kitchen boy back to the warship and helped him finish the delicious curry.

In a small town where fireworks conventions have been held for 400 years, I watched the splendid fireworks that are enough to make people breathtaking. The deceitful cloth seems to have helped, and from the family that has made fireworks for generations, I got a lot of gunpowder.

After being chased by the navy, I arrived at an isolated island where I met Chaney, who used to be a loan shark who used to lend money to pirates and has now lived with the sheep on the island for 20 years, and helped him The pirate dream was fulfilled.

And the legend of the rainbow mist witnessed on Luluka Island...

These things, it seems that they will never encounter these things in a lifetime, and they have experienced them together. This period of time can be considered free, there are no powerful enemies, even if they encounter the navy, they are all shocking and not dangerous.

Xie Chen, who spent his time fishing day after day, couldn’t help but feel bored while looking at the calm seaside. However, I used my peripheral vision to look at Robin, who has recently begun to truly integrate into the Straw Hat Pirates. But at this time, his domineering appearance told him that a hulk was about to fall directly above the Merley.

what does this mean?

This means that the plot of going to the sky island and looking for the golden town is about to begin.

"It looks like it's raining." The cheating cloth was hit on the forehead by something small, and the first reaction was that it was raining, but when I looked at the clear sky, I found something was wrong.

"It's not rain, but... what's it?" Nami stretched out her hand and caught it a little bit. It was a relatively hard little thing, and a little pierced. It seemed to be wooden, "This..."

"It's a ship." Xie Chen ran to the bow of the ship a few steps, stepped into the air, tied the Meri with a capable rope in the air, and pulled it away from the dangerous area. A few seconds later, a huge ship Falling from the sky, even if it dodges quickly, the Merley makes the waves that have stirred up far.

"The boat... is really a boat!!!"

"Why would a ship fall from the sky!!!"

At this time, Nami also discovered a terrible thing. The record pointer suddenly broke at this time, pointing straight to the sky!

"No, it was attracted by the island with stronger magnetic force, which replaced the new record." Robin looked up at the sky. Although she herself could not believe the situation, she continued, "The pointer is facing upwards. ...It means that the record was taken away by the'sky island'!


"Sky Island?!"

Luffy’s eyes lit up instantly, "What is it? An island floating in the air?!!! Wow! What a funny look!!!"

Robin shook his head and quickly denied Luffy's statement, "No, it should be the ‘sea’ that floats to be precise."

"Hai?!" Nami felt that Robin must be joking, "Wait, no matter what, this is incredible!"

Sanji said weakly: "Anyway, the more I listen, the more confused..."

When Luffy heard that the sea was floating in the air, he immediately entered a state of absolute excitement, clamoring to go right away, like a child who wanted a new toy, completely not paying attention to the high price, and cheating. Bu, he is directing everyone, holding the rudder up, and wants to go straight to the sky.

But the rudder cannot be up.

Robin has only heard about this, and has not read the relevant literature, so he can't provide more help. However, Nami, who is questioning the record guidelines at this time, has given a piece of advice-as a navigator, consider It should be to record whether the pointer is broken, but to think about the way to go into the air.

Because there must be islands where the record pointer points!

This is an iron law that no one can question.

"Then Xie Chen! Do you know anything about Sky Island?" Nami put her last hope on him, but he couldn't say more.


"Sky Island is real, there is only so much I can say." Xie Chen shrugged and did not show any shock at what happened just now, which made them believe in the existence of Sky Island at once. .

After that, Xie Chen took Luffy and the deceitful cloth who wanted to take risks, and went to the boat that was still floating on the sea for the time being. Luffy found a map of the empty island, but it was actually nothing more. The appearance of being completely looted, too much time is a waste of time.

He and Luffy were still capable people. Looking at the sea water that was already overflowing, Xie Chen grabbed the two people who were still on Xing's head and reminded them that they should almost leave.

"Ah! Actually already... when!" Liar Bu only realized that the sea had already flowed over his feet, and the speed was accelerating.

"Ah... I'm out of strength..."

In the end, he resisted the two people back to the ship. Robin happened to fall on their ship, and the broken skull was put back together with adhesive. "It looks like you have made a lot of progress here."

"That's it." Robin handed the skull to his hand. "The scalpel mark called'Head Piercing' left on the top of his head can be inferred that he died 200 years ago, in his 30s. He died of illness during a voyage. Compared with other bones, only his teeth are more complete because of the tar coated on them. This is a unique custom in the South China Sea. According to the situation at the time, the ship was an expedition ship. ."

"Can it be confirmed from the literature?"

"Please wait a minute," Robin took a document with a sense of history, carefully broadcasted it page by page, and quickly locked it, "Yes, the ship's Saint-Buli located in the Kingdom of Bliss in the South China Sea. The SS' sailed 208 years ago."

In the black-and-white photo in the book, there is an image of a ship that is similar to the ship that has sunk, but is complete and brand new.

"I know so many things from a single skull. It's really you." Xie Chen praised without hesitation.

"you flatter me."..


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