Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 113: Sky Island plot in progress

Xie Chen got up and prepared to leave. The reason was that he wanted to go shopping and stroll around the island. He said that it doesn't matter if they set off first, "Don't worry about me, I will follow you soon. "

"But isn't it better to act separately?" Liar wants to stop him, but even if he wants to stop it, he can't stop him. Xie Chen is the light, how can human beings grab the light with their hands?

Xie Chen just laughed, turned into light and left.

Liebo looked at his empty hand, and couldn't help but began to complain, "Really Xie Chen is wayward enough, Suolong Sanji, you should also persuade Xie Chen just now, and Nami too. I haven't come back yet...really..."

"That's also going to be stopped, okay." Shanzhi spit out a cigarette, acting indifferent, "Don't worry, Xie Chen and Lu Fei are different, he won't mess around, since he said If you will catch up, don’t worry too much.”

"Although it is said..."

On the other side, Xie Chen has appeared on a street with shops, surrounded by the residents of the empty island. The sudden appearance of Xie Chen also became the focus of the first time, but no one dared to talk to him, as long as he had a look Looking over, all the people who peeped at him quickly retracted their sights.

Fortunately, it does not prevent him from buying things.

In the meantime, I met a soldier, and he didn't care at all. He didn't care at all. Anyway, the original is the same. Even if he paid the fine for everyone now, the rest of the plot is not going to happen.

"You want to refuse..."

Xie Chen raised his hand and wiped his face with a beam of light, and everyone was silent. A familiar feeling emerged in their hearts—a powerful fear of irresistibility.

"I don't care about you very much now, can I ask you to go away wisely?"

What has already been said is very rude.

The other party gritted his teeth, already unknowingly sweating, or cold sweat-the person in front of them is absolutely impossible to defeat, no, it is absolutely not offensive, like a god-like existence.

What is the end of offending God?

There is only one way to die.

Seeing that the team finally left wisely, Xie Chen continued his own purchases. Don't worry about how much you buy. There are panels, as long as you can get them.

But it's really unhappy...

The people here are really not polite at all, blatantly driving, seeing, hearing, and domineering, when no one can detect it?

Xie Chen took out the Black Magic Book, heavy and thick, and opened it. The corners of the paper were slightly yellowed. As Xie Chen recited the ancient mantra, a strange light appeared, faintly It was ominously red.

What he uses is a powerful anti-reconnaissance technique and a breath-eliminating isolation technique. Even if you are a strong person who has practiced the extreme dominance of seeing, hearing and coloring, don’t want to find him. For this reason, he also spent a lot of time and took out the black Magic book.

Next, get ready to meet the **** of this island, and it's time to meet a next opponent. and...

How dare to take his little thief cat away.

"That's not going to work." Xie Chen opened up his own domineering look and heard, and covered the entire island. At this time, as long as he wanted to, every move of everyone on the island was in his mind. Including the gods of this island, Aini Road sitting leisurely in the residence of the gods.

Got you.

If Anilu felt in the distance, he looked at the direction where Xie Chen finally leaked his breath, and was a little wary. This was the first time he felt such palpitations after he became a god. Who was looking at him?

No, it's impossible.

He is too confident in his own strength, God will not be surpassed by anyone.

"It's not the time to care about this indifferent illusion, that girl... really talkative." In Ainilu's mind, a blond girl, these obligors who wanted to lure criminals away, told the others about everything. Several people in, "In this case, no sanctions will be imposed.

Tian Lei was formed in the sky under his thoughts, falling heavily, the kid with the straw hat still remembered to save people, if it wasn't for that guy to be nosy...


"But fortunately, before the game has started, there is one less prey, but it's meaningless." Ainilu took an apple and weighed it, holding it, "It's also very idle anyway."

Ainilu looked at Luffy and his party with a little interest, Xie Chen was also watching him and Luffy and the others. At this time, Luffy Shanzhi had a deceitful cloth, and he had reached the fork of the test and chose the ball. The test, waiting for them is a long ball-like realization. Without those **** and shells, the overall strength is not strong.

Xie Chen thought for a while. They should have no problem with them, so they would care about it, but Nami, who really loves money, has been taken to the altar but still for Robin. Found the gem, left the Merley, and began to explore.

Speaking of which, this island does have treasures, piles of gold as high as a mountain, Nami would love it.

Do you want to visit the Golden Township first?

But it should be unnecessary, because Nami will soon discover the secret of this island, what Rolando, who is called a big liar, wants to say in that ridiculous story.

He saw gold in the skull's right eye.

"Sandia?" Xie Chen's domineering and domineering experience found some interesting things for him. He didn't remember all the plots here. Most of them were introduced by him. There were three priests, and finally God...

Xie Chen stood up from the tree trunk. Not far from him was the place where God lived. It was luxurious. Except for those who had just left, there were at least a hundred people, most of whom were maids with no offensive power. Now it is also a good opportunity. But it's very boring, the current plot...

Isn’t it more interesting?

His plan was to complete the task after the interesting plot, and the current situation really disappointed him. Sand Crocodile also had some conspiracies that he thought was good.

Seeing and hearing the domineering voice suddenly came Nami's worried voice: Xie Chen, he hasn't heard from him for so long, will it... will something happen? ..


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