Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 128: Reaching the water capital

At the beginning of a new day, although the bodies of the three of Luffy and others need to be calm, it was Chopper who said it was not particularly serious, so the final decision was to let the Merley continue sailing to the next island unknown to them. The beginning of a new adventure, perhaps because of the youthful things, the atmosphere on the boat was more or less depressed, Robin didn't have any special reactions, and quietly watched on the splint.

But if you look carefully, you will find that she didn't look in, just wandering. This is a normal Robin would never show up. Xie Chen will not talk to her any more now. Now she has to let her Think about it yourself.

"Xie Chen, isn't Robin..." Nami also discovered Robin's abnormality and was very worried.

Xie Chen felt her head to relieve her, but didn't say much.

Within three days, the surrounding climate began to stabilize. Today is a good weather, cloudless, and warm like spring. Nami recorded in her voyage diary that it was occasionally like summer.

Everyone is doing their own things. Xie Chen has been sitting on the railing of the boat and fishing for thousands of years. From time to time, he will gain something. Nami is basking in the sun and enjoying the food made by Sanji. Sanji and Sauron remain unchanged. After quarreling, the three members of the small group played together, and Luffy also showed how he looked after being frozen.

No matter how you look at it, Luffy's heart is really admirable, and this doesn't seem to be the first time he thinks like this.

During the voyage, they ran into a frog that was self-swimming on an uninhabited island before. Luffy ordered to chase him without saying a word. It’s not easy. Don’t think the other party is just a frog. , But the speed was not as fast as usual. Xie Chen saw that they were in high spirits, so he put down the fishing rod and ran to paddle with them.

After chasing all the way, they almost hit the sea train. This is a station. Here they met a girl named Timni and her grandmother Cocoro. Under their guidance, they decided to go to WaterSeven’s shipyard. , Repair the dilapidated Golden Meri, and look for a boatman by the way.

Xie Chen touched the mast of the Meili, and he estimated that it would pass through the Judicial Island, which is the limit of this child, because his intervention made Meili suffer a lot of crimes. It was not wrong, but the damage was not even once. The real repair is just a simple patch.

It is also embarrassing that it has survived until now.

Melly, is your decision made? Time is running out.

I can already vaguely see the city of water. Looking at it from a distance, the city of water is a huge and gorgeous fountain. Everyone’s eyes are attracted. The haze on Robin’s face in these days has also temporarily faded, revealing She smiled, showing some yearning and expectation.

It should not be said that everyone on the ship has unusual expectations for this island.

Luffy and the others took a simple map and a letter of introduction, and asked them to find a man named Bingshan. Luffy, who was eager to explore the island, deceived others. While Nami's colleagues had to go to the exchange office and the shipyard, Robin and Chopper also followed the island to take a look, and Sauron was in charge of guarding the ship.

"Xie Chen, won't you go together?"

"I have something else, so it's enough for you to go. By the way, you have to go to the gold shop to exchange money, right?" Xie Chen took out a few other treasures from his panel and handed them to them, which he collected from time to time. Yes, it's not what girls like, but it's valuable.

"This... when did you take these?" The deceitful cloth looked at the gold and silver that seemed to be raided from the nouveau riche's home, dumbfounded, estimated that it weighed ten kilograms.

"Well... don't care about it, just take it in exchange for the money and give Meili a good repair." Xie Chen couldn't tell them that the Meili was actually not repaired at this time. The money was for some trivial things later.

"Xie're such a good person!!! With these, the Merley will definitely be repaired!" Liarbo almost rushed up to give him a big hug, but was photographed aside by Nami.

"You still have so much private money!" Nami put her hands on her waist, staring at Mei, waiting for his explanation.

"You can't say that, mine is Nami and yours. It can't be said that it is private money." Xie Chen said that it was a pass. Seeing them leave, he got off the boat after preparing for a while, and took a look at Chopper. Robin, who had made an appointment, left without looking back.

He just wanted to look around, and find a vehicle that could be the next body for Merley.

In addition... an appointment has been made with another person in advance, "Merry, it's the first time you left the boat to the island, right?"

Meli's small figure loomed on his shoulders, still wearing a plain yellow raincoat. His face was a little clearer than before. He was a very cute child. He could see some silvery white curled hair, but now he couldn't see his gender, or It means that the ship itself has no gender.

"Hehe! I can go to the island too! Thank you, Xie Chen!" Meili smiled, looking at everything around him, these are very new things to him, "Xie Chen! That that! What's that? Everyone went in in a strange animal and disappeared!"

Xie Chen followed Meili's finger and explained to Meili, "That's the feature here, the water elevator, that kind of wonderful creature called Bull, it's the transportation in this city."

"Water elevator? Bull? Hmm..." Meili stared at it curiously, bit his finger, carefully pulled Xiechen's hair, and said, "Shall we go and see too?"

Xie Chen nodded, and under the stunned gaze of everyone, he stepped directly on the surface of the water and walked to the water elevator. The lady Yingbin standing at the door thought she had seen a ghost, and instantly turned pale, "Ah...ah... …"

"Miss, I am a person of fruit ability, a living person, please don't be afraid." Xie Chen explained to the person, the gentle and handsome smile made the opposite party's face a great contrast.

"Yes..." Miss Yingbin stared blankly at the other person walking into the door, clutching her chest and falling to sit down. ..


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