Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 141: Freshman Meili

Melly’s voice collapsed everyone’s last line of defense. The Luffy station was closest to Melly. He shouted to Melly in the fire: “We should say sorry, I won’t be at the helm, and you hit the iceberg. I broke the sails! Sauron and Sanji are also fools, always doing damage! Although the deceitful cloth repairs every time, the technology is terrible! I'm's us! !!!Merry!"

"But I'm really happy..." Melly didn't feel sorry for them, even though it was being burned by the fire and was about to disappear, "Xie Chen...Thank you for always chatting with me, really, now...I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry, I made you worry till now..."

"Xie Chen!?"

Xie Chen walked to Meili's side a few steps, Huo Yan seemed to be afraid of him, and the fire was much smaller.

"There is still a chance, Melly," Xie Chen put his hand on the body of the scorched ship, and the light passed from his palm. Everyone finally saw the spirit body of the Melly, and they were surprised. He found that little figure on the island, and he saw the man repairing Meli.

"Xie Chen..."

"Tell me, Melly! Do you still want to go on an adventure with us!" Xie Chen interrupted Meli's words, not wanting to hear him speak these words that waste precious time now, "Melly!"

"...I...I want to continue the adventure with everyone!!!" The little vague figure uttered a cry. After all, it was a child. How could he be willing to be here and sink into the dark sea? Die.

After hearing this, Xie Chen laughed. He turned into a demon form, turned his hands, and his right hand was a dark magic book with chains, and his left hand was kept in his panel. I don’t know what to do. The devil’s wings shook, and the other people and the boat were blown at least ten meters away. The flames on the Merley also disappeared instantly. At the same time, he also used the big one he had just obtained. The angel's breath healed Meli, hoping it would have the strength to hold on to the next thing.

"It's going!" Xie Chen threw the thunder fruit high, while singing an ancient and magical language, the silver lock on the locked black magic book shattered by itself, and no wind automatically turned to one of the pages. , The magic pattern on the slightly yellowed paper came alive with the input of Xie Chen's magic power, red light and unknown black shadows surged in it.

Everyone who saw it couldn't believe their eyes. The devil fruit supported by the light gradually changed its shape. At first it looked like an embryo. After growing up bit by bit, it can already be seen as a Human form.

The surrounding environment has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The dark clouds are densely covered with thunder and lightning. It is possible to fall at any time. I believe that people with gods have a feeling that the man is really a demon, and he is asking for it now. It's a matter of heaven.

Otherwise, the first sky thunder suddenly fell, with a fierce momentum, as if God’s punishment, the pale blue thunder light wrapped Xie Chen and Meili, they were not affected in the distance, but they were frightened by the situation in front of them. Speechless."Xie Chen!!!" It was Nami and Robin who yelled first. Xie Chen was their lover. As a woman, how could they see their lover being When lightning strikes, you can stay calm.

But the ceremony continued. Xie Chen didn't have a second mouth to tell them that he was okay. He could only increase his magic input and eliminate the lightning strike. The second thunder fell at this moment, followed by the third one. Four ways and the fifth way...The first way was twice as strong as the previous one. By the time of the last one, the others had to drive their boats to a place 100 meters away from them.

Xie Chen and Meili completed everything in the constant thunder and lightning. The new body has probably been formed. There is no distinction between men and women, and Meili needs to enter to finally take shape.

"Merry!" Xie Chen's incantation has been chanted. He looked at Meili who had resisted the lightning strike with him and tempered the spirit body. Although it was curled up on the ship, it did not disappear, and the spirit body was also Even more clearly, he understood that this matter was 70% sure, "Merry! It's now!"

Little Meli struggled to stand up, leaping towards the thunderous fruit that had turned into a human form with her own consciousness. The moment her hand touched it, she entered this new body transformed by Xie Chen , It’s just his battle, what Xie Chen can do is hold it, talk to it, or transfer his power over, "Merry! Win it!"

It refers to the fruit demon that lives in the fruit of the thunder. Only if it is defeated, Meli’s new body is considered to be completed. It is not without a price for him to do this. From the beginning of the ceremony, he received the task. Warning, but already started, he has no reason to stop.

"Merry! You are a member of the Straw Hat Pirates! Win it for me!!!"

Xie Chen's body, which was not breathing, suddenly opened. It was a pair of golden eyes dotted with dazzling lightning. The hair also grew out, soft and slightly curled, it was as white as a cloud, and his face changed from one to the other. The blur at the beginning became exquisite and cute, with fair skin and small body, who looked only the size of a ten-year-old child, and was naked...a girl.

"Father..." Meli looked at him, his eyes full of respect and admiration for his father. Those little hands circled Xie Chen's neck and he was unwilling to let go, and his little head kept rubbing.

Xie Chen couldn't let her be naked like this, so he immediately took out a coat from his panel and wrapped her up. Then she took her to the boat and met everyone, "Say hello to everyone."

"Everyone... I am Melly! Later... will I be allowed to adventure with you in the future!"

Seeing Meli, who was wrapped in a coat and nestled in Xie Chen's arms, everyone finally recovered and responded with ecstasy. Xie Chen asked Nami and Robin to take her to the room to get dressed, while he sat upside down on the splint, panting bloodlessly.

It is finally done! It's not in vain that he spent a third of his body's blood as the basic price. ..


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