Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 51: Encounter and separation

"Mother Pikachu has a heart-shaped tail." As he said, Chi pointed to Pikachu's tail. Xie Chen looked down, and it was indeed like this.

The pointed Pikachu nodded his chin in a shy manner and touched his head.

In that case, it wouldn't be... I have a girlfriend! ?

Xie Chen looked at his own Pikachu in surprise, he hugged his arms with pride, his tail was about to rise to the sky.

"So, this is not a friend, a girlfriend?"

For some reason, I feel so embarrassed that it is so strange that Pokémon finds a girlfriend so quickly. What should I do if this is the case? It seemed immoral to take Pikachu away in this way, but Xie Chen didn't want to change partners just like that.

So the answer is... do you want to subdue this kid? Two Pikachus in a team are also a bit bad.

Seeing Xie Chen frowned, Pikachu's tail gradually fell, as if feeling that Xie Chen's mood was not as good as he thought.


Even the calls became a little listless.

"Sorry, Pikachu, I can't take this kid with me, nor can I keep you here."

But a decision has to be made. Xie Chen touched Pikachu's head again. The journey is not all smooth sailing, after all, there will be some regrets. For example, like the current situation.

The mother Pikachu didn't look very disappointed, she just shook his tail, touched Pikachu, and then showed a pretty cute smile, "PIKAPIKA" softly called.

Pikachu's drooping ears stood up immediately.



Then after a conversation that was incomprehensible and meaningless to Xie Chen, Pikachu returned to Xie Chen. During this period, Chi just told Xie Chen that Pikachu was a mother, and then he said nothing, standing beside him, that's all.

Although the time spent together is not too much, Xie Chen still understands Pikachu's character. This guy is very fierce, and I can tell from the first meeting that he has high self-esteem and is very willful, like a kid, but Xie Chen knows that this guy is not a kid, it can be said that he has a deep scheming. The existence of this kind is a very clever Pokémon with wicked ideas and evil spirits.

This is why Xie Chen is unwilling to leave him in the forest. At the same time, he is also very curious about the female Pikachu. It’s quite amazing to have captured his own Pikachu in such a short time, and it is really cute. If it weren’t for the Pikachu at hand, Xie Chen would definitely want to conquer. She, after all, is really much cuter than her own.

Xie Chen once again expressed with his Pikachu that he could not take the two of them away together. Pikachu stopped insisting, and his tail and ears drooped together. Then the mother Pikachu ran over to pull Pikachu's paw, leaned over and kissed Pikachu's forehead.

Seeing Xie Chen, I felt that I was a little bit ashamed and wanted to avoid it. Damn it, why should the two little animals care so much? Could it be that Xie Chen was so embarrassed because of their IQs being closer to people? Well, the reality is that Xie Chen did avoid it. It was also during the time of avoidance, when Xie Chen turned back to find that the two Pikachus had disappeared.

This caused Xie Chen's heart to ring loudly, and the two big characters eloped hit his head. Xie Chen stood up abruptly, but was stopped by Chi when he wanted to look for it.

"Don't worry, don't chase."


When facing Chi, Xie Chen was confused. "No need to chase." Seeing Xie Chen's dazed expression, Chi emphasized it again, making Xie Chen even more puzzled.

"No, I'm asking why there is no need to chase."

He still understood the literal meaning before. He couldn't understand Chi's brain circuit.

"It will come."

Although Chi's language is as concise and unclear as always, Xie Chen still understands it, because after getting along for a while, I started to understand Chi's brain circuits. Even though Xie Chen doesn't want to understand this kind of thing...

So you can’t stop him from elopement, and the sentence that will come back is expressed in a complete sentence. How has the language ability of this person degraded to what is it? Normal people can't understand the meaning.

Xie Chen felt extremely weak, and the great power in his body - that is, the desire to complain about it that hadn't appeared for a long time, was stimulated by this fellow Chi. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. But Chi is a reliable person besides language. Otherwise, the doctor will not give him the illustrated book. Since Chi said so, Xie Chen no longer worry about those things. He turned to a relaxed tone and continued to Chi asked.

"how do you know?"

Xie Chen was indeed quite curious, Chi Ming clearly knew this without doing anything. I hope he won't answer that this is a bluff in the next sentence.

"They said."

Xie Chen was taken aback, and then suddenly reacted that this sentence should be said.

They just said it here.

What was said specifically, should be what should be done afterwards, and so on, and the final conclusion, well, Xie Chen didn't understand their language. Anyway, how does Chi understand?

"Do you understand them?" Xie Chen looked at him suspiciously.

Chi also was silent for a while, then nodded.

"...Then what did they say?"

"Not going."

"What about female Pikachu?"

Xie Chen continued to ask. I still feel that there are many places that are unclear.

This time Chi was silent for a long time, and it took a long time to speak slowly, seeing Xie Chen ashamed of thinking whether to let him not say it, Chi's language barrier was more terrifying than he thought.

"If you don't leave, I will come back to see her."

"Mother Pikachu will not leave here, and then Pikachu will still go with me, but occasionally will come back, remember her?"

Xie Chen looked at Chi with a complicated expression, and worked very hard to sort out his conclusions, and then he nodded when he saw Chi.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally got the ins and outs clear, but if Chi is good at speech, then he won't have to be so troublesome now.

After all, it's not too bad. ..


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