Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 89: Pokémon Tower

Later, Xie Chen learned from the little girl that the purple tower was called the Pokémon Tower, and it was the graveyard of Pokémon.

As for the reason why she played in such a gloomy place, Xie Chen was not so stupid to ask her.

No one tacitly mentioned similar related issues.

Xie Chen can't leave such a little girl here, even if she has parents, maybe he can't worry about her family coming to pick her up later.

In short, I took her to the Pokémon Center first, and took a break.

During the waiting time, Xie Chen learned other things from the girl, such as the recent situation in this city.

"Everyone is weird these days, the Pokémon Tower has become restless since the group of black-clothed guys came over."

Xie Chen looked around the Pokémon Center subconsciously, and then remembered that the girl was referring to people like ghosts instead of living people here.

Xie Chen caught the key words she was interested in from her words, and moved her **** to the girl's side, giving her a glass of milk obtained from the Pokémon Center.

Black-could it be that the lingering fellows of the Rockets are here again.

"Guy in black clothes?"

The girl nodded gently. "Some people dressed in black entered the Pokémon Tower in the middle of the night, and never came out again."

Not to mention why she knew what happened in the middle of the night, this sentence was also very strange, and Xie Chen couldn't help but shiver. No matter how bad the Rockets are, they didn't come out after entering the tower. This sentence is still unbelievable.

"The people who worshipped in the tower before did not come out."

"A worshiper?"

"It's Miss Miko!"

The girl's eyes seemed to light up when the witch was mentioned, and she seemed a little happy to explain to Xie Chen.

"The witch is the elder sister who worships on the tower and can be a ritual."

"You have a good relationship with them, like friends."

"Yeah~ Sister Miko is my friend!" The girl's eyes were crescent-shaped, looking very cute.

But after the smile lasted less than two seconds, her expression became sad again. She lowered her head and looked at the milky white milk. The paper cup was slightly wrinkled, and she tightened her hands holding the paper cup. "But they haven't come out for several days."

"Can't you go in and find it?"

After learning these useful information, Xie Chen also developed an action plan for himself.

Originally, he just planned to rest here and leave. Pokémon Tower, Pokémon’s graveyard, he can’t hide in places like that, let alone go in, but now he knows that the Rockets guys have entered this tower. , Behaved in this little purple town, which made him unable to sit back and watch. After all, this is also one of his tasks, defeating the Rockets.

Maybe Lance was also here, being one of them, then the old and new hatreds would have been reported together. Xie Chen was unhappy when he learned of the scars hidden in the bottom of the heart by the Flying Mantis on the Saint Ann.

"Everyone in the town thinks it's ghosts and dare not go in, but isn't it like that, they are all good boys, do you believe me, big brother?"

Now Xie Chen knew why she was playing near the Pokémon Tower alone. It's hard to tell whether the child can really see the ghost, but the adults think it is her lie.

"I believe you, so I want to go in and find it."

"You want to go in?"

"Since someone is messing around here, it must be resolved, right?"

Xie Chen patted the little girl's head.

"Do you want to come with me? If I can't see the ghosts, I might be driven out as an intruder. You are also friends of those ghosts. Come and help me convince them to let me in?"

Compared to ghosts and ghosts, what is more terrifying should be those little guys in the ghost system who are out of sight and like pranks and scares. Xie Chen is not a person resistant to ghosts. If this girl can help him open up a path, at least not It would be great to be pranked by a ghost-type Pokémon.

Otherwise he might be scared for half his life.

"Okay! If it's the big brother, I will help!"

So he took Pikachu and the little girl into the Pokémon Tower.

The first floor was okay. He saw the counter, but there was no one.

There is a thin layer of dust on the register in front of the counter. It seems that it has not been a day or two for the Rockets to enter this tower. Did they really bring enough food to live in such a gloomy place for more than a week? Xie Chen felt very skeptical about this.

I hope I don’t see a bunch of bones when I reach the top floor. Of course this is a joke.

The girl turned on the lights on the first floor. Since it is an indoor cemetery, there must be lights. Xie Chen has forgotten this.

The faint smell of incense made Xie Chen feel uncomfortable. The smell came from above, indicating that going up is where the incense is strong.

The first floor is just a hall, and now there is no one. Xie Chen quickly found the stairs on the second floor to lead the little girl up there. After stepping on the last step, rows of tombstones come into view.

Solemn and quiet. Rows of tombstones are engraved with different names and portraits, silently telling their lives.

It's a pity that Xie Chen doesn't have time to watch their story now.

The second floor already has misty smoke visible to the naked eye.

Xie Chen subconsciously held the girl's hand when he was on the second floor and has not let go.

The second floor was also as empty as the first floor. Xie Chen stood there, closed his eyes and prayed in his heart for a while, then held the girl's hand to find the stairs leading to the third floor.

The feeling of walking through the tombstone is definitely not good, and the smell of incense is always holding the tip of the nose.

Although he didn't believe much in ghosts, Xie Chen still subconsciously put light on his steps and pace, and tried to quietly shuttle with no sound. He didn't want his actions to disturb the sleeping soul here. The girl was also quiet at this time, she cleverly followed Xie Chen without saying a word. ..


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