Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 91: Weird space

After reaching the fourth floor, Xie Chen held the girl's hand and tightened it again.

The strong smell of incense Xie Chen has also been numbed by the stimulation, so he doesn't feel much.

The smoky atmosphere on the fourth floor is up to another level, and even the color of the tombstone is not so clear.

This floor is different from the floors below, and there is the sound of people moving.

The sound was not very loud, it was just the sound of cloth rubbing, and there were soft footsteps.

Generally speaking, it is still very quiet, and the voice of speaking in this kind of air will be reduced a lot.

For example, the girl’s voice was very small just now, she said, "This is the floor where Miko Sister does the ritual."

"Maybe they will be here, let's go see it together." Anyway, these tombstones are not neatly arranged, and they have to go around to find another staircase.

Xie Chen didn't understand the design, but after thinking about this place, he didn't come anyway, so he tolerated this time.

The atmosphere at this level always gave Xie Chen a strange feeling that he would become a person in the next second, and that Pikachu on his shoulders or the girl he was holding hands tightly would disappear in the next second.

In short, hurry up and leave this place that doesn't feel good, Xie Chen meditated in his heart.

When Xie Chen appeared in front of Xie Chen's eyes, he was also a little surprised.

Although it is utterly stupid to find things that can be explained by common sense in this kind of world, Xie Chen couldn't help thinking about how this clear light was emitted.

The light didn't feel terrible, and the girl broke Xie Chen's hand without fear at all, and ran into the aperture.

"This is made by the Miko sisters! You can rest here, everyone won't come here."

Everyone also refers to ghosts.

Although it was only a short while, Xie Chen had already figured out that the particularity of the girl's vocabulary would not cause any misunderstanding.

Pikachu once again moved ahead of Xie Chen. He jumped directly into the glowing circle and then got into the girl's arms, which was close.

Probably Pikachu is very friendly to everyone except himself. Xie Chen felt very helpless, and followed behind and walked into this small circle. The body was gently stroked by the blue light. The light came from the ground, but it was not dazzling at all. On the contrary, it was a bit comfortable. Perhaps it really had the effect of restoring physical strength.

Just when he and the girl were resting here for a while, those footsteps that always sounded far away suddenly approached. Xie Chen and Pikachu were nervous and vigilant almost at the same time, but the girl immediately got up and wanted to run out—— Of course she didn't let her run around, Xie Chen buckled her in time, when her toes were about to leave the aperture.

What emerged from the fog was a woman wearing a red and white witch costume but with a disheveled hair.

If it is neatly combed and tied with a white ribbon, the black long hair will almost cover the face, and only one eye will look terrible.

"Sorceress, Miko..."

When I saw her face, the voice of the girl who had always been in a dull mood also trembled, I am afraid she was frightened. Xie Chen pulled her behind, and Pikachu immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Xie Chen in a fighting posture.

Within this aperture, his body was filled with power and he was extremely relaxed. It's more than enough to deal with such a woman who looks a little abnormal in spirit.

Xie Chen held a trace of delusion that she might still be able to communicate with her, and hesitated to say-"Are you the witch who is stationed in the Pokémon Tower?"

The other party did not listen to Xie Chen's words, and twisted her neck strangely, with a hideous light in her eyes. Xie Chen noticed that her eyes were always staring wide, as if to stare out, it was as terrible as it was. It also seemed to be covered with bloodshot eyes without a rest, and there were thick dark circles under his eyes.

It's as scary as a ghost.

Xie Chen pursed his lips and looked at Pikachu. In the worst case, he would use Pikachu to directly attack people.


Xie Chen couldn't even hear whether she was laughing or not. The feeling was really weird, so Xie Chen didn't hesitate to let Pikachu attack her.

Whether she is the witch here or not, her body is now occupied by ghosts.

"Pikachu, electromagnetic waves!"

Xie Chen would not be stupid enough to attack her with combat skills, the purpose is to get out and not to kill. If he kills in this world, he might have to take it away for Miss Junsha.

Besides, the Rockets have never killed anyone. They only sell Pokémon. Coupled with the girl by his side, she can't leave her too bad memories.


Pikachu jerked his tail up and lowered his forelimbs, releasing the electricity in the electric air bag, and crackling. When the air was charged with subtle static electricity, she suddenly took a step back, and then a black Pokémon appeared in front of her.

——"Ghosts, gas Pokémon. You can go through anything, you can also sneak into the wall to observe the situation of the opponent."

The mechanical sound of the illustrated book came from Xie Chen's hands, and it seemed a little ethereal in the empty room. But now I can't manage that much.

Could that ghost be the culprit for manipulating the Miko?

Xie Chen's brain was running fast, but before he came to a conclusion, the girl behind him came out.

"It's a ghost!"

If she only meant to express pure breed issues, there would be nothing to pay attention to, but Xie Chen knew that most of the words and sentences in the girl's words could not be understood by normal people.

"Did you know it?"

After hearing Xie Chen's question, the girl stared at the ghost, and then nodded heavily. "He is the Pokémon of Miko Sister!"

Pikachu immediately curbed his sharp edge.

That being the case, he will appear here to confront Pikachu only because of the protector's instinct. ..


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