Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 120: The Rockets are coming!

When Pikachu raised his tail triumphantly, Li Jia also obediently lowered his eyes to recover the vine monster. At this moment, she did not have the sharpness that she had just revealed, and she changed back to the way she suddenly appeared in front of Xie Chen in the first place, as if a girl who could not fight.

"The little girl admitted that she had lost. The little girl saw it right, you are so strong, please accept the rainbow badge."

She walked to Xie Chen, and Pikachu saw Li Jia admit defeat and immediately ran back to Xie Chen and no longer became an obstacle in front, until Li Jia placed the rainbow-colored polygonal badge on Xie Chen's hand.

"Don't you still have one."

Holding the small badge, Xie Chen's mood was a bit complicated, and Li Jia hadn't tried her best yet.

"If the vine monster in the best condition can't beat you, there is no way. So the little girl gives up and is willing."

"In that case, is the Vine Monster your strongest Pokémon?"

Xie Chen couldn't trust this kind of rhetoric. Lijia seemed to be hiding her strength, but she didn't seem to be a person who would hide her strength, but she didn't want to be too suspicious about anything, anyway, the badge was in hand. If you think too much about anything, it’s easy to stop. Xie Chen is not that kind of idiot, so she took the rainbow badge without asking too much, but the badge was suddenly violent within two seconds after it was put in the box. The shock made him unable to stand firm all of a sudden, and the old badge box in his hand - naturally fell to the ground, sprinkled with the badge.

Li Jia immediately stepped back, even if she wore clogs, she could stand steady and steady. A hole was opened at the top of the gymnasium greenhouse, and the ground was full of broken glass. Then Xie Chen saw the group of lingering black uniforms, the Rockets.

Xie Chen’s eyebrows were raised, and his clenched fists were enough to express his dissatisfaction. Of course, this dissatisfaction was not because of the interruption of talking with Lijia or the destruction of the gymnasium. His anger was only because of his badge box. And the badge was knocked out.

Although it’s not a very important thing, but at any rate, it’s because I have run so many roads so hard, so easily knocked over to the ground, it is as irritating as if my dignity has been insulted, this badge The positions of the badges in the boxes are corresponding grooves, and the shock of falling on the ground pours out the small metal badges inside, falling everywhere.

Pikachu roared angrily, and lowered his predecessor with a grin. Rica was standing a little further away, frowning. In fact, the scene is still a bit troublesome. The Rockets guys stand in the middle to separate himself from Rika, and all of Rika’s Pokémon have lost the ability to fight. Without Pokémon, she is just an ordinary woman. If she is injured, she can it is good.

And that group of Rockets also seemed to target Lijia.

Pikachu moved quickly back to Xie Chen's side. At this time, he held the electrical department gymnasium and the yellow badge of the dead leaf in his mouth.

The badge of the Electric Gymnasium naturally has the effect of enhancing the power of the electric Pokémon-at this time Xie Chen is not very clear, but the group of Rockets angered Xie Chen and Pikachu. Because when their actions retreated again, Xie Chen swiped a big pen and Pikachu immediately erected a lightning rod-like tail, and the electricity burst from his body, straight, attacking the black that stood in front of him——

When he fell due to electricity, Xie Chen also saw the green whip flash by.

There is no doubt that it is Lijia's self-defense strategy, but her Pokémon should have been completely wiped out just now, or is it true that Lijia still has any killer skills, as Xie Chen had guessed? Although so guessed, after the Rockets fell, Xie Chen saw a beautiful flower standing in front of her.

——Sure enough, he kept one hand.

Xie Chen couldn't help swallowing his saliva. It was because he realized that the master of the gymnasium was actually not that weak. Sure enough, Lijia was as strong as he thought.

Of course, the person who came to attack the gymnasium must not know which one, from the broken ceiling above the head, jumped down the people wearing black clothes one after another, endlessly.

Just to vent some anger, Pikachu is also full of momentum, ready for the next discharge at any time. Li Jia's beautiful flower stood on tiptoe and danced under this situation, and the soft pink petals floated up, brushing the tip of Xie Chen's nose, and he could smell the faint fragrance of flowers.

Flower Dance-It is a skill suitable for beautiful flowers.

Li Jia put a hand on her chest and smiled lightly, like the Li Jia that Xie Chen saw before, calm and elegant.

"Don't underestimate the little girl."

Lightning and petals burst together.

The discharge of the wide-range attack did not let go of the Rockets who hadn't jumped from the roof, and together with Xie Chen's anger, rushed into the sky.

Xie Chen picked up the badges that fell on the ground and put them back in the box carefully one by one.

Pikachu and Meihua **** the guy who had just been corona, and the number was still quite large, but when he thought of attacking the gym, this number was normal.

Xie Chen stuffed the badge box back into his backpack and took a deep breath.

Now the anger is over, the badge is also picked up, and there is something to ask Lijia.

"Miss Lijia, why do you think they attacked your gym?"

Lijia didn't hide, and she didn't have any intention of concealing the facts for the trainer who had not known Xie Chen for long and had unlimited potential.

"Because the little girl issued a rectification request to the game hall."

"So you know the existence of underground bases."


"Then why do you hide your strength, you still have a beautiful flower-trump card, right?"

"...That's right."

"Why not go all out?"

"Because the little girl expected the remnants of the Rockets to attack the gym."

Xie Chen couldn't help but admired in his heart.

"Is it all expected... but if that's the case, I can't..."

"No, please accept the badge. Even if I didn't do my best, I could see that you have the ability to defeat me in the battle with the Rockets. The rainbow badge belongs to you."

Rica said so. ..


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