Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 14 Chapter 149:

The color of the stone can no longer be seen in the frozen place, and the whole thing has turned into a cold tone of snow white and blue. I don't know where the light source can be seen clearly in the cave, so there is no need to light up the lights.

"There seems to be a way out there, let's go and see."

After all, it's too big here.

Xie Chen retracted the wind speed dog into the ball, and then took the Chenglong. The waters in this area are very gentle and you can swim there, and Xie Chen's guess is not wrong, there is indeed a way there.

Speaking of it, there are also big rocks and ice caves that can be pushed everywhere, and some ice caves are underneath the water flow. Xie Chen tried to push these rocks down, it seems that the water flow can be blocked.

In that case, the turbulent water flow becomes smooth, and the places that cannot be walked become able to walk. At this moment, Xie Chen saw a flying shadow passing by.

Okay, I found it. Naturally, Xie Chen jumped down promptly. The ice cave was big enough for Xie Chen to jump down. Of course, he did not forget to take protective measures, and he immediately released Laplace during the fall. Let him carry himself, and if he just fell into the water, Xie Chen would definitely become an iceman.

However, in this way, the sound made by Xie Chen was also quite loud, and coupled with the echo in the cave, for a while, he fell into a situation where his ears were blinded by this huge sound and could not hear other sounds.

Xie Chen couldn't manage that much, and Chenglong immediately chased after him.

I won't let them go when I'm here! But I didn't plan to let it go at first.

When Xie Chen jumped ashore, he realized that something was wrong.

This place is not only the shadow of just now. There are many Rockets players gathered here, and Apollo is in front, Sakagi is not here.

"Hey, bring back my Pokémon!" Xie Chen stepped forward and shouted in a louder voice than before.

Apollo turned his head nonchalantly and glanced at Xie Chen. There is no image of a fan when Sakaki was there.

It seems calm and unhurried, more like a reliable villain.

"It's already Lord Sakagi's thing now." The words that came out of that mouth were even more irritating.

"What kind of **** joke...Is that right? It seems that it won't work without a fight."

Xie Chen twitched his lips.

"That won't work, it's the key now. Hey, kick him out."

"Don't underestimate me!"

With a wave of Xie Chen's hand, Laplace immediately raised his neck, and fired a freezing beam below the freezing point from his mouth to the people approaching Xie Chen, freezing their feet with great precision, making them intimate with the floor. contact.

"If you leave me alone, I won't let you go on. I can't control what you **** want to do here, but you have to return my friends to me!"

To be honest, Xie Chen doesn't want to worry about any conspiracy the Rockets have, even though it may be related to his mission. Even if they know that one day there will be a difference, their importance is still more important than anything else.

"Tsk. Who knows where your Pokémon is now, don't hinder our Rockets!"

Apollo seemed a little impatient, of course Xie Chen was more impatient than him. "It seems you won't tell me if you don't want to suffer. Laplace, Frozen Beam!"

"... Difficult guy! What are you guys trying to do to stop him! Don't let him ruin our Rockets' great plan!"

"Are you going together? Just right! I don't want to waste time with you!"

Xie Chen immediately took out all the remaining Elf Balls, and the cold cave seemed to become warmer with the appearance of the wind speed dog, and then the roar of the sack dragon seemed to shake the cave twice.

"Wind speed dog, jet flames, pouch dragon, earthquake, coo, hypnotism!"

Xie Chen now didn't care about whether he would hurt his companions. The earthquake skill was an effective way to clear the field, but his side would also be hit. Considering Pikachu's paper-like defense, Xie Chen didn't let him play for the time being.

The blazing flame swept a full circle from left to right, delaying almost everyone's movements by one round. After all, no one wanted to be ignited by the flames of the wind speed dog, but Xie Chen still did not leave them a breather leisure— -He saw Apollo's white back walking deeper, and the fire didn't strike.

The Qianglong earthquake made the standing opponents crooked, and then hypnotism caused everyone to fall into a deep sleep state. There may be fish slipping through the net, but Xie Chen didn't want to care about it, let alone such a cold place. Falling asleep puts their lives at risk.

"Cut, you were defeated so soon. But unfortunately, I can't let you pass next."

Apollo stopped, holding a senior ball in his hand.

"No matter what, you can't let you interfere with my plan!"

"Finally, are you going to take it seriously? Just to my liking!"

"What is the plan you are talking about?"

Another voice came from behind.

"Xie Chen, you really worked hard~"

Luhe Ye came from behind. "It's you doing good things over there, right? It's unrelenting. But I don't think you want to procrastinate here now. Why don't you go and see their ‘what’s the plan’?"

Lu suggested, but was rejected by Xie Chen.

"I said I don't want to use your power!"

"Well, well, don't be so excited. Don't be stunned."

Xie Chen calmed down a bit after being said by Green. Indeed... the fact that Apollo was so persistent in blocking Xie Chen's path was indeed a concern.

In his tone, the Pokémon snatched from the Elf Center seemed to be less important, at least not more important than this plan. Since Apollo doesn't say anything, it's not bad to threaten him with this.

"How about it, do you want to check it out? I don't think you will be stopped by Apollo. It's up to me and Xiaoye to deal with it here. Go ahead." Lu Chong Xie Chen snapped his fingers. "Moreover, I also care about the plan."

"... Cut. Since you have said so. I'll leave it to you here."

Xie Chen nodded and rushed towards Apollo.

"Hello, Mr. villain over there, your opponent is us!"..


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