Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 116: Open area

Just as the gray cat and Feimei were confident that they could succeed, their pupils suddenly contracted. Ye Yi, who was clearly stabbed by herself just now, disappeared from the two of them without warning, leaving only two clothing belts.

The two blades intersect, but there is no figure in the middle.

"Secret footwork, third of the four maples, empty cicada."

Ye Yi said expressionlessly on a stone beside them.

The gray cat was just about to turn his head, his body was kicked out with a strong force, and hit the wall behind.

Feimei was about to retreat, but it was too late, so Ye Yi grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up.

"What? The little girls these days just talk about it."

Feimei struggled hard, but her body did not obey her orders and her breathing became heavier and heavier.

Ye Yi looked back at Xie Chen and shouted: "You go first, Xie Chen, now rescuing the captain is the most important thing."

Xie Chen stared at Ye Yi, and a sense of intimacy came from nowhere. Perhaps that was the reason why he had just been able to say that to her.

Ye Yi looked at Xie Chen, smiled and added: "But then you can do whatever you want."

Xie Chen tried to draw a slightly stiff smile, responded, and then rushed forward.

At this time, Ukitake Shiro and Kyōraku Chunshui had entered the cave. In front of them, there was a staircase made of layers of stones. There were several columns on the top of the staircase, reaching the top of the cave.

Jingle Chunshui supported the brim of his hat and smiled in a relaxed tone: "It seems that we have reached a unique place again."

"You are really leisurely." Ukitake Shirirou glanced at him and said.

"Don't say that, it seems that if this cave doesn't climb up this staircase, it won't be able to reach it."

At this time, in front of the two of them, a woman with a blindfold walked out above the stairs.

"Come and play something." Then from somewhere in the cave came the cry of a child, but it was obviously not the woman's voice, "Come and play."

Ukitake Shiro looked around, "Who is it?"

The voice came again, "He asked who it was, who was it."

Although the voices are the same, they are obviously two people, "Do you really know us."

Ukitake Shiro looked up, and two cute children wearing high hats fell from the sky, just pressing Ukitake Shiro.

"Hey, come and play, come and play."

"That's the case." Jingle Chunshui took a look and said, "It seems that we can't move on without playing with these children."

"Yeah." Ukitake Shirano also smiled forcefully: "Although it is a Soul Slasher, it is really difficult to play with children."

"Really, it hurts my brain."

The two children, one on the left and the other on the right, touched Ukitake Shiro's cheeks with their fingers, and smiled mischievously: "Come and play."

"So." Ukitake Shirirou said with an awkward smile: "Who are you anyway?"

"Who is it, who is it."

"Is it Pisces, isn't it."

"You've got it!" Pisces is the soul-cutting knife of Ukitake Shiro. Both he and Jingle Chunshui's soul-slashing knives are peerless pairs of soul-slashing knives only after the beginning of the solution (the one before the beginning of the solution).

The two children ran forward, "I guessed it all at once, it's really boring."

"I'm so sorry, I deprived you of fun." Ukitake Shirirou stood up from the ground.

"Then let's start the next game."

"Well, let's start." The two children discussed each other.

"What are you playing? How about throwing a fan."

"Well, this is good, good."

Then the two children took out a piece of origami from their arms, the origami flashed golden light, and two fans with goldfish patterns appeared above them, and then the fans spun quickly, forming a golden circular light.

"Okay, go ahead."

Two golden discs rushed towards Ukitake Shiro.

On the other side, Jingle Chunshui stepped up the steps and stared at the woman wearing the blindfold. There is no doubt that this woman is his soul-slashing knife.

"So." Jingle Chunshui said, holding up the brim of his hat, "What can I do with you."

"It's not a coincidence." Huatian Kuanggu said: "The game with you is over."

"Don't say that, we have been together for so long, can't you please return the sword to its original sheath now?"

"I refuse." Huatian mad bones said decisively: "Your kind of decadence, we are already very tired of it."

"We?" Jingle Chunshui supported the brim of his hat, and he suddenly understood that his Soul Slashing Sword was also a double sword after liberation, so it shouldn't be a single person after the physical appearance.

At this moment, a figure slowly rose from the wall beside him.

"Then the other Reiatsu that I have been feeling since just now does not seem to be my illusion."

After Huatian Crazy Bone Swords materialized, the two people looked almost opposite.

The tangible long sword is the image of a mature female elder sister. Both the clothes and headwear have a skull-shaped pattern. The hair is long and curly. He wears an eye mask on the right eye. He has a gloomy and dignified personality and is named Huatian.

The materialized short sword is the image of a rigid ninja girl with thin straight short hair and a single skull decoration on the left side of the hair. The face is covered by a mask and hair. Only the right eye is visible, named Crazy Bone.

However, at this time, Kenpachi Mengki finally walked to a place with a slight light and stopped.

"Finally appeared."

Standing on the stone wall above Gengmu Kenpachi were Tianqi and Yanlingwan.

"It saves me searching one by one, it's really helpful."

Yan Lingwan stood beside Tianshan and said, "You can find it here, **** of death, the previous hatred, I will ask you for it here."

At this time, Xie Chen was still running forward on a passageway in the cave.

He could feel the Reiatsu of Captain Yamamoto Genryuzhai just ahead.


In the front of this passage, suddenly a man with a hat on his clothes, like a wizard, stood in front of Xie Chen.

But every time Xie Chen was about to touch him, his figure moved away again, going back and forth like this, leading Xie Chen to an open area. ..


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