Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 122: Target present

But in addition to protecting the corpse and soul world and the Jingling Court from being destroyed by outsiders, the Guarding 13 team also has a top priority, that is, protecting the human beings in the human world from being disturbed.

Because once the balance of the human world is broken, the corpse soul world will also fall into chaos.

"There is something Muramasa is looking for in Kuza Town."

However, at this time, Muramasa had already appeared in the sky above the earthly world Kanzacho with Kuchiki Byakuya and Senbonzakura.

The crossing gate closed behind the three and disappeared.

The village was looking down on the streets of Kuza-cho, and slowly said, "Is this the current heavy-spirit Kuza-cho?"

Then he turned his head and looked at Kuchiki Byakuya and said, "Kuchiki Byakuya, thanks to you I can get what I want and find a place where I can achieve my goal. Thank you very much."

Kuchiki Byakuya said nonchalantly: "I just follow the glory and take action."

Muramasa quietly stared at this man who is now the only remaining head of the four nobles in the corpse soul world. He does not look like a betrayal. His self-esteem is heavier than anyone. But what exactly is the glory in his mouth, even Muramasa is increasingly confused.

At this time, as if to ease the embarrassment, Chibon Sakura stepped forward and said: "The heavy spiritual land is the singularity of the spirit. If this continues, a large number of spiritual things will gather here, so I will take care of the emptiness that is so close. ."

Muramasa retracted his gaze from Kuchiki Byakuya, nodded and said, "I see, if you want to express your emotions, you can wait until your goal is reached."

Before Mura Masa finished speaking, Kuchiki Byakuya flashed and rushed out to the other side.

Senbonzakura looked at Kuchiki Byakuya's leaving back, and said to Muramasa, "I will keep an eye on him."

Muramasa nodded and said, "I will leave it to you."

After Senbonzakura left, Muramasa still stared at the location where Kuchiki Byakuya left, thinking to himself: Kuchiki Byakuya, what are you thinking about.

But before he came up with an answer that he could accept, a severe and unbearable pain suddenly appeared in his mind.

"There is almost no time, we must speed up..."

At this time, in the cave surrounded by flames in the corpse soul world.

Kyōraku Chunshui stroked the brim of his hat and asked Yamamoto Genryusai, "Is this true, Old Man, why is the village looking at the present Kuzacho."

But before Yamamoto Genryuzhai could give an answer, two consecutive tongues of fire came behind him.

After avoiding, Ye Yi said at this moment: "Anyway, let's escape first."

Xie Chen stepped forward and said coldly: "Leave it to me."

Xie Chen's **** fire is no matter what, it will burn to the end before it disappears, even if it is a flame, it will melt.

Just as he was about to condense the spiritual pressure to release his unique black flame, Ye Yi held his wrist and said softly: "No, your body hasn't recovered yet. You just used that kind of power just now. It's too crazy. "

Xie Chen turned his head and seemed to be unwilling to be mentioned about breaking the barrier of Yamamoto Yuanruuzhai, but he still obeyed Yeyi's words and did not continue. He also understood that if he used large-scale force forcibly, he would go All subsequent actions will be void within a period of time.

When Xie Chen turned his head, he happened to see the ground nearby. The opening of the cave was created by himself rushing up, but at this time it was completely blocked by the collapsed stone.

"Then get out from there." "Yeah." Nodded at one o'clock in the evening, and said, "It seems that it has not been completely closed."

Without hesitation, Ye Yi jumped up.

"Quickly open."

Ye Yi's back and shoulders were all surrounded by high-concentration compressed Rei Pressure. The rags and clothing on both shoulders broke instantly. The powerful Rei Pressure poured into his hands and feet, and Ye Yi punched the ground.

The ground that had been blocked leading to the underground cave was instantly smashed through by Ye Yi.

Ye Yi shouted in the cave: "Everyone, come here."

Just as the captains were about to follow Ye Yi to jump down, a few fireballs hit from the bottom of the cave a few steps, smashing the rock wall, and blocking the passage again.

"Is it blocked again?" Ukitake Shirirou shouted from above: "Yeichi, how about it."

"I'm fine." Ye Yi answered at the bottom.

But then three more fireballs hit from the bottom of the cave, and Ye Yi dodges smoothly.

The entire underground cave shook.

Gengmu Jianba, who was still in the underground cave at this time, said, "Xie Chen, they have already started."

Caolu Yaqianliu poked his head out from behind the stone wall and asked with some worry, "Xie Chen is all right."

Gengmujian raised his mouth and said, "He won't die in this kind of place. If he is defeated and killed, then I and the guy who killed Xie Chen will fight each other, that's all."

Then he looked to the side and said: "Then let's make a big scene too, hello."

Tian Qi put down the Soul Slashing Knife, waved the flame-emitting wheel in his hand and threw it at Gengmu Jianba.

"Don't do such silly things."

Gengmu Jianba easily smashed the fire wheel with the Soul Slashing Knife, and then slashed it towards Sky Scourge. The two of them collided with their blades. Although Sky Scourge reminded of the greatness, Gengmu Jianba did not lose the power.

After several fights, Gengmu Jianba held the blade of Heavenly Scourge with his hands.

"You guy should do the real thing, too."

At this time, Yan Lingwan had become a broken blade.

Gengmu Kenpachi held the blade of the Scourge and continued: "I know, you didn't use your real ability to protect your companions, so I beheaded him first. The guy who was in the way disappeared, and then the real thing is. celebration."

Gengmu Jianba loosened the blade of Heavenly Scourge and raised the Soul Slashing Knife, the golden spiritual pressure rose like a beam of light, almost the entire cave was about to collapse.

At this time, the scourge was not hiding its strength, and the red spirit pressure surged in the body without losing momentum.

"Xiaojian seems to be finally getting serious." Kuolu Yaqianyu said with a smile beside him.

"Ah." Gengmu Jianba said: "You step back a bit, Yaqianliu."

"Understand." Caolu Yaqianliu jumped to one side. ..


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