Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 143: Overflowing love

Slash the soul knife.

Its shape and ability are built around the soul of the **** of death himself. The **** of death gains power by knowing the name of the soul-slashing knife given to him, and by having a spiritual dialogue with it.

To be born with the **** of death, and die with the **** of death, this is the Soul Slasher.

After being alienated in midair, the eyes of the village under the virtual mask glowed blood red.

After a flash of light, he rushed down towards Xie Chen and others at an unstoppable speed.

"You retreat."

In an emergency, Xie Chen said hurriedly, but when Kuchaki Rukia and the others were in a daze, Muramasa had already rushed in front of him. Xie Chen gritted his teeth, raised the Soul Slasher and took it hard. Just touching it, his wrists were slightly Tingling.

The current village is covered with sloping steel skin. This steel skin is formed by the size of the spiritual pressure. The greater the spiritual pressure, the higher the defense power.

With the addition of a high-speed dive, the impact of a moment is not small.

At this moment, after the collision, almost at the same time, Xie Chen exploded with a black flame-like spiritual pressure, and he just bounced Cura Masa out.

After the village was on the ground, those blood-red eyes stared at Xie Chen and the others without vitality.

"That pair of eyes..." Seeing Mura Masa's eyes, Inoue Orihime couldn't help but mutter.

Subconsciously, Inoue Orihime combined it with the emerald green eyes that Muramasa passed.

"It's very lonely. It's too much to be abandoned after trying so desperately." Inoue Orihime's eyes could not help but see tears.

But at present, the village didn't seem to think so much. Raising his arm, the dark blue spiritual pressure was condensed from his palm, and the light ball of the spiritual pressure gradually expanded.

The dark blue virtual bomb as big as a hot air balloon rushed towards the place where Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia stood.

The speed of the virtual bullet was so fast that it was almost impossible to see the shape of the virtual bullet in mid-air. Xie Chen was in two directions from where they were standing. At this time, it was too late for them to block before they rushed past.

At this very moment, a sea of ​​pink flowers emerged from behind Kuchiki Rukia and Inoue Orihime, colliding with the virtual bullet, and finally canceling it out.

The smoke and dust formed after the explosion spread in front of the eyes.

Kuchiki Rukia immediately turned her head and saw Kuchiki Byakuya not far behind him for some time.

"Brother." Kuchiki Rukia hurried to Kuchiki Byakuya and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Kuchiki Byakuya nodded, indicating that it was all right.

Xie Chen glanced at him, and asked faintly: "Kuchi Baizai, is Xianghe dead?"

Kuchiki Byakuya responded in the same tone: "Do you think I will fail."

"This can be said." Xie Chen's mouth raised slightly and said: "Aren't you all covered in cuts and bruises."

After Xie Chen finished speaking, Kuchiki Rukia noticed the wound on Kuchiki Byakuya's shoulder and hurriedly said, "Brother, I will help you bandage the wound."

Xie Chen didn't continue. The only person present could see that the most important thing about Kuchiki Byakuya right now was not the external wound, and the degree of spiritual pressure he had lost could not be restored in a short while.

"No need." Kuchiki Byakuya said at this time: "The most important thing now is to put that guy..."

Kuchiki Byakuya shifted his gaze to Muramasa's body covered by the imaginary steel skin, and said, "Even the imaginary flash has been released, has it completely transformed into an empty body."

At this time, the village was uttering an amazing roar again, his body exuding a deep blue spiritual pressure like sea water, but his head was held in his hands and his body was constantly twisting, seeming to be doing some very painful struggle.

"I won't lose, how could I lose to a mere mere force."

The Reiatsu was fleeting, and the village was looking at his palm covered with steel skin and muttered.

"What's going on." Seeing Muramasa in this state, Inoue Orihime couldn't help asking.

Kuchiki Rukia whispered: "That fellow, is he fighting the imaginary who absorbed it?"

At a certain moment, in Orihime Inoue's line of sight, Muramasa's blood red eyes and the once emerald green eyes once again combined.

"No," Inoue Orihime said softly, looking at Muramasa's eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she ran to the front of the village alone and ran up to where the village is located, stopped not far from the village, opened her arms, and shouted at the village: "Stop, don't Continue to fight, the person you were looking for is no longer there."

Kuchiki Rukia hurriedly ran up behind her and said, "It's useless, Inoue, he is already..."

Xie Chen snorted coldly. Although he didn't know the girl who was overflowing with love before him, he was really bored.

In his opinion, excessive sacredness is equivalent to evil. Even if Muramasa can really stop the fight, he will definitely kill him. What Muramasa did and the crimes he committed are no longer tolerated by him. Continue to live in this world.

As for changing the evil and returning to the right, let's go to **** and talk to Hades.

"No." Inoue Orihime continued with a very serious expression: "That person hasn't completely swallowed up, even in despair, he still desperately maintains himself."

Kuchiki Rukia also looked forward at the same time.

Sure enough, as Inoue Orihime said, Muramasa covered his head with one hand and kept making low voices from his throat.

"I won't lose, I won't lose, I won't lose, Xianghe."

Kuchiki Rukia said without a moment's eye: "Even if it becomes that way, are you still eager for Xianghe? It is so persistent."

At this time, Inoue Orihime shouted to Muramasa again: "Even if you do this, it doesn't make sense, it will only increase your pain, so let's end it all."

Muramasa still let out a low roar, "I won't lose, I won't lose, I won't lose."

At this time, his eyes had changed from blood red to the once green eyes.

Inoue Orihime slowly leaned towards him, and then stopped before him, looking at him expectantly.

Even the turquoise light in Mura Masa's eyes had disappeared now, and only a deep blackness remained under the mask. ..


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