Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 150: Just enough

"It looks like it's over."

In the reflection on the water, Xie Chen's body was entangled with countless lines.

Xie Chen sneered, and the black flame that had just passed Cunzheng's shoulders suddenly revolved in the air, changing its direction and smashing directly onto the water.

Heiyan came into contact with the sea, and an unexpected explosion occurred, and the water splashes were agitated and wetted the two bodies.

Xie Chen’s body resumed action, raised the Soul Slasher, pointed the blade at Muramasa and said coldly, “This trick is not invisible. Your trick is to reflect your hand through a mirror or water, making the enemy mistakenly think there is This kind of invisible power, but it seems that the real power of that hand is the hand after existence and reflection, in that case..."

Xie Chen's Soul Slashing Knife drew a gorgeous arc downward, and the seawater below was once again aroused by Xie Chen's spiritual pressure.

In the surprised gaze of Cunzheng, Xie Chen raised the knife to his eyes, and he had no choice but to struggle back and forth.

"If you can't be reflected by the water, your trick is useless."

The next moment, Xie Chen's Soul Slashing Knife pierced Cunzheng's chest directly.

But there was no sensation of the blade piercing the flesh, Xie Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and the village in front of him was disappearing in front of him like an illusion.

There was no blood on the blade.

But without the slightest pause, when Muramasa's Soul Slashing Blade was about to pierce his back, he leaped forward.

Looking back, Muramasa's body flickered like an illusion that kept changing.

"It's true that now, I can't exert my full strength, but my ability is not just that."

Cura Masa spread out his hands provocatively. The next moment, Xie Chen inserted the Soul Slasher into his chest again at an incredible speed, as if it appeared out of thin air, this speed was inevitable.

But Mura Masa's body disappeared from his eyes again, and five identical Mura Masa surrounding him appeared, and they were still increasing.

"From the moment you confronted me, you have fallen into my surgery."

The clone of Cunzheng began to attack Xie Chen in the middle from all directions. Xie Chen cut off one illusion, and another appeared from behind. When Xie Chen just turned around to parry the soul-cutting knife of another Cunzheng, Another soul-slashing knife was inserted diagonally beside him.

Although Xie Chen was temporarily unharmed with his amazing reaction ability and speed, the enemy seemed to be completely indestructible. Just after killing a village, the body of another village appeared on the other side of him like a fantasy. .

Xie Chen gritted his teeth. Such endless battles didn't make any sense. After being slashed in the shoulder, he retreated as fast as he could and withdrew from the encirclement of the "cunzhen".

After landing on a wooden pillar, and looking straight ahead, all the illusions of Mura Masa have disappeared. He is standing there again. Xie Chen frowned slightly. Even if he is, he can't think of a better way for the time being. .

"Chen, feel it..." Just as Xie Chen was helpless, the Evil King's voice rang in his ears.

The sound was light and fast, like a spring breeze playing in the ear.

"Evil King."

"His hint is useless to me, I will be your eyes, but this requires me and you, the Soul Slayer and the master, and we must truly communicate with each other." Xie Chen pursed his lips, was silent for a moment, and then said, "I see."

Xie Chen closed his eyes and raised the Soul Slashing Blade flat in front of his chest.

Seeing Xie Chen's appearance in the village across from him, he said provocatively, "Are you still attacking?"

When Xie Chen opened his eyes again, the figure had disappeared from Cunzheng's sight.

With a "blocking" sound, the blades collided.

But Xie Chen's offensive kept on, like a water valve opened, out of control, and the village was constantly cutting away with a knife.

In fact, this was not Xie Chen's way of fighting. He had always been a one-shot kill. Under the circumstances that the enemy could not predict, he approached the opponent at an incredible speed and gave a fatal blow.

If he can't succeed, he will never chase, because the first impact must be to do his best. If he is stalking, his strength and speed will be weakened.

But this time was different. Every attack he made was unstoppable, the clash of blades was endless, and there was no debilitating posture.

At this moment, Muramasa grinned lightly, and his body turned into a phantom again.

But this time Xie Chen was not deceived by Phantom. When the blade was about to be inserted into Phantom's chest, the blade suddenly turned and greeted him backwards, just in time for Muramasa's Soul Slasher.

"This guy..." Muramasa said harshly.

With a sudden force, Cunzheng directly held Xie Chen's Soul Slasher and threw Xie Chen out.

Xie Chen's body smashed onto the wooden pillar directly below, arousing a large amount of dust, and the village was chasing after him.

"Evil King Yan Killing Sword."

A blade-shaped black flame suddenly rushed out of the dust. The speed was so fast that Cura Masa couldn't dodge, and he directly blasted Cura Masa out.

Cunzheng stood up from the stone pillar smashed by himself, leaning on the Soul Slasher, looking back at Xie Chen, Xie Chen's eyes closed tightly, but he didn't lose his way.

"That's it." Muramasa's body was full of scars, and he stood up with the Soul Slashing Knife, and whispered, "You have the Soul Slashing Knife by your side."

After exhaling, Cunzheng took the initiative to rush to Xie Chen. Xie Chen closed his eyes. When Cunzheng arrived in front of him, he lifted the Soul Slasher and threw him directly away, and Cunzheng's body fell behind him again. Above the stone pillars.

Xie Chen changed the Soul Slashing Knife to the other hand, did not turn his head, and said lightly: "Do you understand now, what the evil king said."

"What?" The village was struggling to stand up with a spit of blood from his mouth.

Xie Chen's voice merged with that of the evil king.

"Acknowledge and accept each other's existence, this is the state that Soul Slasher and Reaper should have, right?"

Mura Masa suddenly shouted, "What do you know."

Xie Chen turned around, opened his eyes, and said, "You can stop at it.."


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