Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 163: Free from bondage

After tired of playing, the red-haired girl fell asleep directly on the big rock by the lake.

But I didn't sleep for long, maybe because I didn't want to waste free time in sleep. After opening my eyes, I wandered around the food court alone.

"It's great to be free. You can do whatever you like whenever you want. You can always be with the monkey guy. You can't do that."

At this time, my stomach suddenly became hungry.

I walked into a gourmet street in Kuza-cho due to a mistake, and I saw a chicken storefront when I looked up.

So he immediately stepped forward and said loudly to the owner: "Give me a chicken and egg."

But the bearded shopkeeper ignored him, and turned to ask the lady on the other side.

"Hello." The red-haired girl had to say it again loudly, "Uncle, I want chicken and eggs."

Then he shouted to the woman wearing a skirt next to him: "Hey, auntie, I came first, why did you get ahead?"

However, the two of them ignored him at all and proceeded in an orderly manner. They were not interrupted by the shouts of the red-haired girl, as if they were just ordinary people beside them. The air is average.

The red-haired girl seemed to think of something, muttering: "Can't they see me."

Only then did she think that from the corpse soul world to the present world, if there is no righteous soul pill, her body is just a spiritual child, and ordinary people cannot see it.

"Then why that kid..."

She immediately remembered the girl she met in the snack shop.

Can not be noticed by others, immediately rushed to an unprecedented loneliness.

I had to sit alone in a daze, watching the people coming and going on the street, and there was another cooing sound in my stomach.

"It is said that the ice cream here is very hard. Use hard cream instead of soft cream..."

A couple passed by, standing beside him and eating ice cream.

The red-haired girl looked at something she had never seen before, she couldn't help showing envy, and her saliva came out.

"What is it? It looks delicious. Although I don't know what it is, it looks delicious."

At this time, Ishida Xia Li and Ishida Yuko happened to walk across the street.

"What's wrong with Xia Li."

Xia Li Ishida stopped and looked at the red-haired girl opposite and said, "The kid at the convenience store just now."

"What kid?"

"It's the kid who is dressed strangely."

Ishida Yuko followed Xia Li's gaze, but saw nothing.

"Weird dress? Nothing."


Xia Li Ishida realized that she could indeed see ordinary people but not souls.

"Yes, only I can see..."

Xia Li Ishida crossed the road, walked behind the red-haired girl who was drooling, and shouted, "Hey."

The red-haired girl turned her head as if she was scared.

"It's the kid just now."

"Aren't you a kid too."

"Annoying." The red-haired girl said dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a kid."

Ishida Yuzi walked to Xia Li Ishida and asked suspiciously: "I said, who are you talking to?"

Ishida Xia Li replied, of course,: "Another strange child who has defeated."

"Who is dressed strangely? By the way, you are also a child."

Yuko Ishida has long been accustomed to seeing the soul of her sister, so she nodded to the other side and said, "Hello, dressed up weird."

"Hey." The red-haired girl waved her hand in dissatisfaction and exclaimed: "Here, here."

Xia Li Ishida asked at this moment: "Are you hungry? Saliva is all over the floor."

The red-haired girl hurriedly wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and covered her mouth with her sleeves and said, "I'm not drooling. You should be nosy."

"All right." Xia Li Ishida waved her hand and said: "Let's go, Yuzi."

"Yeah." Yuko Ishida smiled and nodded.

After seeing the two leave, the red-haired girl made a cut and said to herself: "Cut, what's the matter with that kid."

Then he rolled his eyes and found a pack of dim sum shed by Xia Li Ishida on the railing beside him.

"Who...who can eat this kind of food." The red-haired girl pretended to be nonchalant and yelled: "I will never eat this kind of food, even if I don't need this kind of kid to give alms."

After a ideological struggle, the red-haired girl followed the direction where Xia Li Ishida had left.


Xia Li Ishida turned her head and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Ah, that..." The red-haired girl looked around in embarrassment.

"Do you still want snacks."

"Who...I don't want it, besides, I didn't eat that kind of food at all."

But at this time, her belly screamed uncooperatively, and the corners of her mouth were covered with rice.

Ishida Xia Li pointed to the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile: "It's all sticky. You can tell such lies."

The red-haired girl wiped the corners of her mouth awkwardly, without saying anything.

At this time, Ishida Yuko walked up and said with a smile: "Hey, this strangely dressed person, is he still hungry?"

"What?" Ishida Xia Li looked at the red-haired girl and asked in confusion: "Sure enough, will the ghost be hungry alone."

"I am not a ghost." The red-haired girl corrected immediately: "It's the Soul Slasher."

"Soul Slasher?"

"Hey." Ishida Yuko stepped forward and said with some excitement: "How about this, let the strangely dressed people come to my house as a guest."

"Huh?" Xia Li Ishida and the red-haired girl made unbelievable voices in unison.

At dusk, the setting sun dyed the streets red, and red sunlight sprinkled on the ground through the leaves.

Asari Renji and the long-haired woman sat silently on a park bench.

"what's wrong."

Seeing the melancholy look on the long-haired woman, Asari Renji asked, "Are you so worried about snakes?"

"Not so." The long-haired woman glanced at him and said.

"What's wrong with that."

The long-haired woman looked like she hated iron but not steel, and said: "It's really useless to imitate the sword beast by herself." ..


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