Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 166: Thief

The next morning, the fourth division team house.

The fourth division team house is located in a relatively secluded area of ​​Jingling Court. Except for the team members' dormitory, part of it is used as a comprehensive rescue center or a comprehensive service room. It has about two floors, with a garden outside and white walls.

The fourth division's deputy captain Yutoru Toruto pushed open the door of the office and saw Ise Nanao with high myopia glasses still at the table doing work that seemed to be never finished.

"Deputy Captain Ise, come and have a cup of tea." Toru Tetsu Yuon said as he walked to the table.

Ise Nanao still said without raising his head, "Is it time already, sorry, I still occupy your table."

"No." Toru Toru Yuin said softly, "I treat the life of this temporary headquarters as if it were camping. Although I know I'm a little cautious, it's very pleasant."

"Yes." Ise Nanao said with a smile while rubbing her aching wrist.

"Ah." As if he had just thought of something, Yuin Toru hurriedly said, "Vice Captain Hinamori made cookies for everyone."

Hearing the cookies of the deputy captain Hinamori, Ise Nanao's face suddenly turned bad, and asked a little embarrassingly: "The cookies of the deputy captain Hinamori..."

"What's the matter with you." Toruyuki asked while taking out cookies from the cabinet.

"No, I remembered some nasty memories..."

"Ah." Yuon Toruto remembered that before, Deputy Captain Hinamori had made some cookies in the shape of glasses, and among the female Reaper officials of the 13th Division, only Ise Nanao wears glasses, so she immediately added Said: "This is an ordinary cookie, look."

"Ah." Ise Nanao saw the cookies in the box, and he was relieved and said, "It's great."

"I'll pour tea for you."

Toruyuki went to the tea table to search, and he muttered to himself as he searched, "Huh? How strange."

"What's the matter?" Ise Nanao stopped his work and turned to ask.

Toruyuki sighed, then turned around and said, "I can't find tea."

"It's strange." Ise Nanao also got up from the chair at this time and walked to the tea table, "Obviously I just bought it recently."

Toru Toru Yuon said with a blank face: "Recently, there are often inexplicable things that cannot be found, such as rice and soy sauce."

Ise Nanao also remembered what happened the other day, so he said, "Speaking of which, our captain also said that the hidden liquor is gone."

At this moment, Hanataro Yamada, the seventh official of the fourth division, ran in from the outside in a panic.

"Hanamaru, my Hanamaru..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole person fell down like he couldn't bear the blow.

At noon, in the temporary office of Captain Uunoharetsu of the fourth division.

Ise Nanao handed a green picture with black shadows to Kyraku Harumi who was sitting at the table. "This is the most vivid picture taken by the image recording device."

"What?" Jingle Chunshui said in a lazy tone as he looked at the photo where he couldn't see what it was, "I don't know what it is."

After Yamada Hanataro hurriedly said that Hanamaru had disappeared, Ise Nanao and Toru Tetsu Yuon took him to investigate the monitoring device in the team building, and extracted this photo from it.

Toru Toru Yuon stood at the table and said, "According to this record, the culprits sneaked into the team house at dawn and stole Hanamaru, Hanae, Hanaichi, Hanaemon, and four chickens."

"Chicken?" Fushiro Ukitake asked suspiciously, standing aside.

Toru Toru nodded and continued: "Since the Muramasa case occurred, the members of the fourth division have been working continuously and have not returned home. Therefore, as a measure to strengthen the self-sufficiency system, chickens have been raised behind the team house. And started planting a home vegetable garden."

Jingle Chunshui smiled and said, "The tomatoes and eggs here are really delicious."

Hanataro Yamada said with a sad look: "I am responsible for raising the chickens, and everyone was still alive last night..." After that, he couldn't speak any more and cried.

Ise Nanao had to go on and said, "Not only was the net of the chicken house not broken, no traces of holes were found. If the door was opened and the chicken was stolen, it would be hard to imagine that it was done by a lack of intelligence. ."

At this time, Toru Toru Yuon also said: "Sure enough, this has something to do with the frequent thefts in the team house recently.

Jingle Chunshui sighed slightly and said, "Sword beast can't be a prisoner, right?"

"What do you think, Captain Uinohana." Ukitake Shirirou asked while looking to the side reading the documents at the table.

Uozhihuareel put down the document and said, "Although this possibility cannot be denied, I think the information is not very sufficient if we want to make a conclusion."

At this time, Ise Nanao said: "Tracking the footprints left behind has confirmed that the suspect escaped into the underground waterway."

So Ukitake Shiro immediately summoned the members of the fourth division who are currently on standby.

After the players gathered in the compound of the team building, they were led by Ise Nanao and Yamada Hanataro.

"To sum up." Standing in front of the team, Ukitake Shirō issued an order: "You go to the underground waterway to find out the identity of the thief, and capture the culprit."

At this time, Madame Ikaku and Onitomaru, who had just arrived from the eleventh division, also joined the team.

Madarame shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Speaking of why I was called."

Jingle Chunshui stood in front of the team and explained, "Because the sword beast may also be the sword beast. In short, just in case, I beg you to bother here."

Guitou Maru confidently said, "Just to pass the time."

"Yes." Madarame shook the handle of the knife, and said with great interest.

"So Xiao Nanao." Kyōraku Chunshui said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm asking you."

"Ise Nanao, the following three people, set out now." Ise Nanao said seriously immediately.

So Ise Nanao took the corner of Hanataro Yamada and Madarame to the cheers of the players, like a underground waterway...


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