Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 173: Take away

After the child's hoarse cry turned into crying, Fengshen finally couldn't help turning his head back.

After that, on the cliff before.

Because of seeing something new in general. The gray cat laughed unscrupulously.

Gui Deng Maru also pointed at the child on his back after Feng died, and smiled funny: "What is this, you carry that on your back."

The gray cat smiled and clutched his stomach and said, "The death of the wind is really suitable for you."

Feng Death finally murmured unbearably, "I killed you."

Shesuke stepped forward at this time, keeping his usual gloomy face, watching the child make a low voice: "Hey, smile, child."

The child looked at his gloomy face and rolled his head in disgust.

"Really a gloomy guy." Wakasuke said to the child in a low voice.

The gray cat waved his hand to Yuzhuo and said, "I have said it, you are not qualified to talk about others."

Guidengmaru stopped his laughter at this time, looked at the wind and said, "What kind of wind is this blowing?"

Hesuke also said at this time: "Why don't you still have this kind of kid?"

"Annoying." Feng Death exclaimed: "I don't know what's going on, it has caused this situation. Anyway, someone will take over."

The three immediately turned around without hearing them.


The gray cat turned his head and said, "What are you talking about? Didn't you say that we don't help, you can't ask for it."

Feng Death immediately waved his hand in embarrassment, and said, "No, this one."

"That's it." The gray cats walked forward, "raise your children, bye."

"Ah, wait a minute."

Before the words were finished, the three people flashed at the same time and disappeared in place.

Feng Die went to a tree trunk in the forest with his head down and sat down, of course, carrying the child who couldn't be thrown away on his shoulders.

"What the **** is going on, this is a bit strange, why should I encounter this kind of thing."

At this moment, he suddenly seemed to be aware of something, and suddenly stood up and raised his sickle.

"The Reiatsu, those deputy captains are moving, let me wait and see."

The child sitting on her shoulders stretched out his hand on the sickle with interest.

"Stupid." Feng Si immediately put down the sickle and yelled at the child on his shoulder: "If you touch it, you will be chopped. Do you want to die."

The child cried again because he couldn't touch the things he wanted to touch.

"I can't say it!" Feng died finally raised the sickle, and stretched the sickle plane toward the child, "Ah, I see, I see, don't cry!"

Only then did the child stop his tears, and touched the smooth surface of the sickle with excitement.

"Really, what a maddening kid."

At this time, the child suddenly rubbed his buttocks on Feng's shoulder with a look of enjoyment.

"What's wrong, what? Is this...Is it..."

The child finally peeed on Feng Death's body, and Feng Death's angrily yelled almost through the entire forest.

After some ideological struggle, Feng Die still rushed along the tree trunk to the twenty-eighth area, but just halfway through, he stopped again, put his sickle on the ground and sat with his back against the big tree. Down.

"Really, it's totally out of shape."

At this moment, on the trail next to him, several death gods ran over.

"It's coming."

Feng Shi just wanted to act, and the clothes on the back of his neck were held tightly by the child.

"Hey, what are you doing." Feng Shi grabbed the child in his hand, but the child let out a long breath, "I said, don't sleep here anymore."

But at this time, in the twenty-eighth district of Dongliuhun Street.

While patrolling the street, Kira Izuru asked Hisagi Shuhei beside him: "Right, you know what, Brother Hisagi."

"What." Hisagi Shuhei turned his head and asked.

"There is an uproar among the soul-slashing knives about Big Brother Hisagi's soul-slashing knife."


While several people were talking, Fengshen had quietly appeared on the roof of a side house.

"found it."

Fengsei carefully placed the child lying on his shoulders on the eaves.

"Don't move."

Feng Death just got up, the child turned over and rolled down the eaves. Feng Death hurriedly caught him and carried him up again.

"You guy."

The scope of activity on the eaves was too narrow. After observing the surrounding terrain for a while, Feng died rushing to a wooden house far away from here, and placed the child on the floor of the wooden house.

"You will stay here for a while."

At this moment, on the street in the center of the 28th District of Dongliuhun Street, the Sabre Beast was spotted one after another by several deputy captains, and began to chase the street.

Hisagi Shubing had just chopped down a sword beast, and another sword beast sprang out from his other side.

Feng died hiding on the roof next to him and observed. When he wanted to shoot from behind, he with sensitive ears suddenly heard the cry of the child.

"Why at this time..."

Fengsei looked at Hisagi Xiuhe who was fighting with the sword beast with some hesitation, smiled at the corner of his mouth, "There is no better chance than this."

But the child’s crying became louder and louder. After some ideological struggle, Fengshui rushed over like the wooden house where the child slept.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the cry of the child eased a little, and Fengshen looked into the room. A young woman was holding the child in her hands, gently coaxing him.

Seeing Feng Death's aggressive appearance, the woman covered her head and shouted in panic: "I'm sorry, come around me."

However, the child broke free from the arms of the woman and walked awkwardly towards the wind.

"No." Seeing the child walking towards Fengfeng, the woman hurriedly called from behind.

"Woman." Feng Death suddenly said in a deep voice.


Feng died squatting down and touching the child's head with his hand and said, "Do you want to take this child away."

"Yes." The woman nodded, "Look at him crying here alone."

"I want to ask you one thing, this kid..."..


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