Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 357: The end


Although he was facing the head of the Gotei 13th team, Motoyuzai Yamamoto, representing the highest combat power in the soul world, and he also said "Announcement of War" before, but the tall man at the head did not show the slightest panic. .

He said flatly and straightforwardly: "It's really surprising that the executive room, as the private room of the captain of the Gotei 13 team, can be so easily invaded."

The intruders headed by him are all wearing exactly the same costumes, white windbreakers, high collars and white hats that run down their cheeks. All faces are almost hidden in the shadow of the hat.

"Alert consciousness." The tall man in the lead looked directly at Yamamoto Genryusai, and continued in a steady tone: "Is it a bit too low?"

"Don't worry about old age." The tone of Captain Yamamoto Genryuzhai was not hurried, but he looked at them sharply and said: "There is old age, is the best guard."

"That's it." The tall man seemed to chuck lightly, and then said slightly defiantly: "You should stop here, Yamamoto Genryuzhai."

At the same time, the sky above the present-day Kazamachi.

The Quincy Cross in Yibang's hand suddenly became huge, and a huge bow and arrow like a fort appeared in front of Xie Chen's eyes.

Yibang grabbed the raised handle on the back of the giant "bow and arrow", and Xie Chen, who could not stop the barrel at the front of the turret, fired an attack similar to a virtual flash.

Xie Chen kept dodge in the cracks of the artillery fire that hit him.

"What's wrong, Xie Chen." Yibang attacked Xie Chen with the turret in his hand, laughing provocatively.

"Will you only hide? No matter before and after, I have been blocked by me. Does the captain of the 13th Guarding Team have this strength." Under the cover of artillery fire, Yi Bang unbridled provoked Xie Chen, "You In this way, I won’t be able to win without a solution."

Xie Chen tapped the handle of the Soul Slashing Knife with his fingers in the dodging room, and the blade vibrated slightly but invisible, and then a black flame rose on the blade.

"Here." Seeing the black flames emanating from the blade of Xie Chen Soul Slashing Blade, Yi Bang suddenly shouted: "Taste it well, Xie Chen, that's it."

The turret in Yibang's hand rotates unimaginably, transforming into a round white object like a shield.

"That's...what." Xie Chen said dumbly looking at something he had never seen before.


As Yibang chanted, the shield began to rotate. As the shield rotated, the sky near him began to turn black as thick as ink, and the black edges slowly rotated with white light.

"The sea transforms the cloud, the cloud transforms the rain, the rain transforms into the fog, the tangible and the intangible, I wait for the end of joy, and the wine glass is poured to the ground."

Yibang chanted in a low voice, and the white light circle turned faster and faster. Xie Chen could clearly feel that there was a power in his body being absorbed invisibly, or it was the power on the Evil King of Soul Slasher.

"Evil King Yan Killing Sword."

A crescent-like black flame sprang from the blade of the Xie Chen Soul Slashing Blade, rushing towards the center of the Yibang shield in the second area. The next moment, with a "bang", an explosion occurred in mid-air, and the light of the black flame connected the earth and the sky.

In the center of the black flame, it seemed that a loud cry that Yibang couldn't believe came out: "Why... how come."

At the same time, in the corpse soul world, Jinglingting No. 1 team executive room.

Perceiving a strange presence in the executive room, Minister Jiro Tachi stepped into the door of the executive room.

In the next instant, he was still in the future and uttered a word, but the giant spear of Lingzi that appeared out of thin air penetrated his chest without warning.

"The Sparrow!" Yamamoto Motoyuzhai's eyes widened, and the sparrow minister Jiro fell on the floor covered in blood.

"There is no need to sigh, it should be praised." Under the sharp gaze of Genryuzhai Yamamoto, the tall man headed by him still said in a flat tone: "He used his own power to show you the end."

The tone was flat, as usual as if an ant had just run over.

The hand of Captain Yamamoto Genryuzhai was already on the handle of the Soul Slasher.

The tall man didn't seem to notice at all, or didn't care about the anger from Yamamoto Genryuzhai. He still stood there and said unhurriedly: "Even if he resists to the end, he will inevitably die in despair. Five days later, the corpse soul The world will be annihilated by the invisible empire."

A "pop" sounded like a cracked lens in the executive room.

Yamamoto Motoryuzhai suddenly drew his sword and slashed out to a few uninvited guests, but it seemed to be cut before them. A defensive wall that was like a ghost road "broken in the air" rose up, and a "pop" sounded. There was a sound.

Yamamoto Genryuzhai suddenly drew his sword, cutting out faster and faster than lightning. It seems to happen at the same time as the defensive wall breaks.

When Genryuzhai Yamamoto slashed through the air, and the tip of the knife fell on the floor, the few people also reached the side of Genryuzhai Yamamoto out of thin air.

Not only the speed is staggering, but the actions of several people are as neat as one person.

Yamamoto Genryuzhai looked sideways at several people, and the murderous aura was filled with slightly opened eyes.

"The look in your eyes." The tall man still said unhurriedly: "Are you asking who we are, but you should also know it, it is futile."

Several people turned sideways to face Yamamoto Genryuzhai at the same time, walking neatly as if controlled by one person.

"Our identity, you can tell by a little speculation, goodbye."


Yamamoto Genryuzhai suddenly yelled, and at the same time, the blade smashed downwards, and a scarlet flame rose from the ground, instantly spreading in the executive room and rushing outside along the railing.

But those few people disappeared into the executive room with flames, and the flames that burst out and dissipated suddenly scorched the floor of the entire executive room.

"Escaped..." Yamamoto Genryuzhai seemed to sigh lightly, frowning and thinking to himself: Jing Lingting has no spiritual pressure, in other words, can they ignore the movement of the soul mask. ..


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