Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 16 Chapter 8: Camp night

This night, compared with Xie Chen's sleepless night, Harry Potter's camp was extremely lively.

The enthusiasm of the Bulgarians’ hospitality is incredible. This time the Quidditch World Cup, the organizers have borrowed from the British plan and arranged for the fans to settle in their vast forest. After some development and transformation, this forest has been opened up several passages, connecting the wizard camps scattered in the forest and the stadium in the middle of the forest. Of course, before the Quidditch actually started, no one had seen the stadium with their own eyes. If you want to know this, you probably have to go to the architect's office to try your luck.

"Come on, Harry. Try our Bulgarian drink."

Around a bonfire, Harry and the Weasley family gathered in front of the tent. Victor Krum came over to their camp with a large tray. The strange fuchsia liquid was contained in tall champagne glasses and passed down by the people sitting in a circle. Back to Harry's hands.

Harry returned the tray to Krum and looked at the contents of the glass suspiciously. "What is this, Victor?"

Krum smiled without answering. The plate has been enchanted, and if one drink is taken away, an extra one will be renewed. He put the plate on the grass, took a cup himself, and sat down cross-legged to find a gap.

Hermione tried first. I don’t know if it’s because of her friendship with Krum. She didn’t directly point out the taste of this thing, but said euphemistically: "Victor, I really didn’t expect you to use rotten grapes to make wine. interested."

The roar of laughter.

It is strange that Krum is not angry. He is dressed as a pure Bulgarian today, and the turban on his head makes him look like a dwarf cat.

"No, Hermione." Ron objected. "I think it tastes like hot chocolate."

Harry took a sip.

"A kind of wine... well, I can't name it."

So under everyone's discussion, this drink has a variety of different tastes. From rotten wine all the way to iced watermelon juice, the atmosphere succeeded in enlivening it.

"So what the **** is it Victor."

In the end, Hermione, a Miyoshi student, asked, and Krum smiled and said, "This is your Bibidou flavored beans. It's just that ours is for drinking."

Hermione looked at the purple liquid remaining in the cup and expressed suspicion.

"The raw material of multi-flavored beans comes from a tree here. It is not available in the UK, so you don’t know it is normal. The fruit it bears can be dried and eaten-it is your multi-flavored beans, but here more are Used to make wine." He raised his glass.

"This is it."

"Come on, everyone comes to me at last, please have fun!" Krum summoned the jug to add wine to everyone, Ginny said no more politely, and turned around and went with Fleur Hermione Chatting.

Turning to Harry again, leaning close to Harry, whispered: "The bus has arrived."



"I know."

Harry silently released a closed earplug to listen, and then turned slightly to explain to him, "It can't be that smooth. This time, the Order of the Phoenix was forced by the situation. There was no way to send enough people to let the Death Eaters. We have the opportunity to take advantage, and they have spotted this."

Krum seemed to have no choice but to sit down on the grass next to Harry, raised his head and drank a glass of wine.

"Go ahead, what are you going to do?"

"How to do it? I shouldn't worry about this problem anymore." Harry smiled slyly, "My duty is to ensure that nothing happens in this World Cup. By the way, enjoy this rare holiday."

If Xie Chen could hear them talking, he would probably be so angry that he would go to a duel with Harry with his bare hands.

He had given up on the study of footprints, sitting side by side with Lockhart on the cold path that was freezing hard after the snow was cleared, enduring hunger and lamenting that human vitality is so tenacious.

Fortunately, it won't feel cold anymore. This is thanks to Lockhart's warmth curse.

"Young man. Are you hungry..."

"Don't call me young, I have a name... Do you have anything to eat?"

"No young man. What is your name?"

"You said don't call me a young man. My name is Xie Chen."

"Knowing what your name is, maybe it is the last thing I have done in my life. I will starve to death here in the next second."

"Die you die yourself. Don't pull me up."

"How nice we are to be partners."

"I haven't lived enough for you." Xie Chen really began to think about the possibility that someone would find their bodies tomorrow morning. "Aren't you a wizard, just change something and eat it out."

"This is against Gogo's theorem. Just like you, you can't learn theory lessons well, and NEWS will definitely not pass."

"I don't have to take the test anyway. Don't be wordy, change quickly!"

"Who do you think I am? Merlin!"

"If you can't change it, you won't have a standpoint."

"I'll be a verbose one with a standpoint."


"You are a Muggle."

"I know you don't need to remind again and again."

"You are a Muggle-Harry Potter told me about this."


"Harry Potter. I know he is famous, but you don't have to be so excited, right? You are a Muggle and you have no position at all."

"...You go on."

"But he just said it casually. It just made me mentally prepared. So I don't know much."

"This kind of terrible secret, is it enough to know one? What kind of psychological preparation do you need? Am I so vicious in your eyes?"

"Calm young man. Don't forget that I also grew up in the Muggle world."

"Say goodbye--" Before Xie Chen's words were finished, he was caught off guard by Lockhart's mouth.


Lockhart quickly cast a magic spell on the two of them. Xie Chen was warned by him not to move. He squatted into the high withered grass and watched the direction where the footprints stretched in front, and slowly drove a carriage. .

It was a chariot, and there was only one horse running fast under the control of a wizard in a robe. It seemed that there was something urgent, and he didn't notice the two people on the side of the road. They quickly moved away from sight.

Lockhart stood up first, patted the snow on his clothes, and walked in the direction where the carriage came.

"Let's go."


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