Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 25: Zuojiu night

For the teams of Amamiya Gentiana with Alyssa and Soma with Kota Fujiki, the team formed by Xie Chen and Sakuya is a model of teamwork.

At least in terms of communication, the two have no problems at all, and the guy who has a serious communication barrier with the other team is not the same person.

After waiting for a short while, I saw a Gu Polo slowly coming up in the distance. Gu Polo belonged to the medium-sized **** of desolation who was fighting in close quarters like a half-turret.

In terms of appearance, it looks a bit like the kind of terrestrial crocodile lying on the ground. The nose in front of the head has evolved into a huge fort, walking on four legs. Due to the huge body, almost the whole body is lying on the ground.

Therefore, Gu Polo does not have the advantage in moving speed. He walks like a crocodile swimming on the ground in a dog-scraping style, looking very twisted.

Seeing a Guboluo in front of me was walking forward slowly, as if taking a walk after a meal. Xie Chen shook his head helplessly, then carried it and rushed up.

"Sister Zuojiu Ye, I'm in charge of the feint attack. You aim to hit the damage, and then I will give you a fatal blow."

"To understanding!"

After hearing Zuo Jiuye's voice from the radio, Xie Chen slid and rushed out, and the magic machine in his hand quickly switched to the gun form, and pulling the trigger at that Gu Polo was a shot.

At such a close distance, Xie Chen could hit even with his eyes closed. After a shot, with strong recoil, Xie Chen quickly turned from the ground, and at the same time, Zuo Jiuye, who was hidden on the top of the tall building nearby Followed by pulling the trigger.

After changing the ammunition, Zuo Jiuye quickly fired a deadly fire bomb. The power of the explosion directly overturned the ancient Polo, and Xie Chen in the air refused to let this opportunity go, and directly used Shunbu. The skills rushed down.

The magic machine in his hand quickly switched into a sword form, and a sword stood on the ancient Polo, and the ancient Polo was cut open instantly.

"Lianhua, hurry up and use the predator form to liberate it in the body." Seeing that Xie Chen almost killed the ancient Polo with a single sword, Zuo Jiuye quickly reminded him.

"Predator... Predator form?!" Xie Chen is a little embarrassed. He can indeed use the predator form to open it now, but if the predator form is opened, will there be a core? This is not good...

Unable to bear the pressure from Zuo Jiuye, Xie Chen had to pull the lever, and then switch the magic machine into a predator form, and the huge black dragon head directly gnawed at the ancient Polo.

In a short while, the Desolate God was gnawed into an empty body. Then Xie Chen shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, that core entered his body along with the magic power returned by the divine machine.

Seeing the sudden jump in his body and recovering nearly 3% of the magic power, Xie Chen became a little bit eager to cry without tears. In a sense, according to the definition of the wild **** in this world, he can be regarded as a wild god. It's still a very advanced kind...

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Zuo Jiuye watched Xie Chen stay there for a long time without moving, and couldn't help jumping from the bunker, walking to Xie Chen's side and wondering. "No... Sister Zuo Jiu Ye, there seems to be no core in the Gu Polo just now." Xie Chen was a little bit afraid to look up at Zuo Jiu Ye's eyes, after all, he was slanderous now.

Zuo Jiuye didn't think much about it. After all, the nuclear production rate of the medium-sized Desolate God was only close to 80%, so there were one or two accidents.

"Kun Kongki who is okay, let's move on to the next one."

Zuo Jiu night watched Xie Chen's mood a little depressed, and couldn't help patting Xie Chen's shoulder and said.

Xie Chen nodded, and then saw several Guboluo slowly crawling over in the open space in the distance and rushing over with his sword.

This is the case with the desolate **** like Gu Polo. Before an object enters his range of perception, Gu Polo will always be in this semi-free state, doing nothing as if he is basking in the sun.

But once a target enters Gu Polo’s sight, this kind of guy will quickly turn into a mad dog, and then rush over frantically, although the running posture of a creature like Gu Polo is really unflattering...

"Sister Zuojiuye, continue to look for bunkers, these four ancient Polo can be done in one go!"

Xie Chen's tone and Zuo Jiuye couldn't help but stunned. He didn't dare to neglect at the moment, and quickly rushed to the top of a seven-story building nearby, squatted down, set up his gun, and quickly called out a lightning bomb.

Lightning bullets are specially designed for this type of population with a large number and denser distribution, because such bullets can induce electricity and cause a chain reaction. This chain reaction, accompanied by a paralyzing effect, is particularly effective for restricting the actions of small and medium-sized gods.

The four ancient Polo rushed towards Xie Chen madly, and Xie Chen kicked the magic machine with one kick, then switched to the cannon form, and slammed into the ancient Polo pile.

With a bang, Xie Chen didn't do this gun to cause any damage to the ancient Polo, but to stop the desolate gods.

Sure enough, a shot exploded, and the impact of the four ancient Polo quickly stopped. Seeing that the impact of the four ancient Polo stops, Zuo Jiuye quickly fired a lightning bullet, and at the same time, the four ancient Polo unanimously raised their heads and fired four water waves at Xie Chen's side. wave.

In an instant, four huge water **** and Zuojiuye's lightning bomb met in the air, and then exploded quickly. Xie Chen was stunned in an instant, and the water ripples with high-voltage electricity instantly showered Xie Chen all over.

The strong current not only affected Xie Chen, but also the four ancient Polo on the opposite side of Xie Chen. The pulse wave centered on the explosion point just now, and quickly spread out into the surrounding air.

Seeing Xie Chen shuddering in the field, Zuo Jiuye couldn't help taking a breath. She didn't expect such a change to happen suddenly. All of a sudden, she forgot to ask for help, but she watched in a daze. Open space below.

Xie Chen inserted the divine machine on the ground and knew that he couldn't drag it anymore. For every second of dragging, there was an extra chance of recovery for the four ancient Polo on the opposite side.

He must rush to take care of the four ancient Polo on the opposite side before they recover!

Thinking of this, Xie Chen squeezed the trigger suddenly, and the magic machine shot a cannonball not far from Xie Chen's feet, where it exploded! ..


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