Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 126: Save people

No way, now Amamiya gentian is on the verge of being swallowed, and Xie Chen naturally can't wait and see anything here.

Xie Chen, who suddenly jumped out, smashed his head and face from above with a huge scarlet blood blade on his back like Diaus, and Diaus seemed to have eyes on his forehead.

When Xie Chen just cut down, Diaus' figure suddenly flashed and disappeared in an instant. Xie Chen raised his brows, this guy was still so troublesome.

Xie Chen slapped his lips and suddenly landed next to Amamiya Gentian: "Hello?"

When Xie Chen lowered his head and looked over, he realized that Amamiya Gentian had broken one arm, and that his right hand holding the magic machine was thrown out with the magic machine and landed on the ground far away.

"I'm fine."

Ryanamiya struggled to get up from the ground, but found that he had only one arm now, and it was really troublesome to get up from the ground.

"Forget it, I'll send you to find a place to hide first."

Xie Chen sighed, then directly took two light-sensitive grenades from Amamiya Gentian's belt, and without looking back, he pulled the tabs and threw them behind him.

You don't need to look back and Xie Chen knows that at this moment Diaus is absolutely staring at himself and Amamiya Gentian behind him.

This guy who remembers to eat or not to beat, always knows what he wants to prey, but forgets that he was the guy who almost killed him.

But that's okay, since Diaus had no intention of running away, Xie Chen didn't have to be afraid that he would lose Diaus's goal if he brought Amamiya Gentian back this time.

The two photosensitive grenade exploded directly in front of Diaus's eyes. If it were a normal Valzeruo, these two photosensitive grenade would naturally be enough for him to be stunned for a while.

But Diaus was obviously not the kind of ordinary Valzeruo, so Xie Chen didn't expect these two photosensitive grenade to play a big role.

It's just that at the moment when the photosensitive grenade exploded, Xie Chen suddenly turned his head, raising his hand and slashing Diaus's forehead.

This memorial Xie Chen used the back of a ghost cut knife. After all, Xie Chen was afraid that an attack that was too targeted would arouse Diaus's unbearable memory.

Let Diaus recall the past that he had been slammed by himself in various ways, so that he was afraid of himself and directly hugged his head.

Taking advantage of his own effort to settle Amamiya's gentian and escape, Xie Chen specifically showed weakness.

After slapped Diaus away with the back of the knife, Xie Chen uniformly carried Amamiya's gentian and disappeared into the white fog caused by the two photosensitive grenade just now.

"Are you the one on the island that time?"

What Xie Chen didn't expect was that when it was here, Gentian Amomiya was still in the mood to talk to himself, is this guy really not afraid of death?

Xie Chen smashed his tongue, just nodded to confirm, but did not answer the question of Amemiya Gentian.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Xie Chen running towards the front as if aimlessly, Amamiya Gentian couldn't help but ask, Xie Chen was taken aback, and then stopped.

"Where? I haven't really thought about this. Why do you want to go back to the Far East branch?"

After stopping, Xie Chen casually asked Amamiya gentian. Of course, this was just a joke. Xie Chen would not send Amamiya gentian to the extreme east branch, even if this guy really planned to go to the extreme east branch. .

Because sending Amemiya gentian in the current extreme east branch is tantamount to death, the branch director Hickzal has always regarded Amemiya gentian as a thorn in his eyes.

"The Far East Branch?" Amamiya Long on his back smiled bitterly, and then shook his head: "I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the Far East Branch. Forget it, just take a picture of a place that seems to be safe. I don't want to be too Running around."

"Nonsense, do you expect me to send you to the China branch or the Russian branch? Dream it, you guy who smokes."

Xie Chen curled his lips in an annoyed manner, and then moved on. The safe place he thought of was actually a simple refuge, but it seemed a little impractical to send Amamiya Gentiana to the refuge.

Although the current Amemiya Gentian refuge is the most suitable place for him, Amemiya Gentian itself should not be willing to go to that place.

Sure enough, when he saw Xie Chen walking out of the woods and then passing in the direction of the refuge, Gentian Amomiya waved his hand quickly.

"Okay, just here, you can put me down."

"Do you think I am a taxi? Get in the car if you want to get in, or call it if you want to stop?"

Xie Chen gave Amamiya's gentian a blank look, and then moved on.

"Don't worry, I won't send you somewhere, but we are going to that place to find something and simply treat your wound."

After hearing Xie Chendu's words, Amemiya Gentian nodded in relief: "By the way, there is something about me, you don't want to contact the first team, you know?"

Hearing Amamiya's gentian's request, Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, and then nodded, "You want to hide in the dark and watch the actions of that guy Hickzal, right?"

Gentiana Amemiya was stunned for some accidents, and then nodded and said: "Not all of this, mainly because my identity is better than death. You must know that sometimes the dead can do more things than the living can do. There are so many more, so instead of letting them play the role of a dead me, it is better to keep them all in the dark at the beginning and let them always think that I am dead."

Gentiana Amemiya really made a big move this time. It turned bright and dark in an instant, and even hesitated to hide the news that he was still alive. As expected, the people in the extreme east branch were even more perverted...

Xie Chen smashed his mouth helplessly. Although he was reluctant, he still agreed to Amemiya Gentian's request.

Concealing the death of Amamiya Gentian is beneficial and harmful to the first team and to Amamiya Gentian.

You must know that the highest acting skill is the true character. Instead of letting Sora Mulianhua and the others hold the news that Amemiya Gentian is still alive, they will tell them from the beginning that Amemiya Gentian is dead..


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