Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 5: select

I don't know if I thought of something or was stimulated by Xie Chen's words, Allen stood there a little confused. These words should have been uttered from Yani, but seeing these people desperately trying to enter the military police regiment, Xie Chen couldn't help it.

And Xie Chen would naturally not join any gendarmerie. Those things have no meaning to him. Now that he has come to this world, he will naturally want to understand where these giants come from, and why those humans who can transform into giants attack the people in the city.

Five years, five years, is enough time for this group of children who know nothing to grow into a qualified soldier, a soldier who can hold the knife in his hand and run towards the giant.

And in these five years, Xie Chen didn't just stay in the training camp. As long as he has time, he will sneak out of the city to find the giant wandering in the woods.

Xie Chen has seen all kinds of giants over the years. The largest is more than 20 meters long, and the smallest is only five or six meters long. But no matter those giants are not Xie Chen's first-hand enemies.

Xie Chen can be said to be very skilled at killing giants and even dissecting giants. Generally, if you encounter a single giant, Xie Chen will use the earth method to add up the giants, or directly use the wooden method to tie up the giants. Then study slowly.

As stated in the comics, as long as the giant dies, it really has no weight, and instantly melts away like an ice cube that encounters sunlight. Only the skeleton is the most difficult to dissolve, but over time, it will quickly carbonize and turn into a pile of powder.

This iron rule is the same whether it is a strange species or other giants. Outside the wall, the number of giants is far greater than Xie Chen's imagination. In some places, there are even hundreds of giants moving together in groups.

If these giants are thrown into the city, I believe that in an instant, the entire city will become a barren ruin and cease to exist.

Xie Chen also visited all kinds of strange species outside the city, some of them looked like beasts, lying on all fours, and seeing Xie Chenjiu madly running over and biting. Some are like snakes, they are huge and long, but they do not walk back and only rely on their bodies to move. Although the speed is slow, but the land passed by is in ruins.

In short, in the past five years, except for the wise giant Xie Chen, he has basically killed everyone else. At the same time, I have thoroughly studied the ordinary giants from head to toe, but still haven't found the secret that can make humans become giants.

Sometimes Xie Chen couldn't help but want to try to dissect Allen. Of course, I just think about it. There were no clues. If Alan was killed again, all clues would be cut off. Then he doesn't even know where to start.

Five years are fleeting, and at the whole time it is time for everyone to choose their future direction. At this time, there were only 218 students left in the college that passed the assessment.

These 218 people will be divided into three parts, namely the Garrison Corps, which will be responsible for strengthening the walls in various places and protecting the local towns.

Then there is the Investigation Corps, which is the place Allen dreams of, who is responsible for finding some intelligence and clues from the giant to solve the giant's mystery. The Investigation Corps is also the most dangerous of the three places. and the third is the gendarmerie, which is where many people are yearning. Mainly responsible for overseeing the people around the king and guarding the king's place.

Each of the three places has its own tasks, and the gains and contributions are also different. But the only thing worth noting is that these places are not optional.

The investigation corps and the garrison corps can be chosen at will, but if you want to enter the gendarmerie regiment, then you must have the top ten abilities, ranking the top ten among the 218 students.

Because after all, the gendarmerie is working in the innermost city, which means it is the place farthest from the giants. If you want to work hard to drive away giants, then you must not go to the gendarmerie. Even the garrison regiment is closer to the giant than the gendarmerie regiment.

This is why Xie Chen would ask Alan like that. All people are scrambling to enter the gendarmerie regiment, and if they want to enter the gendarmerie regiment, they must work hard to learn the skills of killing giants. In other words, learning the skills of slaughtering giants is to stay away from giants.

This is what Yani said about humanity. Everyone wants a safer and more comfortable living environment. For such an environment, no one cares about the future of mankind. No one wants to sacrifice oneself and get the gratitude of others.

The competition for places in the gendarmerie is such a stark reality. brutal reality. And obviously Allen didn't give up or despair because of this. But work harder.

Finally, the last moment has arrived, and the comprehensive rankings of everyone’s final assessment are also released. The first place is undoubtedly Xie Chen, the second place is Mikasa, and then Alan, Almi, Jean, and Shaxia Et al.

And after the instructor told the crowd about the choices they were about to make, among the crowd, Jean and Kony and others undoubtedly decided psychologically that they wanted to choose the gendarmerie.

After learning of the crowd's choices, Allen did not compromise, but insisted on his choice even more and made a lot of impassioned remarks while eating in the cafeteria. Then left angrily.

In Allen's eyes, he understood everyone's fear of giants. Outside of Xie Chen's perversion, no one can say that he is not afraid of giants. Especially when I saw the horror of giants eating people.

But Allen is more determined that he must drive the giants out. We must uncover the secrets of giants and let mankind live in the sunshine with integrity.

During these years, Xie Chen has deeply understood why Allen has such a firm will and thoughts, and only those who have experienced the raging of giants can truly understand Allen's heart.

On the second day, when everyone was on the wall, the top ten people finally made their own choices because of Alan's words. It is also the most correct choice they think.

As for what this choice is, Xie Chen has already tacitly taken it! ..


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