Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 9: deserter? Should be fed to the giant

This battle is based on squads. The more powerful squads are assigned, the closer they are to the rear. This is to keep the more powerful people near the people and better protect the people. Allen's team is in the central area.

Such a tragic thing shouldn't have happened, but unfortunately they just met a large group of giants, and there was a strange species among them.

With Armi and the remaining three survivors, Xie Chen walked towards the troops behind. At this time, the team's combat power was lost except for Armie and him, only to go to the rear and then listen to the distribution of the rear personnel.

Almi was devastated along the way. Although not all died, he was the only one left, but Alan's death still brought him an unspeakable heavy blow. If Xie Chen hadn't opened the way along the way, these people would have been eaten by the giant.

"Keep out of everything, I'm going to serve in the reinforcements," said the bearded officer with sunken eye sockets. I saw sweat on his forehead. Very nervous.

"Please, Captain, we can't fight against these giants at all by the supplementary soldiers alone, please stay." A female soldier begged the other side of the bearded Captain whose eye sockets were sunken.

"This is a prescribed thing. Soldiers must obey the orders above, right?" Captain Bearded shouted loudly.

"It's going to be safe." Another male soldier on the other side said in a not very hard tone.

"Asshole! What are you talking about! Get out of the way." Captain Bearded suddenly exploded.

"But, if it falls here,..." Before the female soldier finished speaking, the beard drew the knife and directly shouted for everyone to obey the order and let the road go.

Standing on the beam inside the house, Xie Chen watched this scene coldly. After he came from the front, he realized that Mikasa had already rushed to the front to look for Allen, and the soldiers in the back began to panic. The biggest commander has to flee to the rear, let alone other soldiers.

Xie Chen was very impressed with the bearded captain with deep eye sockets in front of him. After everyone found out that Alan could be a giant, it was just like this guy who didn’t stop Almi’s strategic plan and wanted to directly bombard everyone. dead.

At this moment, the soldier in front of him was making sacrifices, but this guy wanted to escape. Immediately, Xie Chen's eyes were filled with cold light. But he didn't intend to kill him directly, it would be too cheap for this guy.

Finally, the three people standing in front of Captain Bearded gave way, and Captain Bearded hurriedly fled towards the rear city wall with his own people.

At present, Almi and the three survivors don't care about them, just deal with this guy first and then take Almi to find Mikasa. Thinking about Xie Chen crossing the high city wall and rushing directly towards Captain Bearded who was extremely timid just now.

He changed his clothes casually, and then covered his face with a scarf. Xie Chen quickly grabbed Captain Blackbeard, who had just stepped into the rear city wall with a sigh of relief, into the air.

"Asshole! You, who are you! Don't you know that I am the chief here! Quickly let me down!" He said, he also took a knife and slashed at Xie Chen. However, Xie Chen just unloaded all the equipment from Captain Bearded."You are not worthy to live if you only care about running away." After saying that Xie Chen didn't bother, and flew out of the city with Captain Bearded. At this moment, he flew at the speed of Xie Chen. Getting outside of the city is just a blink of an eye!

"You, what the **** are you!?" Seeing that Xie Chen could fly in the air without a three-dimensional automatic device, Captain Bearded suddenly frightened.

Without even looking at him, Xie Chen threw him into the giant pile with a wave of his hand.

"Ah, no, save me! Save me!" Seeing that the bearded captain with sunken eye sockets was bitten into a cold dish by the giant, Xie Chen left with peace of mind.

"The highest officer here has already evacuated. You'd better hide in some safe place. It is estimated that this place will fall sooner or later. Now, I am going to look for Mikasa and the others." Xie Chen looked at the few people in front of him while adding gas. I told everyone about the current situation, and at the end, I looked at Almi who was still blaming himself.

"I'll go with you." Although Almi's tone was not very full when he said this, his eyes were more determined and regretful.

"Well, good. Let's leave when filled with gas." To be honest, Xie Chen is a bit reluctant to carry Armi's burden, but he can't do it without it. After all, many things behind it require Almi's mind.

The road to the front is not very safe either. As the gap exists longer and longer, more and more giants come in through the gap. Although the trainers and veterans were constantly beheading the giants, they were far behind the speed of the giants coming in.

Thanks to the previous massacre by Xie Chen at the forefront, the loss of the current personnel is not so serious. Otherwise, I am afraid that the number of people who can live now will definitely not exceed one-third of the current.

Finally, Xie Chen with Armi came to the front of Mikasa.

"Almi? You didn't get hurt. Seeing Almi's arrival, Mikasa asked immediately." The two have been friends for many years, and Mikasa will naturally be more gentle to Almi than others.

"Almi, have you seen Alan?" Finally Mikasa asked the most critical question. Suddenly Armi burst into tears again. Just bit his lip and didn't speak.

"Training soldiers, Class 34, Thomas and Allen were killed in battle!" All five of them were supposed to be killed in battle, but because of Xie Chen, only two died.

But Mikasa who heard these words still stood far away as if there was no response. There was only Almi's crying at the scene.

"I'm sorry, Mikasa, Allen died to save me." Almi continued to kneel on the roof and said, sobbing.

"Almi, Allen didn't die because of you, the more I need to calm down now." Mikasa did not cry as expected, but said to Almi very calmly.

In Xie Chen's eyes, it was already clear that Mikasa's heart was dead for more than half. ..


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