Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 12: Human hope

If you don't even have the courage to face giants, then mankind is really going to perish. Xie Chen sighed as he looked at the people below who were agitated by the speech of Commander Picses.

Even if you are brave enough to face so many giants in front of you, many people will undoubtedly die. If two-fifths of these people can come back alive, it will be a huge victory over there.

Everything was arranged, everyone shouted and rushed towards the Troost area. And Xie Chen glanced at the key hanging on Alan's neck and rushed out.

Commander Pickses, the highest person in charge of the southern territories of Teste District, is also responsible for the defense of the most important areas of mankind. At the same time, he is also a well-known weirdo. He has been eager to win since the confrontation between giants, and he himself once said that it would be too shameful to fail to fight against such an incompetent boy.

No one could predict the success or failure of the war before the battle, but it was the desire for victory that made him put the bet on Allen. If Allen succeeds, the war will be won. If Allen loses, so many soldiers will lose their lives in vain. And he will also bear the charge of a butcher. Human butcher!

The battle plan this time is very simple. It is to continuously send soldiers to attract the attention of the giant, so that the giant Alan has the time and opportunity to move the boulders that fell in the town and block the giant hole in the city wall.

But obviously the plan failed from the beginning. Whether Allen can preserve consciousness after becoming a giant is not clear to Allen himself. The first time when it became a giant, it was just blindly killing giants, and it never passed to Mikasa or Elmi.

But this is still the case this time, I don't know if it was the last time that I saw that all my companions around me were killed by the giants, which aroused the determination to slaughter the giants, so I went to slaughter the giants so violently. And this time, Allen, who had just turned into a giant, shook his fist at Mikasa.

"Allen! It's me, I'm Mikasa." Mikasa kept calling Allen's name around Allen. But the giant Allen obviously couldn't recognize her anymore. Just blindly destroy the surrounding buildings. There is no trace of reason at all.

Only at this moment, the loss of human soldiers exceeded 20%. This can be said to be a completely unfounded battle, but it is also an opportunity for humans to counterattack. But for the dead, it depends on what you think.

Xie Chen was assigned to the elite class, which is the class that personally protects the giant Allen from being harassed by the giant. He was standing on the same roof with Mikasa. There are also three other elite class members.

"Ian, this is a battle with no chance of winning at all. There is no human weapon at all. Let's retreat," one of the elite class members said. When they saw Alan out of control, these people had already given up the battle in their hearts.

"Can't go, what should Ellen do?!" Mikasa directly resisted. If everyone left, it would be equivalent to giving up the giant-like Ellen.

"Ian, a 15-meter-level giant was found in the front, and two eighth-level giants on the right!" Another female soldier flew onto the roof and reported.

"You are arguing slowly, I'll go ahead and chop off those two 8-meter giants." Xie Chen won't stay here and argue with them whether to leave or stay. Get up and fly directly to the two eight-meter giants.

"You!" As the commander of this event, Ian wanted to stop Xie Chen, but in the blink of an eye, Xie Chen no longer knew where he was flying.

"Is that kid looking for death?!" The person who suggested to retreat just now sneered.

At this time, Allen was lying on the ground motionless, and the scars that could be healed didn't get any better. If Xie Chen were there, he would definitely be able to see that at this time, Allen had fallen deeply into the dream of a beautiful home he had built. Only by waking him up can this task be successfully completed.

"Commander! There is a problem with the filling work in the south. Our soldiers have already lost nearly 20%. Let them withdraw first!"

Commander Picses looked at the south motionlessly, and did not give any orders. He was betting, since he had already put all his bets on Allen, how could he withdraw. He won't admit defeat so easily. Even bet on the lives of these soldiers. As long as the breath survives, he will resist to the end!

In a blink of an eye, Xie Chen had already solved the two eight-meter-class and the fifteen-meter. For him it was just a piece of cake.

"You," the three of them were shocked when they saw Xie Chen's return. Although they knew that Xie Chen was a personally designated guard by Commander Pickers, they did not expect to be so powerful. Cutting giants is like cutting melons.

"What's wrong with me? Choose to stay behind to complete the task or return to the city wall. You decide for yourself, but I want to stay here. But don't worry, if you stay here, I will protect you." Xie Chen leaned on listlessly Alan, who was sitting on the ground watching from the eaves, said softly.

"Asshole! What did you say!" Suddenly one person couldn't stand Xie Chen's ridicule and cursed. But Xie Chen did not even bother to look at him. Just staring at Alan thinking about something.

Of course, everyone finally decided to stay and complete the task. Of course, this was not because of Xie Chen, but that Captain Ian had made up his mind a long time ago, just like Commander Picses.

As Commander Picses thought in his heart, this is the only hope of mankind, except for Alan, there is no other way to stop the giant. For this glimmer of hope, no matter how many people die, no matter how big the risk is, they will rush forward and backward. This is probably the sorrow of mankind.

All the people on the battlefield are fighting desperately, even facing a giant who is twice or three times the number of themselves, they are already rushing forward. No one flinched in the slightest. It is the hope of mankind that everyone sticks to it at this moment.

Someone keeps dying, and some keeps rushing up!



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