Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 59: monster

The roasted wild boar was sprinkled with spices and coated with honey, and the fragrance was floating in the air. Sha Xia and the others, who were squatting on the side, were already swallowing their saliva. Yani, while eating the fruits picked by Xie Chen, looked at Xie Chen with a smile.

Finally the meat is ready! If it weren't for Sha Xia who can't cook meat, he'd burnt three or four yuan in succession, I'm afraid everyone would have started, and there needs to be drooling at Xie Chen barbecue.

"Xie Chen, your barbecue is so fragrant." Sha Xia stared at the meat in Xie Chen's hand as if he was about to pounce at any time.

"No, this piece is ready for you." Xie Chen smiled and handed this piece to Sha Xia. Before Xie Chen handed it over, Sha Xia threw it on by herself, not afraid of being burnt. Just open your mouth and bite.

"Wait a little longer, this piece will be ready soon." Xie Chen looked at Yani and said softly. Yani on the side just looked at Xie Chen and smiled and then hummed, and continued to sit on the ground with her twins and watch Xie Chen barbecue.

"Xie Chen, you have forgotten your friends too much, I want too!" Nico on the side yelled when Xie Chen was treated differently.

"Hahaha, okay, if you can hold it till I finish baking one by one," Xie Chen said casually. Because each piece of meat Xie Chen was roasted with extra care, spice and honey, it took a long time. Of course, it was the best roast among everyone.

"Forget it, when you bake it, I will starve to death." Nico glanced at the barbecue in Sha Xia's hand bitterly, and started to eat himself.

Under the leadership of Xie Chen, I ate a meal for almost two hours, but everyone was feasted. Except for Xie Chen’s barbecue, the fruits he brought back were also exceptionally sweet. Yani liked to eat it. That red fruit,

It is not very sweet but very fragrant, and the flesh is not greasy. It has a melt-in-mouth feeling.

"Like to eat? I'll pick more for you later." Xie Chen rubbed Yani's hair and said softly.

"You, you eat too." Yani immediately looked at everyone around him with a guilty conscience, and when he saw that no one was paying attention, he held the fruit and handed it to Xie Chen. There was a gap in the fruit where Yani had bitten half.

"Well, it's delicious, haha." Xie Chen took a big bite directly on Yani's bite mark, and then said with a smile.

Yani blushed and ignored Xie Chen's molesting and ran to find Mikasa.

Since Xie Chen opened Yani’s heart, in addition to the usual Yani who is still a bit cold, there is another Yani who always likes to be red and shy. Nico is still very few in front of Nico and others. Speaking, it's just a lot better in attitude, a lot more smiles, a quiet beautiful woman. Only Xie Chen always showed the tender and shy side of the girl.

"It's late, let's set off. It's better to walk through this forest before it gets dark!" Xie Chen, who had eaten and rested, looked at the end and said.

Yesterday, Xie Chen probably told everyone about his plan. If possible, go through the forest first. If it is best, he can find the village that Xie Chen saw when he overlooked the entire island yesterday, and then exchange some resources. It is best if there is a boat. The people don't plan to stay on this small island for a long time. Their target is that continent.

Originally came out with Xie Chen because Wang Zheng's actions made everyone give up. They wanted to find a human kingdom and settle down, but who would have thought that they would lose their way in the sea. However, everyone was happily following Xie Chen everywhere. They didn't know that they had lost themselves for many years. It was difficult to have freedom, so naturally they had to go.

And Xie Chen may promise to take everyone to settle down in a good place where humans live. As for himself, he didn't think so much. If possible, it is a good plan to take Yani to stabilize for the time being to improve Yani's strength.

Everyone packed their things and leaped out of the tree hole one after another, and continued to drive through the forest.

The people who flew in the forest were dazzled by the colorful flowers in the forest and all kinds of strange beasts and insects.

"Look, that flower is eating." Nico said in surprise.

And that flower really ate something. It used the teeth of the flower to tear off a piece of meat from a dead little beast that was entangled by Tenman, and then chewed it into its stomach.

"Then, you see how many flying pigs are there." Jean also shouted. In the direction he was pointing, a group of pigs were wandering leisurely and fanning the wind among the trees with their wide ears.

Everyone has seen pigs, but they have never seen a pig that can fly like this. Even Xie Chen was very surprised.

However, when everyone was amazed at the various animals and plants in the forest, Petra yelled out. Petra usually seldom speaks, but likes to stay beside Mikasa and Yani.

"I seem to be poisoned." Before I finished speaking, he began to fall from the air to the ground. Lewell was by his side, saw her falling towards the ground, and quickly flew over and hugged her in his arms.

And when Lewell hugged Petra, a poisoned needle flew directly towards him. But apparently Lewell had been prepared for a long time, and directly fended off with a knife.

"Wow!" Seeing that the sneak attack was not successful, a group of green-skinned monsters ran out of the woods with various homemade weapons in their hands. Some were hung on the trees, and some were on the ground. Jumping and jumping.

These monsters have pointed ears, each with a height of five or six meters, but their height is average and not like the giants in the city. Obviously it is also a group with high IQ. The green face and fangs are really scary.

And the poisonous needle just now was shot by one of Jiaguo holding a blowpipe.

"Human! This is not your territory, you have passed!" A five-meter-high old monster who looked a little older and leaned on a cane came out from behind the monsters. Speaking in a strange tone.

"We just passed by here." Xie Chen didn't intend to talk to them more. Since they started doing things as soon as they came up, there was no need to save face for them.

"Leave the prey. Let you go." The old monster seemed to be a little jealous of everyone, but still greedily stared at the unconscious Petra with those green eyes.

Xie Chen didn't speak any more and turned into a giant fifty meters tall! ..


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