Infinite Kings Advent

: The 92nd Giant Wolf (2)

On this road, apart from a few wild beasts that didn't have eyes jumping out of the forest and wanted to use Xie Chen and others as their rations, few beasts stood in the way.

And those very few beasts with no eyes were smeared with honey to make delicious barbecue. Man'er and Yani can be said to be a feast on the way.

In fact, Yani's cooking skills are also very good, but in front of Xie Chen, it is only slightly inferior. It can only be said that Xie Chen's cooking skills are excellent. In fact, this cooking skill and Xie Chen's strength are also inseparable.

In fact, the body of every beast or fierce beast contains very messy heaven and earth energy, and these energies belonging to different laws are all adjusted to the best state by Xie Chen when Xie Chen is cooking, plus Xie Chen’s homemade spices and Yani’s sauce, no matter how bad the meat tastes, can be turned into an incredibly rich meal in Xie Chen’s hands.

From this point, it can be seen that cultivation is ubiquitous in life, even if it is cooking, it can be finely controlled by the power of law.

And just as Yani was reminiscing about Xie Chen's braised wild boar legs at noon, not far from the jungle, the sound of wolves and people fighting were heard.

After walking in, I saw that this was a caravan, which was surrounded by wolves. However, there are five thousand-meter-high giants and three intermediate priests in the caravan. But there are too many wolves. Seeing this scene, Xie Chen suddenly remembered the giant wolf just now.

Obviously the giant wolf just now was responsible for the task of guarding the wind. At this time, when Xie Chen was approaching, the giants and priests clearly saw Xie Chen's existence, but instead of asking Xie Chen for help, they winked and asked Xie Chen to leave quickly. Also deliberately enhanced the attack to attract the attention of the giant wolf.

Obviously they felt that relying on Xie Chen's great cart, there was no hope for them to rescue them, and they could only die if they rushed in. I am in a desperate situation, there is no need to drag others in.

The eight of them think so, but some of them don't think so. A fat man with an eight-faced beard also noticed Xie Chen's existence. When Xie Chen was still far away, he started shouting loudly.

"Help! Help! The little brother in front, come and help, there will be a great reward afterwards." While shouting, he threw the thing in his hand in the direction of Xie Chen. And the small eyes rolled around.

In his opinion, even if Xie Chen can't stop the wolf's attack, at least he can help himself and others attract the attention of the wolf, or maybe the wild wolves will stop attacking themselves after they are full. . As for Xie Chen's life and death, he didn't pay attention to it at all. In his heart, his own fate was naturally first.

The giant wolves were immediately attracted by the things the fat man threw, and when they turned their heads to look at the things that were thrown out, they happened to see Xie Chen and others slowly coming. "Wow! Master, Master, so many big dogs." Man'er still yelled very excitedly. If Xie Chen was really an ordinary person, even if it was a similarly intermediate priest, then he would inevitably be the food in the belly of the giant wolf today.

It's just that although Xie Chen had already sentenced the fat man with eight beards to death, he still had a good impression of the other eight people who left on their own.

When these giant wolves saw Xie Chen, they erected the hair on their backs for the first time, staring at Xie Chen vigilantly, and did not directly swarm them like they did against a caravan. Obviously, the sense of crisis and wildness in their bones made them scheduled Xie Chen to be a dangerous prey.

Just like wolves treating a passing giant elephant, they will never violate the dignity of the elephant as long as possible. Otherwise, they will be greeted with a heavy death stampede by the giant elephant.

At this time, not only the fat man was stunned, but the five giants and the three priests were also stunned. Obviously they didn't understand why these giant wolves didn't embrace Xie Chen and the others. You must know that these extremely hungry giant wolves, when they met them, did not hesitate to pounce in groups.

"Man'er, throw the wild boar behind the carriage." Xie Chen was riding on the cow's back, without any sense of urgency or fear, and said calmly.

"I know, Master." Man'er freed himself from Yani's arms very well, and ran behind the carriage. The giant wolf only cared about Xie Chen's actions. Although he was a little wary of Man'er, he was not so exaggerated.

Man'er came to the back of the carriage and quickly untied the rope tied to the wild boar, letting direct force to throw the two missing wild boars into the pack of wolves.

This action scared the wolves, but the giant wolves who smelled the food immediately surrounded the food. These giant wolves did not bite and loot because they got the food. Two giant wolves walked out and dragged the dead boar away.

This was originally Xie Chen's dinner. Xie Chen had promised to cook Man'er suckling pig, but there was no way that Man'er could only watch his roast suckling pig slowly leave him.

After receiving Xie Chen, these giant wolves were obviously less hostile to Xie Chen, but they were still wary of Xie Chen. If Xie Chen wanted to leave directly, these giant wolves would never stop him, and Xie Chen didn't need to throw the wild boar at them.

But if Xie Chen wanted to save those caravans, then the wild boar thrown out was a must. Only in this way can the first step be recognized by the giant wolves. Of course Xie Chen could kill these giant wolves every minute if he wanted to, but this was not what Xie Chen wanted. After Xie Chen passed through the things in the wall, he cherished the existence of life more and more. It will never open the killing ring when it is not necessary.

After throwing the wild boar again, Xie Chen slowly walked off the cow's back, raised his hands, and slowly walked towards the wolves. ..


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