Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 97: Failed to strike up a conversation

I saw a very proud man with short blond hair in the room where the priest was appraising it. A very proud man with short blonde hair painted a magic pattern in the air. With a strange brilliance.

Generally, the symbols are the simplest in the description of the pattern, and then some patterns similar to the mountains and trees, and the more difficult thing is the pattern of the animals like the blond men now depicting. Of course, there is something further up. The pattern like the bird can only be regarded as the upper medium.

The young man who painted the lines was called Tares, and this was his final evaluation. As long as this level is over, he can wait for his senior priest's badge at home with peace of mind. Of course, for this kind of delivery service, the evaluation center also needs to charge a certain fee.

Tares is the aboriginal inhabitants of Qingcheng. The aboriginal inhabitants refer to those people who lived on this land before the city was built. These people have given a lot of power and strength when building the city. Credit. So their descendants have the right to be superior in the city.

These people in the city, no matter where they live or in some city policies, will be better than those in later cities. But this is understandable, after all, their ancestors suffered a lot in the construction of the city. This is always the reward for the children.

But the bad is just as bad as it should be. With these four words on it, I knew it would be better if I had just finished building the city. After all, the hard work of those ancestors is obvious to all. However, as time goes by, the new generation is replaced by the old. Who remembers what happened at that time?

But the descendants of the original inhabitants don't think so. They still think they have such qualifications. At the same time also enjoy this treatment. And I am very happy to show off in front of latecomers.

After the original inhabitants, they are migrants. These migrants are the second batch of residents in the city and the second most proud people in the city. Although they did not have the arrogance and superiority of the original inhabitants, they still looked down upon the later migrants. They think that only the original inhabitants are the ones who can think of them. The others are inferior.

Of course, this idea is better than not everyone has. After all, whether it is the original inhabitants, the migrants or the last group of people. Here, as long as you follow a series of express regulations issued by the city owner. You can basically eat a full meal. And as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain.

This is relative fairness under unfairness. After all, the incomplete fairness in this world is the greatest fairness. But there are very few people who can understand this sentence. Tares is no exception.

Tares is the original inhabitant of this city. From his birth, he was instilled with a lot of ideas of superiority among the indigenous people. What a child looks like when he grows up is definitely related to his adult's thinking and lifestyle. As a result, Tares became a pretentious and proud native.

He is not strong but he is not motivated. Just relying on the supply of his parents at home can completely squander him and live. However, it is still a bit pressured, that is, Gera next door to his house seems to have broken through the strength of the senior priest. Only he was struggling **** the Intermediate Priest.

So Tales, who gritted his teeth and made up his mind, worked hard to practice, at least not to be surpassed by the idiot next door. Finally today he ushered in his own upgrade evaluation! And if you can hook up a beautiful girl in such a day, then his life will not be too perfect!

Xie Chen, who had probably figured out the evaluation process, walked towards where Yani and Man'er were. The evaluation this time is not difficult, so he plans to let Man Er and Yani evaluate together. After all, he still has a few badges of junior priests in his pocket. As long as the evaluation of the intermediate priests is done directly together.

When Xie Chen walked towards Yani and the others, he found a man with blond hair was entangled with Yani. Seeing this scene, he suddenly smiled and shook his head. He naturally knew that with Yani's outstanding appearance, some flies would definitely be attracted, but he didn't expect it would come so soon.

"Miss, if you can, I would like to invite you to have a drink, don't know how? I am an aboriginal here, and I am very familiar with the city built by my fathers brick by brick. If you don't mind If you do, you can follow me to browse the beautiful scenery here." The blond man, Tales said proudly.

In his heart, after knowing that he was an original inhabitant of the city, the sister paper in front of him would surely take the initiative to send off and squeeze into his arms, but Yani's reaction made him very embarrassed. Yani didn't seem to listen to him, nor did she see him, she just looked for something in the crowd with her neck.

The person Yani was looking for was still Xie Chen. As for Man'er next to him, she was very boring doing the snacks Xie Chen bought with her eyes wide-eyed on the side steps. In a short while, he was full of mouthfuls.

It seemed that he had almost eaten, and he didn't dislike his oily claws, so he hugged Yani. This guy is obviously more than six years old, but he is always acting cute as before. It's just that for Xie Chen, he was already immune. However, it is still very useful for Yani.

Yani looked at Man'er's colorful face, holding Man'er's face lovingly, and rubbed Man'er's face vigorously with a handkerchief. Suddenly Man'er began to struggle violently. But it's just a symbol. He had long known that he would never escape Yani's palm.

Seeing the smile on Leitas's face who completely ignored him, he froze, but he didn't give up. After all, Leitas, who has years of experience in making girls, knows how to make these girls tempted. Then trick them into bed. But he would not have thought that this time, he was doomed to fail. ..


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