Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 141: guess

"Elf totem, I believe everyone knows it, this is a legendary treasure, not only me, but everyone present has never seen it. After so long, no one can confirm this treasure, but according to the ancient book Describe, we confirm that this sheepskin scroll has a 70% chance of being the law of the spirits of the year."

The middle-aged man standing on the stage was very serious about the information about the sheepskin scroll on the stage, and at this moment, nearly half of the people in the audience were listening very carefully. After all, not everyone's news is like the big clans in the front row.

Listening to the description of the middle-aged man, this sheepskin scroll was found in a sea of ​​corpses. The sea of ​​corpses is not unique to this world. The sea of ​​corpses is divided into three parts, and here is only one of them. Legend has it that the sea of ​​corpses was formed by the corpses of the six races during the war.

Of course, it will not be an ocean made up of corpses, but a blood-red ocean. There are also various creatures in the ocean, but these creatures are very cruel. The creatures here have a very common feature, that is, blood-red eyes.

As long as the creatures came out of the sea of ​​corpses, the blood-red eyes could not be covered. And the most frightening thing is not the ferocious monsters, but the immortal bones left by the ancestors that appear from time to time in the sea of ​​corpses. These corpses have long lost their spiritual wisdom, as long as they see a creature, they will directly jump on and start biting. It seems that the creatures in the sea of ​​corpses can be directly ignored by these corpses.

The corpse sea is very dangerous, and of course there are countless wealth. These are all leftovers from the ancestors. If you have to compare the sea of ​​corpses to anything, then a place with a mixture of flesh and blood and wealth is the most suitable.

And this sheepskin scroll was fished out of it by a caravan trying its luck in the sea of ​​corpses. And this caravan finally survived, five people. Hundreds of other people were lost in the sea of ​​corpses.

There have never been many such things, but there are still many people trying their luck in the sea of ​​corpses. This is called death for money.

The five people who survived the last time were lucky. The light radiated from the scroll for a long time since they got the scroll confirmed that the scroll was not a simple thing. That's why I desperately want the scroll to stay out of the corpse sea.

Sometimes the treasure is far more than a hundred lives before. This is the sadness at the bottom.

After the five people came back, when the treasure was taken out for the first time, it was bought by the current chamber of commerce at all costs.

At the beginning, the five people were also unwilling to take this scroll easily. After all, these five people were not fools, and they saw that the things they brought out of the sea of ​​corpses were not simple. I even wanted to go to the auction house for appraisal and auction it out.

But don't say whether you can keep this treasure with the strength of these five people, that is, the cost of strengthening the treasure can not be afforded by everyone. Coupled with the persecution of the Chamber of Commerce, the talents had to sell them to the Chamber of Commerce where Xie Chen and others were at the price of five thousand crystal coins.

But it's not bad. If you know that some chambers of commerce are even more black-hearted than this one, it's not uncommon to eat black. After all, in this world, if you have force, then you are the boss. At the very least, none of these guys had received a thousand crystal coins. They didn't die in the sea of ​​corpses like those poor companions, and even the corpses were not found.

As for the Chamber of Commerce, when the five people appeared for the first time, they had already noticed them. The scrolls in their hands were not known to others, but the appraiser in a Chamber of Commerce who occasionally saw the wizard totem in an ancient book. I recognized it.

Although not sure, it still made the appraiser's heart beat wildly. You must know that if it is really an elf totem, it will be a sensational event in this world! What can be more exciting than the wizard totem! Suddenly the appraiser made up his mind to buy this item, no matter what the price.

And the big boss of the Chamber of Commerce was very supportive after hearing about this, and even said that no matter how high the price is, even if the entire Chamber of Commerce is lost, he must buy it.

Whether this scroll is true or not, it will be an opportunity for the Chamber of Commerce, an opportunity to advance to a higher level. The big boss will naturally not let go of such an opportunity.

So just by such a coincidence, Xie Chen was sitting here for auction today. The middle-aged man spoke in great detail, even how the five people found the scroll in the sea of ​​corpses, but apparently he also heard the five people say this part.

Everyone is trying hard to hear something from it, after all, this is an elf totem. It is the treasure of the elves. It's not an ordinary little treasure.

But Yan Youyin and the others were staring at the scroll on the stage, as if wanting to see something from above. They are also a little worried at this time. When everyone heard the news of the wizard totem for the first time, 90% of them chose not to believe it. But they still came.

Because they know it's impossible for home to understand, but they still have to come. This thing is really too important. There is no alternative.

"The villain also said here, and the rest is up to you to judge. The starting price of this scroll is 20,000 crystal coins. Every time the price increases, it should not be less than five hundred crystal coins." The middle-aged man stopped. Speaking stood aside waiting for everyone to bid. In the offer just now, the middle-aged man clearly said that it was a scroll, not an elf totem.

Only these chambers of commerce are also very cunning. Regardless of whether this thing is a fairy scroll or not, they will bid 20,000 coins. As for how to judge it, it's up to you.

At this time, everyone in the audience is quiet. No one bids. It's not that they don't want to buy or can't afford it. It's that no one wants to start the game, and more people are judging the truth of this scroll. false. ..


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