Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 171: Large-scale prohibition (2)

This is the first time that Xie Chen has produced such a large-scale prohibition. Even the wood attribute prohibition known in the mountain village before has not made Xie Chen so laborious.

After all, at that time, it can be said that the time and place are favorable, and everyone is satisfied. There is a rich forest on the back of the mountain, and the law of wood attributes is one of the Five Elements Law that Xie Chen is very proficient in. So there is no problem with the construction.

But this time is different, space is restricted, and it is still necessary to summarize the range of hundreds of miles. If there is sufficient power of the law, it might not be so difficult. However, relying on the little spatial force radiated in the space, it is not enough to plug the gap between the teeth.

It is precisely because of this that the stone painted by Xie Chen at this moment becomes the key. The space in a mature world is always stable, just like the world before Xie Chen entered the priest tower. If you let Xie Chen build such a space restriction there, Xie Chen would definitely refuse without saying a word. .

It's because the world is too stable. If you wait for Xie Chen's strength to go further, maybe it's possible, but it's definitely out of play now. The world in the Priest Tower is different. Although the world here is also very stable, it is far too different from the outside world.

As long as Xie Chen tears the world apart with the stones that contain spatial energy carved in his own hands, and then extracts a large amount of energy from the cracks, he can easily create the spatial restriction he wants.

The next day Xie Chen took Aping and walked around the edge of the village. In the meantime, Xie Chen stopped every time he walked to a place, and then threw a stone carved with runes into the air. And the stone just disappeared into the air as if it had been thrown into the water. Seeing this scene, Aping seemed to see a ghost.

"This is a cultivation technique from your king. Don't be idle when I am busy. Try to practice cultivation." Xie Chen threw a book directly to Aping and said. There are so many old men with this kind of cultivation method, Xie Chen agreed without hesitation as soon as he spoke. Of course, this is also because Xie Chen agreed to the production ban.

A Ping was very embarrassed to accept the book that Xie Chen threw over. It is said that a book is actually a simple book made of animal skins. Aping didn't refuse, nor was he hypocritical. He already owed Xie Chen too much, so he didn't care about it anymore.

The ordinary people knew nothing about the early arrival of the extreme cold, but it had indeed spread wildly among the noble circles. Everyone who knew about this was as crazy as they were crazy, accumulating food and all kinds of materials to survive the extreme cold. The whole tribe was plunged into a very quiet atmosphere.

It was like the night before the storm was about to come. On the street, it suddenly became deserted. There is no one else except those nobles who can have time to go shopping.

The nobles knew, the commoners would naturally not be concealed for too long. Just after Xie Chen portrayed most of the restrictions around the village, no one in the village said that he had missed his mouth, and suddenly the whole village knew that Extreme Cold had come early Thing!

All people panicked right now, especially those who don't have roots to escape. People at the bottom always occupy the majority of the crowd. This sentence is never wrong. When most of these people panic, almost the whole world will panic.

Xie Chen now quite understands the meaning of this sentence. In the hearts of these people, you are already a person who is about to die. Since you are going to die sooner or later, why should you make it easier for you people? So on the coming last day of the extreme cold, these people frantically ransacked the aristocrats. Five unrest broke out in one day. Every time it was the king who appeared before finally calmed down.

"My people, you don't need to worry about the threat of extreme cold. Your king has found a solution." Temperament seems to be a majestic king. At this moment, Xie Chen realized that the whole old man was still somewhat desirable.

Under the old man's hint, Xie Chen directly raised a part of the formation, and suddenly the area outside the area suddenly became hazy. It's like being enveloped by smoke. The smoke did not spread everywhere, but condensed together, slowly condensing into a frosted glass-like wall. Four-fifths of the entire tribe is shrouded by these frosted glass-like walls, even in the sky.

Xie Chen hasn't done the final point yet. At this time, it was only to match the old man.

"See? This is what we can stop the extreme cold. With it, even if the extreme cold is coming now, we can face it calmly." The king's prestige is supreme, even if the king does not come out at this time. Tell them so much, just let go of their faces at will, and the crowd will settle down. This is the prestige that King Slaughter has accumulated decisively in previous years.

But at this moment, if his own king said that, then there must be nothing wrong. Their king can only kill, but he can't lie. This is the supreme trust of the night-weary clan for the king. So the people who gathered together slowly dispersed. More people began to have a keen interest in this layer of frosted glass on the edge of the village.

The prohibition created by Xie Chen was to isolate the entire village alone. Just like being separated from the whole world. In this way, things from outside will naturally not come in. But now because the ban has not been completed, the entire village has not been isolated.

So these night borers can pass through this layer of frosted glass at will. There will be no obstacles. And if you look through the surface, the entire village now seems to be wrapped in a layer of frosted glass. Only a little bit Xie Chen has not finished. And as long as Xie Chen is finished, the whole village will feel like being wrapped in a huge bubble. Separated from this world. ..


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