Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 186: New Wang Aping

Aping's mentality was exceptionally calm at this time. He didn't have the joy of gaining power, nor did he have the hatred of wanting to avenge those who looked down on him. If there is anything that can disturb his heart at this time, then only his teacher has Xie Chen, who has witnessed him from a small figure to a king.

This is probably the mentality of successful people. They will always experience too many things first, and then dismiss many things after success. Say indifference from time to time, not ruthless. It's just an experience that many people don't have. That's why most of the time is calm.

"I, your new king. I will accept all the responsibilities and responsibilities of the old king. Protect the entire community." Aping didn't say a lot, but when he spoke, he let out his king's strength and momentum, and everyone panicked. Not angry. And when he finished speaking, he looked at the big holes in the head of the community.

Then Aping suddenly waved his hand in the air and grabbed it. Everyone saw that the air restraint was in good condition before slowly returning. Seeing this scene, everyone present had a trace of clarity and shock in their eyes.

They understood that now the entire community had been mastered by the tribe they had never seen before. Of course, it's not that the people on the court didn't know Aping. Lace and his father.

Before Lace came here, she always had hope in her heart, thinking that the ancient horn must have broken through to the realm of the king, and then she blew the animal horn. First, relying on the realm of the full moon, the full moon masters in the two noble families were torn apart abruptly, and then the head of the counselor stood down and left. Then it is logical to break through to the realm of the king, come back and blow the horns to become a veritable king!

In her fantasies, such a script would fit. But after coming here, the people in front of her suddenly let her fall from the paradise of illusion into the **** of reality.

"No! How could it be you! Where is the ancient horn?! What about the ancient horn! Did you take him away, and then I don’t know how to take away the king who should belong to him!" Lace showed her strength in Aping. He suddenly roared when he was about to turn around and leave.

It was not that Aping hadn't seen lace before, but after that engagement banquet, there was no such person as lace in Aping's heart. Since there is no more, how can I pay attention to it again. Seeing it is just like everyone else here. Can't let his mind float.

When Lace yelled, Aping, who was about to turn around and leave, only paused for a while, then frowned, and left. If it is someone else, he doesn't mind using this person's blood to establish his dignity. But for Lace, even if he put it down, he couldn't do such a cruel hand.

However, the shouting Lace didn't intend to stop like this. Now she said she was crazy. Seeing Aping turning around and about to leave, he didn't pay attention to her in the slightest. She actually rushed directly out of the crowd under the high platform and rushed towards Aping. When he was almost behind Aping, he stretched out his hand to grab Aping and wanted him to tell what happened to her ancient horn. "Pop!" Aping still didn't say a word, and slapped her into the air. The strength is not great, but it is enough to get her back to where she should be.

"Huh!" After the beating, Aping coldly snorted and glanced at Lace's father who had never looked at him. Turn around and leave.

The people who stayed in place were indeed in a daze. They didn't understand that the courage from Lace dared to directly rush into the new king, and they didn't know why the new king didn't even crush this crazy woman into meat sauce. But there is no one who can be here is not a good idea. Naturally, one can guess that this woman must have an unusual relationship with the new king today. But I can only wait until I go back with my stomach full of doubts before investigating.

Lace's father looked at Lace lying on the ground and shook his head, and walked forward and tried hard to support his most beloved girl. The wrinkles on his face seemed to have increased a lot. There seemed to be more pale hair on his head. Old-fashioned.

No one is really cruel and ruthless, no one is really cruel and can poison the child. In many cases, it is more helpless in life. Whether you are a bad person or a good person. As long as it is still or, such helplessness will exist.

After everyone left, not long after, the love triangle between Lace, Aping and Gu Jiao was placed in front of everyone. While everyone was amazed, it was a little bit incredible. Aping such untouchables in their eyes, I don't know how many untouchables there will be, but such untouchables have become their king. What are the twists and turns in the middle? No one can think of it. But that doesn't matter anymore. After all, the most important thing now is how to please this king now and in the future.

So everyone agreed that Lace's family should be suppressed, and the most unlucky at this time should be their family. As long as all the majesty of the king just ascended to the top of this clan with eyes and blind jewels, his clan can be nourished. Therefore, in the night-weary clan, no matter in terms of trade or force, it seems that in an instant, people all over the world have become enemies of the Lace family.

Aping didn't think so much, just wanted to deal with the matter here as soon as possible, and then quickly went to his teacher and gave him a satisfactory answer.

A Ping did not belong to his own power in the palace, or the top power of the night-weary clan. But this is not a problem. If you have to talk about a problem, it is also a matter of time. And no power means no eyes and no ears.

But these things don't stop Aping, the strong will always be followed by a group of small soldiers. So just after Aping turned and left the high platform, countless people were chasing after him. Wang is qualified to have personal guards, even if you organize one yourself, there is no problem.

Just like holding the thighs of a local tyrant, it's good to enjoy the cool under the big tree. No one is a fool. All understand this truth. ..


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