Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 208: Profit

The human body is the most slender of all races. But human desires are stronger than any fierce monster. One's desire can swallow a race. As for the desires of tens of thousands of individuals, perhaps God has given humans such a sturdy body to limit the desires in human hearts.

Xie Chen's walk in the city was not obscured by the city's prosperity. After such a prosperous state, I don't know what kind of squalor and filth is hidden. These things Xie Chen is about to get used to them, but these things have nothing to do with him, he just wants to leave here quickly and head towards the next level of the world.

This is already the fifth level of the world, and another level is at the top of the Priest Tower. He was very curious about how the top of the priest's tower with the six-party world as its body looked like.

If necessary, Xie Chen can actually kill all the way. It would save time if he wanted to, but Xie Chen didn't do it. After all, there is no big need.

The buildings in the city are many times more exquisite than those Xie Chen had seen in Goblin City. The street floor is covered with neat bluestone, which is simple and elegant. In addition to the courtyard houses of small families in the city, there are more various shops, grain shops, clothes sellers, weapons shops, pharmacies, and so on.

As long as you want, there is nothing you can't find. What makes Xie Chen different is that there are many slave shops here. Most of the slaves here are from other races, of course there are also human races. It's just very rare compared to other races.

Elves, Orcs, Nightwearies, and Goblins! There are even mermaids that Xie Chen has never seen before. The price of slaves of each race varies, among which the orcs have the lowest price, followed by the night-weary, then the goblins, and the mermaid. The highest price is the elves.

This sort of order is not unreasonable. The orcs are the stupidest and ugly-looking. They basically have no other effect besides being a coolie. Then there was the Ye-worried clan, and this clan did not look good to see there. It's just that he's much smarter than the orcs. If the owner is smart, he will give equal attention to enlightenment and power, and he will naturally have a good assistant.

As for the goblin clan, this is a natural forging clan, with the ability, the price is naturally higher. If you buy it back, even if you don't know how to forge it, you can leave it in the forge for a year or a half. As for the mermaid, let alone it can be used as a perfect decoration in the home. Now that the big family does not raise two mermaid, it will be a matter of no face. What's even more amazing is that the singing of a mermaid can't match even the best human singer.

Whether it is to be enjoyed at home or to sing a song when you come at home is an elegant thing. Needless to say, the elves of the last tribe, no matter what attributes they are, are more ethereal and ethereal than any human woman. They are exactly like fairies. The elves have always been known for their beauty in the human world. The male elves are also known for their beauty.

It is almost every man's dream to buy the elves here to be concubines. However, there are not many elves in this world, so both male and female elves can sell for a sky-high price.

Xie Chen just wandered around at random and shook his head helplessly and left. Some things are like this, even if Xie Chen's strength is strong, there is no way to change it. What if Xie Chen made a big trouble in Ninetowns and all other races were rescued? Can he kill everyone if he is stumped? As long as these people can't die, then the desire in the heart can't be quenched. As long as Xie Chen leaves, it won't take many years to still be like this.

As for Yao Ran behind her, she clenched her fists a long time ago, so she hated that she couldn't directly rush to rescue all the same clan inside. Only in the end he just followed Xie Chen helplessly and walked out. However, there was no decadence in Yao Ran's eyes, but unusual firmness.

There are also people of other free races in the city, but none of these other races want to rescue their own people, walking around the city talking and laughing. Some even joked and laughed at the slaves on the side when passing by the slave shop.

At this time, Xie Chen had to admire the creators of these nine cities, and being able to assimilate alien races to such a degree, in addition to a lot of time, there was a sophisticated policy and an impeccable management system. In order to manage the nine cities to this level!

Xie Chen watched the bustling streets and the crowds go, and suddenly felt a little senseless. Human nature is good, but here only benefits. There is a huge profit word on everyone's head. There is also such a good word hidden behind their joking. Their every move starts from that good word. They can do anything for such a word. Benefits seem to be a huge rule. Let everyone here be like tiny gears in a huge machine, rotating differently in this huge machine. Farewell until you die.

Xie Chen basically didn't need to go to other cities and knew that it was probably the same. Xie Chen looked a little boring and walked directly to an inn. Here as long as you have money, you can receive the best quality service at any time. And what Xie Chen has the most is the most money!

Without any hesitation, he threw a bag of pre-packed gold coins to the boss here. Then he walked inside regardless. Xie Chen didn't bother to say a word at this time. And the boss's angry face suddenly showed a bright smile after seeing the gold in the bag, and then he hurried to the front of Xie Chen and led Xie Chen to the most luxurious room here.

When I reached the door, the boss quickly opened the door and invited Xie Chen into the room. I opened my mouth and wanted to ask Xie Chen what he needed. But Xie Chen impatiently drove out before he could speak. Except for the door, the boss stayed at the door and counted the gold in his pocket. But he was driven away directly by those who came out. It finally calmed down. ..


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