Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 214: Life and death

After the animal tide, there will be a defensive team to clean the battlefield, this is to prevent the appearance of the plague. Usually the battlefield is not safe at this time, because at this time, there are usually various poisonous insects or small, nasty beasts lurking under the corpse.

If the time to clean up the corpse is delayed a little longer, it may become a paradise for poisonous insects. And under such circumstances, when Qiu Ba was discovered, he was sleeping with the head of the beast. Sleeping very hard, holding the head of the fierce beast in his hands, it is not allowed to **** the head of the fierce beast in the guard team.

This is a default rule. It’s hard enough for everyone to fight against the beasts. It’s too tiring if you have to carry the people around you. So this rule is for all people in the defensive team. Will follow. It was also because of this rule that Qiu Ba had not been killed and then robbed of the head of the fierce beast.

But when these guards wanted to get their heads out of Qiu Ba's hands to calculate the merits for him, there was no way to get them out. Qiu Ba's arms were locked as if they were locked, and the five people pulled hard, but there was no movement, and Qiu Ba still snored to sleep.

Later, some people even thought that Qiu Ba was pretending to be asleep, but Qiu Ba was really asleep. It took all his strength to kill the fierce beast. If possible, he would even sleep like this forever. Fortunately, he was still holding the head of a fierce beast.

In the end, this head woke Qiu Ba up. Qiu Ba said that he had a dream. He dreamed of his wife and children. Originally, he and his wife and children were fine, but then a fierce animal came in. This fierce beast ate his wife and children in his dream, and finally bit off his head with another bite. Then he woke up.

After waking up, Qiu Ba became a member of the defensive team. People from the defensive team can live in the city. The greatest benefit of the defensive team. And as long as you have enough heads of ten fierce beasts, you can even get a detached house in the outer city. This house can be given away, even if you die, the house will still be yours. No one will go back and compete with you.

No one dared to grab the house divided by the defensive team. Therefore, in the outer city near the city wall, such a scene appeared. Many women and children living in the houses were the only ones who did not have strong men. These houses are all bought with the lives of these strong men.

Qiu Ba hadn't saved enough ten heads of beasts. He only had five. One of the heads of these five beasts was sent to him by another brother who had died. He killed the other four.

There is no way, as long as the beast comes, someone will always die. Qiu Ba was also ready to die by himself at any time. He has killed four fierce beasts, and he thinks he has earned it. Even if he died at this time, he was enough.

But the more you think about it, the more God seems to want him to die. Every time it is the people around him who die, he lives well. Some people say that he is fate! Others say those people died for him. He wants to avenge them. No matter what he said, he wanted to cheer him up.

No one in the defensive team wanted to die, because everyone who wanted to die was already dead. Even if Qiu Ba was lucky, he escaped twice. No matter how many teammates talked to him, Qiu Ba grinned. Take a sip of wine from time to time, and then his eyes are deep and I don't know what I am thinking. No one can convince him, except himself.

This was what Qiu Ba thought in his heart, but it was just that the person hadn't appeared yet. But on this day this person appeared. Before Qiu Ba's family died, he had a neighbor. The neighbor is a family of four. A son and a daughter. The girl is only two years old. The son is seven years old.

Later, in a beast attack, the man from his majestic neighbor died, and the woman was tortured to death by the beast. At this time, the house is completely finished. Without adults, a seven-year-old child and a two-year-old baby would not be able to live in such a place.

And at this moment a man appeared, and Qiu Ba knew that this man was a devil! Qiu Ba had seen fierce beasts eating people, but had never seen people eating people, and it was said that this man was eating people. Qiu Ba was timid at the time. He had the idea of ​​saving the child, but the family constraints at the time did not allow him to do so.

He especially remembers when the cannibal demon took the two children away after the neighbor's woman died. He finally didn't hold it back, and stood up with a pole. But it still hasn't changed the reality. The two children were taken away. This matter has been deeply buried in my heart ever since. He thinks he will never forget this in his life. Even now.

The child's eyes were deeply carved into his heart, just like his dead wife and child. Today, he actually seemed to see the child again. Is this a miracle? ! He couldn't believe his eyes, but he had to believe in reality.

That's the kid! Qiu Ba's face turned red immediately. The hideous scars on his face seemed to have come alive, becoming more hideous.

He walked towards the child. I carefully identified the child in front of me, and finally confirmed that it was the child at the time! It's just that he didn't walk over recklessly, but first called his brother in the team.

The brothers in the defensive team have always been friendly. Being able to survive in the battlefield of fierce beasts might have taken the brother's blessings, so the defensive team is a group of guys who can cut a knife for the brother.

Five or six people in a small group walked towards Xiao Wu who was kneeling on the side of the road.

Xiao Wu felt that today must not be a good day. He saw the hideous man in the morning. He didn't recognize him. This bruised man was the one who wanted to stop the uncle from taking him away. He had a close relationship with his father. Not many neighbors.

But Xiao Wu is not afraid. Because he didn't think there might be something worse than now. Xiao Wu even felt that death might be a kind of happiness. But he dare not. Death also requires a lot of courage. Just like the kid with a broken spine. ..


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