Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 216: Self-inflicted

"Ding bells," a few gold coins rolled around the street wantonly, their appearance was extraordinarily free and easy. The sound made was exceptionally clear on the street.

At this moment, it seemed that it was not only time but also the breathing of everyone in the field. The atmosphere suddenly became exceptionally stalemate. Ma An suddenly regretted knocking out the gold coin in this guy's hand. I originally thought that there would be nothing to do with this, but it didn't seem to be the case.

He saw the red eyes of the city guards on the opposite side with a little regret, thinking that his eyelids were jittery and unconsciously beating. He doesn't know how to deal with such things.

"I'm **** your ancestor!" If it's just a roaring curse, Ma An just stands here and lets you curse all day and night without any problems. But it's not just curses. Then came the big fist.

Ma An only felt that he had completely lost consciousness on the right half of his face. He obviously didn't want to shout, but his voice didn't seem to belong to him anymore, and a stern scream filled the whole street.

Then it was not just Ma An who yelled. The guards who accompanied the city were the target of the defensive team. The person who dared to humiliate their captain has not been born yet, even if there is, they will beat him back to his mother's womb.

As for the Hog Pig and others, they are completely desperate. Their ferocity is only for the children and the weak who cannot fight back. Regardless of whether it was facing a guard holding a weapon or a scarred guard with a hideous face, they only had a chance to flee. Of course one of them knew the children who took their evidence of crimes away. I have to say that hogs are also smart.

Those who flee in the street watching the wind are also the crowds passing by. They like to join in the fun, but they never like to involve themselves. Such group disputes, especially the way the defenders greet those guards to the death, made them immediately understand that they must stay away, stay away, and stay away.

But this crowd included a goblin who was more than three meters high. The crowd was bustling. Soon it was surrounded by many groups of guards. Ma An's front teeth are missing two, one on top and one on top. But the people who were right in the city were finally overwhelmed by a large crowd. Although five or six people were beaten and held aside, none of them were in danger of life. There are no more serious injuries.

Everyone in the defensive team guards shortcomings, and it is a rare thing to catch Qiu Ba and the others. What follows can only see the meaning above. If you want to get revenge, you will kick more kicks. If you see things in your eyes, it will make a big deal.

There was only one sad person among them, and that was Qiu Ba. Qiu Ba didn't see the child before, and the group of pigs who were still here just ran away without a shadow. He naturally knew some of the dirty things in the city.

The grieving Qiu Ba had no other choice but to scream. This was the second time, and the second time he watched the child be taken away before his eyes. But he is still powerless, there is no way to keep him. This made Qiu Ba's eyes full of bloodshot eyes, which looked exactly the same as when he was fighting with a fierce beast.

Before the guards from the law office in the same place took Qiu Ba and others away, these people were surrounded by a circle of guards. The guards of the defensive team are in addition to their names. The incompatibility between the two major institutions of Helu Xing Office and City Lord Mansion is also the style of the defensive team. At this time, these armored, murderous defensive teams surrounded here, and Ma An, who was covering his mouth, was suddenly staggered.

In his original plan, things shouldn't be too much trouble. But who knew that he had caused such a big incident before he had had time to regret it. I was still considering whether I would be demoted before, but now I am considering whether I can survive!

"Hand over us, give us an explanation, the guards can not be caught by you saying that you can catch them!" a big man in armor riding on a fierce beast shouted loudly.

In the defensive team, only the battalion commander and army commander are qualified to ride the tamed beast. And from time to time the general battalion and army commanders. The uniform of the fierce beast is not so easy. First of all, you must have the qualifications to beat him to the ground alone. Otherwise, even if someone else helps you subdue it, the fierce beast will not obey your orders obediently, and may even be in danger of biting you back at any time.

"Don't think about it! The defensive team dared to provoke the dignity of the law office in the city, and it must pay a certain price!" The one who came to support the law office said a very dignified man. .

Today is no longer the matter of Qiu Ba and a child, but the face of the guard team and Li Xing. Regardless of whoever takes a step back, it is tantamount to losing face. This is what the two teams care about now!

"Hmph! Are you sure!" The guy riding the fierce beast didn't go to so much nonsense with the guy in front of him, but took all the soldiers and took a step forward.

Just when the big man from the law firm wanted to scold the other person angrily, an accident happened suddenly. Qiu Ba, who had already been taken down, broke free of the restraint of the guard without knowing how, and rushed towards Ma An in the crowd!

At this time, his eyes were blood-red like a fierce beast trying to choose someone to eat. No one had expected such a thing to happen, and they were all stunned. Apart from Qiu Ba's roar, there was Ma An's miserable cry. No one was going to stop or do anything, just watched Qiu Ba punch Ma An on the back, and everyone seemed to hear a sound of crisp bones.

Qiu Ba didn't let Ma An off because of his punch. Instead, he blasted towards Ma An's head round and round. Blood splashed on Qiu Ba's face. At this time Qiu Ba's hands were already covered with blood. And Ma An, who was under Qiu Ba, no longer even groaned.

The first thing to react was the people from the defensive team. Those who were arrested with Qiubai were the first to react. Because Ma An is already far away from the outside guard team from time to time. Those who reacted broke away from the guards who had been stunned, erected Qiu Ba who was sitting on Ma An and ran towards the defensive team. ..


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