Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 257: People Market

From the little girl's point of view, Xie Chen didn't need to find any treasure at all, because Xie Chen himself was a mobile treasure. In these days, the little girl has no less than 20,000 gold coins from Xie Chen's body. Although the little girl has been saving flowers, she still spends a lot of money.

But the little girl didn't seem to see the word distressed in Xie Chen's body. No matter how much gold he and Xie Chen want, Xie Chen will give it to him the next day.

This surprised the little girl who had never had a concept of money. She was immediately curious about how much gold Xie Chen had in her body. So apart from fiddling with ships, I was pestering Xie Chen every day to get a little secret from Xie Chen's mouth.

For example, in fact, Xie Chen found a pirate's treasure by accident, or he was actually a super pirate, but Xie Chen obviously disappointed him.

In fact, if Xie Chen is a mobile treasure, it is very appropriate. If all the things in Fushan City were poured out, I am afraid that no one in this world would be richer than him!

The gold coins have become the smallest part of Xie Chen's wealth. Crystal coins also exist in this world, but things like crystal coins can only be used by the sea clan. Moreover, the sea clan will only use crystal coins in exchange for some treasures.

Even if Xie Chen just poured out the small mountain-like crystal coins in his belly mountain city, I am afraid that the little girl's chin will be shocked.

Xie Chen did not pour out all the crystal coins, but took the little girl into the belly mountain city, and saw the ocean of gold coins like big mountains and the crystal coin mountains one by one, as well as those countless treasures. Suddenly the little girl's saliva flowed out. I was still talking about the existence of Qifu Mountain City just now, but now I have completely forgotten everything, and the little guy rushed towards the sea of ​​gold.

It wasn't like she could swim freely in the sea of ​​gold as she thought, but there was a big bag directly on his head.

However, when she came out, the little girl's body was bloated a lot. Xie Chen looked at him speechlessly, then grabbed his tail and shook for a while, and saw the treasure that suddenly fell to the ground. It's not that Xie Chen is stingy, but even if the little girl takes out these things, there is no place to put them, but it will only cause more trouble.

Naturally, Xie Chen's strength is not afraid of trouble, but it is completely unnecessary.

"If you are going home, I'll let you come here and pick it up." Xie Chen said with a headache looking at the little girl who looked at Shui Lingling's big eyes pitifully.

"Okay! Say ha, or you will count as a puppy!" The little girl suddenly smiled happily, but her eyes looked very beautiful.

After experiencing this once, the little girl has and hasn't changed her carelessness in the slightest. No matter what to buy, it is still a bargain.

According to the little girl, this is the joy of shopping, and Xie Chen will never understand, and Xie Chen feels so. Everything on the ship is basically ready, the only thing missing is the ship slave. Generally, people with boats will hire some crew members from the small island, but this time Xie Chen and others are heading towards Zangze’s treasure. Needless to say, the dangers involved, so no matter how high the price is, no one wants Use your own life in exchange for those wealth.

Therefore, Xie Chen's only option to go to sea was the ship slave.

Boat slaves are generally caught pirates, or some sea-regulated people. Living pirates in the sea is not so beautiful. When you are good, you will eat meat and drink, but if you are not good, you will be arrested as a boat slave, and your life is not your own. Lost his life at sea.

Boat slaves also have their own boat slave market, or a large human trafficking market, where you can buy people of any race you want. Whether it's a night bored elven race or a goblin has everything.

And today Xie Chen and the little girl are coming here. In addition to boat slaves, there are all kinds of slaves here. It can also be said that as long as you have money, there is nothing you can't buy.

Xie Chen walked towards the city under the lead of Lintou. There is no light here. Except for some burning torches to provide light, there is no other light source. The smell here is also very unpleasant. No one pays attention to their hygiene, usually eating and physiological problems. Done in a cage.

It is strange that there is no smell in this case. The little girl had already wrapped her mouth and nose with a silk scarf before she came in again, obviously she had suffered here. And Xie Chen simply held his breath, and given his strength, no matter how long he did not breathe, there would be no problem.

In the dim light, the slave's face looked exceptionally pale. There is still a bit of hunger under the light of the torch.

"There are no strong slaves here. It's good for the slave traders to prevent them from starving to death. Here, as long as the arms and legs are healthy, they are considered top-class goods." The old woman walking in front of her throated her hoarse throat for Xie Chen's confusion.

According to legend, the old woman in front of him has worked in this human trafficker market for no less than 20 years. When he was young, the old woman had a family with children. However, a slave who escaped took revenge and killed the whole family. So there was only one old woman left.

But even this old woman still did not give up his job. There is always a price to eat. Although sometimes the price is not worth it.

In the human trafficker market, this situation often occurs. There is no way, and no one can guarantee that the slaves here will always be slaves. As long as the slaves here turn over, then the human traffickers and those who depend on the slaves for food will suffer. .

But you can't stop doing business because of this, but if you can try not to toss those slaves and not toss, it is considered to be good for yourself.

"The ship slave you want has to go to the front." The old woman glanced at Xie Chen who was a little dazed and said. Signaled Xie Chen to follow him and walk forward.

Although it is underground, the area is quite large, and each wooden cage contains three to five slaves for sale. And outside the cage stood a slave trader. There seems to be no hawking, everything is going on in peace and quiet. ..


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