Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 18: The entanglement of Jin Heban

Xie Chen looked at someone holding a big pillow where he blushed and shook his head. What kind of people are there in this world? No one is normal!

But it seems that this guy likes Diane. This is an important piece of information,

Everyone has been searching nearby for a long time and there is still no clues at all. Xie Chen has not seen the following plot and does not know what will happen. Can only follow everyone around. But he was always paying attention to Jin hidden in the woods not far behind him.

This guy seems to have a deep resentment towards Ban, but he doesn't know why. However, there will probably be answers in the capital of the dead.

"Led by thinking of the dead. Is it like thinking of my mother?" Elizabeth murmured.

"Or this is simply a superstition. There is no capital of the dead at all." Xie Chen agrees with Elizabeth's ideas, but does not have much confidence in Dian's views. After all, this is a magical world, everything can happen.

When Xie Chen was thinking about it, suddenly Xie Chen was stunned. He felt a familiar wave of fluctuations, spatial fluctuations! When he jumped from the air into the big fish's mouth, it was such a wave, completely different from the feeling of the central passage!

Only Xie Chen felt that after such fluctuations, all the flowers on the ground floated from the ground into the air. Suddenly the entire space was filled with petals.

And at this moment, Jin suddenly leaped out of the woods, and in the blink of an eye, all the people disappeared in place.

There seems to be a world of crystals, and the entire ground is full of huge crystals interlaced.

"How did we get in?!" Dai An stared at the crystal world in front of him and asked.

"Maybe, maybe it's because I miss my mother." Elizabeth said.

"No, it must be my miss for leftovers." Hawke also came in and said with a kick.

Xie Chen just stared at Ban curiously, but he was very curious about what kind of story Ban had. Ban is very calm in Xie Chen's eyes, unlike his youthful appearance. Of course, Xie Chen knows that there is no one in this grade. It's not that big. If you have to say it, there is Elizabeth or Hawke.

Even Elizabeth seems to be the reincarnation of something. I don't know, but it's not easy to know his identity.

He didn’t expect that he could find an exit from this world if he wandered around randomly. Instead of looking for it aimlessly, it would be better to follow the pig’s foot door directly. He believed that as long as he followed them, he would get some clues, but The speed is indeed too slow.

At this time, the class rushed out as if seeing something. And the same goes for gold!

"Let's follow along. I'll leave first." Xie Chen rushed out after just saying. His speed is much faster than the previous class and Jin don’t know how many times faster.

"Xie Chen is so fast." Meliodas suddenly exclaimed when he saw Xie Chen's speed.

"Yeah, how did you know this guy, Chief? Every time you see someone else's house, you are afraid of it." The extremely tall Dian asked Meliodas coquettishly.

"I picked it up. I don't know the origin of this guy, but in general he is a partner who can entrust his life to him. And he is also a very reliable partner." Meliodas said very casually. These very high reviews.

"Let's go too, and see what the **** is Ben Youjin doing." Meliodas also chased after him. and only Diane with Elizabeth and Hawke in his hands is left.

"Brother, where did all those people go. Why did they disappear?" Ailian asked, looking at the empty space.

"They may have really entered the capital of the dead," the little boy said with his eyes wide open.

"The target of the seven original sins turned out to be the capital of the dead" suddenly a woman with long hair holding a sword appeared behind the little boy and Ailian.

"You, who are you!"


"If possible, please tell me how to enter the capital of the dead." The woman said with a smile while looking at the two people.

"Who, who wants to tell you!" The little boy insisted even though he was very uncomfortable.

"Brother, brother, I'm so uncomfortable." But Xiao Ailian couldn't bear it.

"Thinking, thinking will be the guide!" Finally the little boy said it.

"Thank you" as the woman threw the two of them to the ground, then drew the sword in her hand.

"Jin! Ben! Xie Chen!" Meliodas, Diane and others kept shouting in the crystal world. In the end they were lost. In terms of speed, only Xie Chen can keep up with those two guys.

"After all the three of them went there!" Dian complained.

"Speaking of Master Meliodas, why do you think Master Jin chased Master Class?" Elizabeth asked quietly behind Meliodas.

"Although he cares a lot, who is Ben chasing after?" Meliodas's words suddenly made Elizabeth pale and stunned.

Xie Chen followed Ban and Jin, watching the two entangled together again, Ban seemed to be chasing someone, but Xie Chen didn't see anything in front of the class. But Jin constantly wanted to attack Ban.

"Don't think about escaping from our hands!" Jin hugged the pillow and appeared beside Ban. But no matter how Jin entangled, there was no way for Ban's immortality.

Xie Chen watched for a while and finally understood what was going on.

As the sin of sloth among the seven deadly sins, Jin is the fairy clan among the four great clans. The classes are ordinary humans. After experiencing that event ten years ago, Jin dragged his tired body towards his home. But after going back, he found that his home had been destroyed in an improper manner. And his sister also died.

And all this seems to be done by the class. He stole the Fountain of Life and became the sister of Jin's saint.

Jin can't forgive Ban, no matter how good the relationship with Ban was in the past, Ban has saved him many times. He couldn't forgive the murderer who killed his sister!

But even if Jin is the Undead Squad, he has the ability to petrify him! ..


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