Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 39: Paladin and the Beast

"Armand, although you are a servant of the village chief, it is really hard work,"

"Be refreshed." The two farmers just walked over and said to Amanda, who was dejected.

"Ahaha, thank you, but it was my responsibility to play with the young master." Amanda still said very cautiously.

"Hey, we're leaving, Amanda!"

"Don't ink!"

At this time, some of the fart kids shouted to Amanda.

"Yes, yes, Master Belleo!" Amanda ran to chase them.

"Master Belleo, it's getting late, we changed to go home. And let the master know that you secretly come out with his sword to play, go back to train you again." Amanda followed behind Belleo Bereo wielding a sword in his hand painfully persuaded.

"No! I want to play! Amanda, you are really long-winded, compared to these, you quickly give me something new and fun!" Belleo shouted to Amanda.

"Now, look at Belleo, when was the pig hut built here!" The little friend who suddenly walked in front shouted at Belleo in surprise.

"Yes, I don't remember it was this morning!" Someone immediately responded to the first person's question.

"I smell the smell of sin! Who is the idiot in this Wodan who built the hut without permission, come out quickly!" Belleo was stunned, and then moved towards the pig house very excitedly Go.

"The head of the Seven Original Sins, Belleo, will never forgive!"

"Stop it, if the horrible adult is going to be beaten again," another person came out to persuade him when he was yelling at the door.

"Obviously he is the most arrogant, but he is really a coward." Belleo said while looking at his partner who was blocking him.

"It seems the same as what we have heard, these little ghosts are the true form of the seven original sins, Jin." Meliodas said to Jin who was floating in the air holding the town in the back of the house.

"Yeah, I just heard a little bit of wind. I thought it was another partner." Jin Ze said with embarrassment and a very embarrassing look.

"Really, your information is really unreliable~" the squad on one side made up for Jin.

"Hey, are you the owner of the pig house?" Belleo asked the three of Meliodas who came out. As for Xie Chen, who was drinking in the store, he was too lazy to deal with these children.

"You said that this is indeed the Little Pig House." Meliodas was not angry but just smiled.

"Is that you?! The sinner who built the hut here without permission!" Belleo rebuked as usual.

"We will leave when we are done. Don't be so angry." Meliodas instead comforted Belleo.

"My sin of anger! Being angry is normal too!"

"Yes! We will charge you a gold and silver coin as a protection fee!"

"Yes, yes, and I'm tired of walking and want to eat and sleep." Diane suddenly walked out of the woods while a group of kids were playing with joy. By the way, the chimney of the hut broke.

"Hey, the leader, you are back." Diane leaned out half of his body from the back of the cabin and said to Meliodas and the others. As soon as he came out, the group of children was taken aback.

"Yes! Giants! Don't eat me!" Belleo hugged Amanda tightly and shouted in panic.

"I don't know how to eat human beings!!" Di An shouted angrily. But it still had no effect, Belleo still shouted not to eat me, not to eat me.

"I'm really sorry, we really didn't mean anything." Amanda apologized to Ben in the room.

"Children play pranks and don't listen to adults. There is nothing that they are allowed to imitate the Seven Original Sins. Otherwise, it is not our business to be caught and suffer when they are angry." Ban said casually to Amanda.

"But speaking of these children's adaptability is really strong." Meliodas said watching the other children playing with Diane.

"This kid really looks like an adult when he speaks. It should be the same age as the young master, right?" Amanda glanced at Meliodas who was talking and asked Ben.

"Sister Giant is so amazing, but who is bigger than Lord Shanshen?" A little girl playing in Di'an's hands smiled and praised.

"Master Mountain God?"

"Yes, Lord Mountain God who lives in Wodan."

At this moment, there was a scream from the mountain. According to Amanda, this voice has been there since a few years ago. It has been going on for several years, and everyone said it was the voice of the mountain god.

"All the ferocious wolves and tigers and leopards have disappeared since Lord Shanshen lived on the mountain." The little girl seemed to be proud to promote the greatness of Lord Shanshen.

"Hey, it's very similar to the sound of Hokla's stomach." It's just that Meliodas's words directly broke the mystery.

It didn't take long until Jin, Ban, and Meliodas were taken aback, and the three of them felt a very powerful magic power from the opposite side of the mountain.

"Could it be that it is the master of this growl?" Jin asked.

"No, it should be human, 80% of them are Paladins." Meliodas said.

"The number is not one, although the numbers are mixed together, there are probably five or six people." Ban added again.

"Hey, kids, no wonder you can't find you, you are here. Tell you not to go to the forest." Suddenly a villager ran out from a distance and said to the children.

"What the **** happened?" Meliodas stepped up and asked.

"Ah, an envoy has just been sent from the kingdom. The Paladins are now starting to enter the mountain on a large scale. All villagers are not allowed to enter. I heard that they are hunting down powerful villains!" The farmer explained.

"Very powerful villain? Is it us?"

"Nine out of ten, it seems that our position is exposed."

"It's boring, are you leaving again~" Jin, Ben, and Meliodas gathered together and whispered and whispered.

When they wanted the children to say hello and leave, only Arman was left in the same place. The others ran towards the mountain.

"Let's go, the Paladin is here, let's go and defeat all these evil parties!" Belleo said in the front.

"Come here, everyone! A paladin came down from the mountain!" The mountain man on the other side shouted. ..


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