Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 53: sacrifice

There will always be more or less human shadows on the monster, and at this time there is a delicate woman's face on the monster, he can see clearly, that is his sister!

His biological sister, the one who has been chasing behind his **** in the village and shouting to him, the one who rides on his neck whenever the Paladin passes by the village and then joins him to watch the Paladin whizzing excitedly My sister.

In the past ten years, every day, every day, there is no time when the sister who does not miss suddenly appeared by his side at this time, but it is true that there is no more double ponytail of the past, and no splendor of the past. Smile. The rest is just a roar like dementia and painful struggle.

"Brother, brother. Quickly,,, kill me". She seemed to recognize her elder brother dumbfounded, and her younger sister cried out in pain. Brother, he pulled out from the past memories and the current unbelievable. If he just felt like his sister, now Mirsan is already certain that this is his sister!

"Lily! You! How could this happen!" Millsang clutched the cage with both hands. Asked with extremely emotion. He lowered his head and screamed, and shed tears. He dared not look at his sister's eyes, let alone the huge body behind those eyes.

With five sturdy legs and the stench wafting from his body, he couldn't compare the huge monster in front of him with his sister, who always smelled of jasmine.

"Kill, drop me!" The head of a **** the chest of the huge monster, with a terrifying face, seemed to be suffering from unspeakable pain at this time. The veins in Mirsan's hand rose. He roared low, but after the low roar, he lowered his head and left here, unable to see his expression.

For the first time, Mirsan left the mountainside he was guarding without receiving any orders. He didn't tell anyone that he rode on his horse and galloped toward the kingdom. Only when he had just stepped out of the mountain, a team of Paladins stepped forward to stop him!

"Stop! There are no tasks in the near future. Have you received the transfer order? Please show it for us to check!" The paladin in armor still made him look in a trance, as if he was back in the village with his sister and watched. The scenes where the Paladins whizzed past were ordinary.

It's just him who whizzed past this time, not the Paladins. Milsan didn't pay attention to the paladins who made him miss the paladins of his childhood memories this time, but just whizzed past when those paladins did not reflect.

"Stop! I order you to listen immediately with the honor of the kingdom! Damn!" The knight who was about to transfer the order to Mirsang saw Mirsang whizzing directly by his side, and immediately rode his horse towards the distance to chase him. Yelling while chasing.

He has never encountered such a thing, but he has experienced a lot of other strange things, but he has a bit of psychological preparation. After all, they are sent to monitor and supervise these things. Normal guy's.

Mirsan rode his horse galloping, and behind him was chasing five or six paladins, the paladins headed by him kept calling him to stop immediately. But Milsan is getting faster and faster. The kingdom is not very far away from here, and within a short while, the city wall can be seen. The city gate is open, but there are a few guards watching here. Mirsan's horse didn't mean to stop at all.

"Before, who is in front! Stop quickly! Otherwise, you will be attacked by the enemy! Repeat again! If you don't stop again! It will be regarded as an enemy attack!" The guard at the door was far away. Seeing Mir Sang galloping toward the city gate, he shouted at Mir Sang.

Milsan still didn't seem to hear it. The speed is getting faster and faster! He could not stop at this time. The city gate began to close slowly! On the city wall, archers started to shoot toward the Mirsandala bow.

"Shoot!" With an order, hundreds of arrows rained down from the sky! Mirsan tried hard to block the arrow rain with his spear. Unfortunately, one arrow was shot in the shoulder, and the horse also had two arrows.

"Sanji, I'm sorry." Millsang stroked the horse underneath and showed a determined look, with the scattered hair covering half of his face. His face was very white, but his eyes were extremely firm.

As if to echo Mirsan, the wounded horse neighed loudly, and then leaped towards the closing gate. This jump seemed to slow down time suddenly. The paladin who yelled behind him to stop, the panic look on the soldier's face trying to close the city gate. Millsang could feel it all.

At the moment when the city gate was closed, he finally got up and flew in. It was just that he did not land as perfect as he had imagined. Instead, he fell directly on the ground with the horse and the man, and Millsang was also directly crushed by the horse. Under the body.

Then Milsan passed out in a coma in the chaotic and noisy shouts. When he woke up again, I saw him in a hall.

"Mirsan, I just want to know what caused you to lose your mind." Paladin Hendrickson was standing in the window with his back facing Milsan and asked softly.

"Me, my sister! Why, why did I become a monster!" Milsan struggled to control his emotions and asked!

"You know, Millsang, in order to win the jihad, there will always be necessary sacrifices! And your sister died for the jihad. Come with me. I will take you to a place!" Hendrickson While speaking, he untied the rope that bound Mirsan.

Following Hendrickson, Milsan came to the place where the corpse of the gods and demons was hidden.

"See? This is the source of our new strength, but we can't control his power well. The difficulty of jihad is beyond your imagination. For the victory of jihad, even I am willing to do it My greatest sacrifice." Hendrickson appeared to have the same magic power as those monsters, and it was hundreds of times more powerful than those monsters. ..


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