Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 78: King Arthur

"Are you sure that there are a large number of soldiers at the east gate?" Hendrickson asked as he walked towards the east gate, and at the same time the paladin who followed him.

"It has been determined that a large number of magical fluctuations have also been detected at the East Gate. Probably no one can pretend to be such a large-scale magical fluctuation." The Paladin said with certainty, thousands of soldiers, like this How could it be possible to simulate a force of the size of a few people.

The light in Hendrickson’s eyes condensed when he heard it. After all, he was extraordinarily afraid of King Arthur’s army. The strength of a kingdom similar to the Kingdom of Leonis could not be underestimated by him, even if he was extraordinarily powerful. The strength is not good either. There is no corresponding Paladin in King Arthur's kingdom.

All the way hurriedly walked towards the east gate. Outside the east gate was a huge army of people. Such a number could walk into the kingdom’s territory silently, and made everyone unaware of it. I have to say that this is a miracle.

When Hendrickson opened the east gate, all the knights and soldiers on the opposite side disappeared. There are only two people and a horse left. The teenager on horseback looks about the same size as Meliodas, but the height is indeed very tall, with short blond hair, clear blue eyes, and a waist. A sword.

And the one who led the horse under the horse was a guy whose whole body was covered in a cloak. In the cloak, people couldn't see his appearance, even the basic body shape could not be seen.

"I'm sorry, I deceived you, Leonis's Lord Paladin, but the matter is anxious, please forgive me." The boy riding a horse said very politely.

"It doesn't matter, but, may I ask the legendary King Arthur, what is going on here?" Hendrickson asked.

"For specific matters, please wait for us to meet with the king, and talk about it in detail, so wait for the Paladin to take us to the palace." King Arthur said.

"I'm sorry that the king is ill and cannot meet the guests."

"Really, then we should be allowed in. This is the magician of our kingdom, please let us in and diagnose the king." King Arthur said without stepping back.

For King Arthur Hendrickson, naturally he would not want them to come in. After all, the real fact is that their imprisoned king, how could they let them meet the king.

However, King Arthur would obviously not give up, and was constantly entangled with Hendrickson in his words.

In the end, Hendrickson walked towards the palace with King Arthur. It just didn't seem to want to take them to see the king.

Halfway through, Hendrickson stopped and surrounded by two people in front and back, King Arthur.

"This," King Arthur asked, looking at Hendrickson."Isn’t it very common to assassinate envoys from other kingdoms in the kingdom, even if the envoy is a king." Hendrickson said, rushing towards King Arthur After passing, a sword struck King Arthur's body.

Then I saw King Arthur who was in the same place was directly smashed by Hendrickson over the corner of the house. Suddenly the smoke was filled with dust and the dust was flying.

"It turns out that Leonis's Paladin Commander is nothing more than that." At this moment, there was a chuckle from the ruins. After all the smoke dispersed, King Yose held the sword in his hand and kept it Standing on the spot in a posture of resisting sword strikes, there was no sign of injury on his body.

Looking at Hendrickson again, he saw a trace of blood on Hendrickson's forehead. It seems that he was left behind by King Arthur's counterattack just now and during the sneak attack on King Arthur.

In fact, if you use magic power, let alone injured, it is impossible for King Arthur to get close to him, but the previous fight with Xie Chen was too strong, there is no way, at this time Hendrickson’s magic power is not one. . In such a situation, there is no other way than to simply fight him physically.

Even under such circumstances, Hendrickson's strength is extraordinary, and the rest can only be said that King Arthur's strength is too strong.

But in the case of King Arthur and Hendrickson fighting, the magician who was next to King Arthur did not intend to help.

But the paladin beside him wanted to rush to help Hendrickson, but was stopped by the magician. The magician faced the five or six paladins around him alone, without the slightest timidity, and he dealt with it very easily.

It seems that not doing it just now was purely to hone and temper his own king. After a while, the surrounding paladins were all cleaned up by the magician. However, the nearby Paladins also rushed towards here, after all, whether it was the sound of fighting or the fluctuation of magic power, it was very loud.

Even if you didn't come here, you can see that there was an enemy attack here. Soon there will be a lot of Paladins and ordinary soldiers.

"Sorry Yo, it seems that there is no time to play with you." As King Arthur struggled to get rid of Hendrickson's entanglement, he dared to go to the rear and where the magician was.

After breaking free from the circle of fighting, the two ran hard towards the position of the palace. While the paladins in the back group tried hard to chase, Hendrickson did not chase, but stood beside him coldly watching King Arthur and others who were about to disappear in his own eyes.

From the bottom of the Magic Museum, Gilsanda was holding a sharp sword in his hand, and a large amount of lightning was wrapped around the sword, which seemed to be split at any time.

Hauzel, who was standing next to Gilsanda, looked at Diane, who was struggling underground, trying to get out of the black demon dog's mouth.

Finally Gilsanda's sword still smashed down. Suddenly this space seemed to be the world of Thor, and all the places were surrounded by lightning. Even the paladin behind him was a little weaker and could not be moved by direct electricity, which shows the power of Gilsanda's thunder and lightning.

"No," Hauser called out directly when Gilsanda finally cut the sword. However, it still failed to prevent Gilsanda's sword from slashing from the air. Accurately smashed the immobile Di An's body. ..


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