Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 80: Betrayal or never choose right

There is no way. Some things are so helpless. As a Paladin, Hauser has no reason to betray the kingdom. This is affected by the deep-rooted concept in his heart. Although he was shaken by Diane’s kindness, he still can only I stood aside and watched as Di An was shot directly away.

After Diane was hacked out, Dreyfus used his magic power to start broadcasting in the residential area.

"The residents of the kingdom, the holy war is finally about to begin. The Seven Sins, which symbolize the evil forces, have begun to attack the kingdom, but please rest assured, there are paladins and many paladins in the kingdom, so please bravely pick up Your weapons, attack the forces of evil and give your due dedication to the kingdom!"

Following Dreyfus's broadcast, all the residents near Diane picked up the things in their hands and threw them towards Diane.

"It's you demon who destroyed our streets! Get out!"

"Yeah! Don't want to destroy in our kingdom! Get out, get out!" The curse was endless, besides the curse, there were various attacks. Some people even put a sickle on Di'an's leg. Go cut.

"No, I am not," Di An argued weakly and diligently. At this time, his body was extremely weak. The blow that Dreyfus hit on his abdomen just now caused him to lose. Most of the combat power was lost, not to mention the blow that Dreyfus directly knocked into the air after barely standing up. It made his body weak to the extreme.

At this moment, Di Ann was swaying when she was walking. She tried hard to avoid the residents' houses, but at this moment the house beside Di Ann was suddenly blown up.

"Ah, the devil is starting to destroy our house. Everyone, run away." Suddenly someone in the crowd at Dian's feet began to shout.

"No, it's not mine." Di An explained weakly, but it didn't work at all. No one believed his explanation.

"Heilbram, you!" Gina, who was standing next to Heilbram, shouted while looking at Heilbram who was constantly attacking the house.

"Hahaha, what's the matter, don't you think it's beautiful, the giant giant, the constant saboteurs walking in the street, what a beautiful picture?" Gina didn't apologize for questioning Heilbram. Said the appearance. It was a bit intoxicated, as if what he was doing was something amazing.

"Then, is the Seven Original Sins that you said is the rebellion of the rebellious kingdom, is it also fake?" Gina seemed to think of something remarkable, staring at the buildings around the reckless vandals with a stunned smile while laughing. Heilbronn.

"Hahaha, to have justice, then there must be evil to set off, if there is no evil, what is the use of justice? This is the meaning of the existence of the seven original sins. What is more vicious and treasonous wanted criminals than these people Who can bring out our justice? Hahaha." Haier Bram said while attacking the houses around Dian.

For what Heilbram said, Kina was shocked besides being shocked. In his heart, everything he did was for the kingdom and to uphold the will of his father, but at this time it seemed that there was no As simple as he thought.

All the people were cursing Di An, most of them fleeing this chaotic place with their children in their arms, and some bolder people threw all kinds of things towards Di An with their hands.

Di An, who had been severely injured in the attack on these people, looked even more miserable, and his original staggering footsteps were now even more difficult.

The first person to come to this neighborhood was Gina, because Gina’s home is nearby. After her father left, she and her seven-year-old brother were the only ones left in the house. At that time, she was worried about her brother. Will rush over so quickly,

However, he hasn't seen his brother yet, and it is also somewhat difficult to find a seven-year-old child from the flustered crowd.

Finally, Kina saw her brother under a house, but at this moment, above her brother’s head was a building that was hit in half by Heil Bram from the middle, and the upper half was slowly Sliding down, Diane walked in front, his eyes blurred and still wanting to insist on finding Elizabeth to take her back.

And the little boy didn't feel the danger above his head at all. He still stood there and looked at the surrounding people in a panic, as if he didn't know where to go.

Bill! Kina shouted loudly, but his brother didn't seem to hear it. At this time, the building above Bill had already begun to slide down.

There is at least a long distance between Kina at this time, even if there is no obstacle between the two at this time, I don't want to rush directly from here.

Finally, the house above Bill fell directly from above and smashed towards Bill below. It can be said that no one can save him.

Diane, who was walking in front at this time, seemed to feel something. Pounced towards the back, Di An, who fell back on the ground, directly blocked the building above with his body, protecting Little Bill in his arms.

Kina was shocked by such a scene.

"Haha, almost, it's the Giants. At this time, the physical strength is almost to the extreme. It's time to give him the last blow." At this time Dreyfus slowly walked out from another street, watching Said Dian, who had fallen to the ground and could no longer get up.

"Please, please give me another chance!" Jerica said to Dreyfus nervously. Regarding her brother, Jelica seemed to have a perverted mentality that wanted to prove herself. Such strength has twisted her.

"Well, as long as you can cut off this sinner's head, then I will apply for you to pass the qualification examination of the upper Paladin directly." This sentence seemed to give Jelica extra courage, and began to slowly move towards Diane. Walked over.

Jelica's body seemed to tremble uncontrollably. I don't know if it was due to excitement or excitement. It seemed that she couldn't hold the spear any time.

At this moment, someone suddenly stood in front of Di An, blocking all the other Paladins in the court in front of him. ..


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