Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 92: Invincible? !

After the war, the originally prosperous streets were all built into a wasteland full of broken stones. The destructive power of everyone was too great. Fortunately, all the people were moved out. Otherwise, it was just The aftermath of the battle is enough to kill those civilians a hundred times.

"I didn't expect it, it's worthy of the cold-blooded Seven Original Sins. You just gave up those people and let the monsters of the new era wreak havoc." Obviously Hendrickson did not expect that they could solve those monsters so quickly. , I just thought it was to deal with him and gave up the civilians who were attacked by monsters.

"Your nonsense is a bit too much," Ben and the others didn't explain to him too much, and attacked Hendrickson casually. For him, the extra words have no effect at all. They just don't want to use other words to replace them except to attack.

"Dreyfus, you have to know how unwilling I am to take action against you." Hendrickson said with Dreyfus, facing and following Dreyfus with ease in the siege of everyone.

"You are both my teacher and my brother. But even so, can't you be on my side?" No matter what Hendrickson said, Dreyfus did not move at all. The sword attacked Hendrickson.

"Well, you forced me." Hendrickson finally started to counterattack, but a wave of attacks knocked everyone but Meliodas to the ground. It was Gilsanda who persisted.

He walked toward Dreyfus step by step, and every step was under this huge oppression. Dreyfus held a sharp sword in his hand, but he didn't seem to be shaken at all.

"My heart is strong, my body is strengthened, and my will is my sword. These are not valid for me, Hendrickson you know!" Everyone was oppressed by the aura emanating from Hendrickson. , Only Dreyfus stood there alone without backing up.

Soon Hendrickson walked in front of Dreyfus. Dreyfus had no extra words, waving the sword in his hand toward Hendrickson. Throughout, this trick is the same as when dealing with Diane, the huge beam of light instantly drowned Hendrickson.

Only after the beam of light disappeared, Hendrickson still stood unscathed and looked at Dreyfus coldly, while in his hands all were fragments of the blade.

Looking at the sharp sword in Dreyfus's hand, only the hilt was left.

"It's almost, the magic on you. I can feel it. Your magic is exhausted, and it's really hard for you." From the beginning of the attack with Diane, then the battle with Gauser, and then In the final confrontation with Jin, Dreyfus's magic power was long gone.

Being able to hold on to this step is already very, very good, and at this moment, just like Hendrickson said, his magic power is finally exhausted.

And without magic, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of Hendrickson. At this time, it was too late for Meliodas and others behind him to come to rescue.

"Lastly give you one chance, Dreyfus, return to my arms," ​​Hendrickson said, looking at Dreyfus indifferently.

It is a pity that Dreyfus did not speak, but answered his questions with his own actions. He had no magic but strength, and he slammed Hendrickson's face with a punch. The first blow hit Hendrickson's cheek directly and bleeding, but he recovered in an instant.

And the second punch just hit him in the face, but it didn't have the slightest effect. Just like hitting steel, Hendrickson looked at him coldly, and then slowly lifted it towards him. Up a hand.

"Then, okay, goodbye, old friend." As he said, an extremely powerful magical power emerged from the palm of his hand, and it drowned Dreyfus in an instant.

"Dreyfus!!" Meliodas hurried towards Hendrickson, but he was still a step late. After all the light dissipated, there was nothing left in the same place except a pair of armor.

"Father!" Gulia Morton yelled when he was there when the Paladins arrived, but his strength was limited and he was not able to participate in the battle on the front line, but he kept supporting behind. Several people fighting in the front.

When his father was attacked by Hendrickson, he also used all his magic power on the barrier and blessed it on his father, but it still had no effect. The barrier was just It broke in an instant, not because Guliamore's will was not firm enough, but Hendrickson's magic power was too strong.

"It's your turn soon," Hendrickson said, looking at everyone in the court. Just as Hendrickson finished saying this, Diane's sledge hammer fell from the sky and struck Hendrickson.

A huge force surrounds Hendrickson, forming a wave of air directly around him. Hendrickson flew out of thin air. At this time, under the sledgehammer, Hendrickson did not fall in the slightest, but the ground under his feet sank quite a bit out of thin air. It can be seen that Dian was The power of a hammer is terrible.

"The strength is not small, it's a pity that it's still a bit short." Although Hendrickson received Di An's hammer, the arm that was going to receive Di An's hammer was completely twisted at this time. However, he kept recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, only the momentary effort was restored.

It was at this time that Meliodas' attacks followed one after another. The sword struck Hendrickson's arm.

"It's useless. Even if there is only one head left, I can recover quickly. You should know this power best, Meliodas." While speaking, Hendrickson casually used the one that had recovered. His arms grabbed Di An's huge hammer and rounded Di An who was holding the hammer, and then threw it to the side of the boulder supreme!

The moment he threw Diane out, Meliodas' sword also came to him. He just clamped the blade of the sharp sword directly with two fingers. Then he kicked Meliodas directly into the air. At this time, he really seems to be invincible! ..


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