Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 103: chance encounter

Before it was lighted the next day, Hans rushed toward Alice's shop happily. He was looking forward to the surprised look in Alice's eyes when he took out the gold coins. He didn't know why he would like to see Alice.

In short, every time he saw Alice, he would think of his mother. In fact, he couldn't remember his mother, but he felt that his mother must be a strong, tolerant and generous woman like Alice.

Probably because of this reason, Hans always likes to help when there is nothing wrong, although Alice is very resistant to his help, and even coldly refuses, but Hans still works hard.

It's just that the skinny man and the stout wife are making him feel annoying. He knew that Alice was picked up, so he had encouraged Alice to escape with him many times, and he would protect her from being abducted by traffickers. However, Alice was wary of her from beginning to end.

But Hans doesn't care. If you live in such a world, if you lose a little bit of vigilance, then the pigs in the pigsty will despise you.

"Hey, Alice, I'm here again, you know what, I did a big deal yesterday! No, look." The gold coin in Hans's hand shined brightly in the sun. Hans never felt like a gold coin. Things are so beautiful.

Alice's first reaction when she saw Hans was to lower her head to sort out the fruits in her fruit basket, but when Hans took out the gold coin, she couldn't help being attracted by the beautiful gold coin.

This was the gold coin rewarded by King Leonis after defeating Hendrickson, and Xie Chen took a few coins and put them on him. Such gold coins are not for him to spend, they are more a symbol of the glory of the knight.

Because it is a reward, it is more than a circle larger than a normal gold coin. On one side, it depicts the expression of the kingdom of Leonis, and on the other it depicts a heroic paladin riding a tall horse.

It was not long before Hans's gold coins were displayed, when a man in armor actually snatched it from Hans's hand. It is the garrison knight in this town! Such knights are really no different from the native kings here. They are the only genuine force in this town and are responsible for preventing this town from being invaded by foreigners.

However, in such a situation that humans dominate the entire continent, no other race except savages dare to mess around in human towns. After all, the paladins in the kingdom are not vegetarians.

So in the absence of foreign enemies, these knights became the biggest blood-sucking insects attached to the townspeople. On weekdays, doing nothing to bask in the sun, eating fruits and vegetables sent by farmers. The biggest fun of the day is like a crab walking sideways.

Today, I don't know what's wrong. I wandered in the market so early.

"Not bad, where did you stole this." A rosacea dressed in a mess and not fit, actually holding a knight's gun that is about to rust away. Hans grabbed the gold coins in his hand and played with it. Said.

"Give it back to me! This was given to me! I didn't steal it!" Hans tried hard to **** the gold coins from the hand of the rosacea knight, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach it. It just hurts to beat his hand on the armor that looks bad. "Confiscated, wait until the owner comes over and let him come and find me to pick it up." The rosacea knight just kicked Hans who was making noise beside him casually. Flew and said.

But just when he wanted to collect the gold coin in his arms, a majestic palm reached out from behind him and grabbed the hand that he was holding the gold coin, and then took that guy very casually. I took the gold coin in my hand and looked at it carefully.

"That bastard," when the rosacea knight just wanted to shout out, he was frightened back by the look of the guy behind him.

"Holy, Lord Paladin!" The rosacea knight looked at the two men wearing glittering paladin armor behind him tremblingly.

The two people standing behind him are Hauser and Guliamore. As for Gilsanda, I don't know where. The three followed the clues all the way to here.

Just when the three were about to leave, Hauser suddenly saw the gold coin in the hands of the rosacea. He also had a few such gold coins, which was regarded as a reward for his contribution to the Battle of Hendrickson.

So he knew very well that such gold coins had just been minted by the kingdom, and no one could be talented except those who made great contributions in that battle, but they appeared in such a remote place.

"Where did you get this gold coin!" Hauser asked the rosacea knight just now.

At this time Alice was already there, and when he saw the rosacea knight arrived, he knew that there was nothing good. These people specially harmed merchants like him, and eating and drinking for nothing has always been commonplace. Thinking of the scene where she went back today and couldn't match the accounts and was beaten by that stout woman, Alice felt sad for a while.

But the next scene completely stunned him. He had never seen such a heroic knight. In his heart, most of the knights were rosacea knights. The sloppy and sloppy ones were not as good as some farm men. Get up clean. Only then did he know what a real knight was.

Hans only noticed the paladin that the rosacea knight had just called. He grew up listening to the story of the Paladin, and had an inexplicable yearning for the Paladin, but that was all from his childhood. After he grew up, he pursued strength even more.

But even so, he was still deeply attracted by the two Paladins in front of him, and the ability to subdue the rosacea knights at hand was what he dreamed of.

"Where did you get this gold coin!" Hauser asked again, looking at the terrified rosacea knight, this time he frowned uncomfortably.

How did the rosacea knight know where this gold coin came from? It can't be said that he robbed the kid just now, and the rosacea who didn't know how to answer was tangled.

"This gold coin is mine!" Hans did indeed stand up from the ground and shouted at this moment. ..


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