Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 132: Fox man

As soon as he heard these words, Ban jumped out of the window, and then quickly solved the three little hooligans around, and then put the hooded guy on the ground against his shoulder. on.

When he heard that it could increase lifespan, Ben was basically sure that what he was talking about was the kind of fruit Xie Chen told him he needed, and Xie Chen had told him the effect of increasing lifespan when he left.

The guy who was put on his shoulders seemed to have passed out in a coma, but when Ben was waiting for the guy directly on the wall of the room, the guy actually crawled on the wall with four feet like a gecko.

"You!!" This was when Jelica was surprised by the rude actions of the class and was stunned by the scene before her eyes. The guy with the hood fell off the wall because the hood fell off his head. , And Jelica was scared by the face under the hood.

That is obviously the head of a fox, although it is not known how many times it is larger than that of a fox. And this guy actually has a huge tail and beast-like claws, except for his size, no place resembles a human being.

"Orc?!" Jerica looked at the guy in front of her and blurted out.

"Accurately, it should be the fox. No, I'll give it back to you first." Said Ban put the money bag that he bought for him today on Jelica's head.

"What? When is this!" In just two days in this town, Jelica has been stolen twice, and she can really be regarded as the **** of wealth in this town.

And the fox man on the opposite side was a little surprised to see Ban handed over the purse to Jelica. It was a great guy to see him stealing that fool's purse.

"That's right, brother, what are you going to do?" the old-looking fox man asked Ban. The narrow eyes were full of cunning and treacherous light.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the fruit of life?" Ban didn't hide it, but asked directly.

"Haha, sorry, I don't know what the fruit of life you are talking about, shouldn't such things only exist in the myth? If a bad old man like me knows, nothing will wait for you to ask. "After learning about Ban's intentions, the old fox man put on his hood and seemed to want to leave.

"Is there nothing? If there is nothing, then I will leave. This is a sad family, the guy who tries to get rid of death is always the poorest." The last sentence is more like a mockery of Ban. Said and walked outside.

What he said was correct. People's fear of life and death is indeed a pitiful state of mind, but here is an obvious misunderstanding of Ban's intentions. But Ben didn't explain anything but let him walk outside.

But when the old fox man was halfway there, he suddenly fell to the floor.

"Hey! What's wrong with him!" Jerica saw the fox man who fell on the ground and exclaimed, apparently jumping off by him.

"Go and prepare the quilt, Jelica." Without saying anything, Ben picked up the fallen fox man and walked towards the bed.

The old fox man was even more old when he was lying on the bed. Fox men of this age are really rare. He also experienced a beating and abuse by class just now.

"I escaped from a lot of humans, but I couldn't escape death after all." The old fox man said while lying on the bed, seemingly because he knew that he had really reached the end of the road. At this time, he said a lot. .

"Our fox people are very smart, but their physical strength is much lower than that of other orcs, so in the end there is not much left. Under the oppression of humans, we have lost our homes to live in, and we are secretly living all the time. You have to worry about whether there is anything. This is something you humans will never be able to understand."

This is not only the sorrow of the fox, but also the sorrow of other orcs. Even an orc with good physical strength is at best driven by humans to make hard efforts.

But when the fox said these words, there was always an inexplicable sadness. The hotel was dilapidated, with dilapidated quilts and beds. At this time, the whole room was submerged by the smell of decay. It seems that this is an abandoned house in the wilderness that is about to collapse at any time.

A life that can only live by stealing.

This sentence seemed to bring Ban back to the memory of the past. How could he not experience such a life.

"Hey! You thief! It's you again! I will never let you go!" A dirty child hugged a pile of potatoes and ran toward the outside quickly, which seemed not the first time Patronizing this shop made the shop owner extremely angry, and chased after the child.

This is my childhood class.

"Caught you!" Soon Ben was caught by the boss, and after a round of punches and kicks, he didn't let him go.

"I'm going to send you to the prison in Abba Town, and be mentally prepared, stinky kid!" He kicked Ban directly into the air with another kick, and then fell to the ground fiercely. Ban has no energy. Moved again, lying there with eyes closed. The strength to move the arm is gone.

It was snowing outside and the weather was exceptionally cold. Ben was already in prison at this time, and it was in this prison where Ban met the most important person in his childhood.

"Hey, kid, do you want this?" A young man who appeared to be in his twenties handed a piece of food to Ben.

Ban hesitated first, then quickly grabbed the food from the man's hand, and then gobbled it up. But his eyes were still fixed on the guy who was giving him food in front of him.

"Take your time, you will choke." It seemed to prove that the guy in front of him was right, and Ben really choked. After eating, the young man looked at the class.

"I'm about to escape from here, do you want to go with me?" Ben didn't speak, but stared at the guy in front of him vigorously.

"Hello. This is not the look a child should have. What is your kid's name?"

"Ban, you uncle!" At this time, Ben's eyes became softer, after all, he was just a child.

"Gibago, nice to meet you, Ben." This moment should be the most important moment in Ben's memory.

"I don't ask you humans to understand the grief of our fox, but I can finally see my child." The fox lying on the bed looked at the ceiling and said. ..


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