Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 139: Runaway

"It's a pity~ it's still a bit worse. I can't think of such a magical giant in such an era. It's a pity that it's going to become my lunch." The twisted and unpretentious Menspit slowly crawled from the ruins. Came out.

Such an attack was enough to threaten his life, as long as two more strikes, he might have returned to the embrace of the Demon King. It's just that he survived without these two blows.

But Dian had no strength at this time. She was lying on the ground and she just didn't have the strength to pick up the warhammer. Those two blows had exhausted all the strength in his body, and her body was limp at this time. It is very difficult to move.

"Is there no strength to speak? Don't worry, it won't hurt at all," Menspit has completely recovered at this time, twisting his neck and walking towards Diane. Just when his magic power was about to corrode Di An's body. Several huge stone pillars suddenly rose from the ground, sandwiching him.

"Who?!" When being disturbed by others when preparing to eat, no one will be in a good mood at this time. Menspitt is like this at this time. It's just that no one answered his question.

Menspit’s magical power surged sharply, but occasionally all the stone pillars were broken into broken stones, and these broken stones did not fall on the ground, but surged towards Menspit’s body, as if Menspit's body has infinite gravity, and all the broken stones instantly wrapped Menspit into a solid stone ball.

It's just that this stone ball didn't trap Men Spitt for a long time, and was thrown away by Men Spitt. But even if it broke away, it didn't have any effect, because Dian, who was lying not far away, had disappeared.

"Ah!!!" Menspitt sensed the magic around him, but didn't sense the fluctuations of Diane's magical power, nor the fluctuations of other people's magical powers. In an instant, he ran away. Obviously it was food that was about to reach his mouth, but it was escaped like this. How can he not be angry!

The village below that had been in ruins was turned into a barren flat land under Menspit's anger. There is no longer the appearance of anyone living here.

Ban took Jelica trekking in the mountains. This was the most difficult journey for Jelica, but he had no complaints, just a ninja with his teeth. At this time, he felt that he could not drag him down. , And all of this was seen by Ban.

"Let's take a break." Sitting in a clearing in the forest, Ben said to Jelica. There happened to be a mountain spring here, slowly staying from the mountain, which could give them a good rest.

"It's okay. Didn't we say that we are going to the village at night? I guess you can see the people when you go down the mountain." Jerica was actually so tired that her legs and feet were weak, but she still clenched her teeth. .

"Don't worry, I will spend the night here today," Ben said, pointing to a cave on the side. It was the home of a **** bear, but the class seemed to be doing too much for this kind of thing. He walked directly in and heard the roar of a black bear in the cave. After that, he was carrying the beaten bear. Such a **** bear came out of the cave.

After being freed, the **** bear thrown on the ground by the class went straight into the woods beside it, regardless of its territorial integrity.

"Did you occupy someone else's house for the night in the forest like this?" Jerica seemed to be very dissatisfied with Ban's rudeness, pouting to Ban."Why? If you want to sleep outside, I won't mind~" Ban still said madly. Then slowly walked into the cave.

The cave is very clean, probably because there are many cavities under the cave, so there is not the slightest smell of black bears when the air is circulating.

And there are piles of dry firewood in it, which can be used to make fires at night. The only thing that is bad now is the food.

"You wait for me here," after finishing speaking, the class dropped Jerica and ran directly towards the forest. What should I eat? This is a very serious question~Ban is walking in the woods while thinking about what food he should eat at night.

Knowing that after meeting a fat wild boar and two rabbits, such thinking stopped in his head.

I still need to pick some more spices~ You know that Ban is the last one to cook in the Seven Sins~ If Xie Chen is no longer here, the chief cook must not be able to run away.

Then Ban caught a beautiful-looking pheasant while picking mushrooms. Well, this is finally perfect. A very sumptuous dinner has emerged in Ban's mind.

",,, hello, have you finished eating?! So much?" Jerica was a little frightened looking at a wild boar in the class, as well as a rabbit and a pheasant.

But soon he knew that he was thinking too simple. The wild boar is naturally roasted. After sprinkling with the spices found in the forest at work, the crispy roasted wild boar is completed. The fat that is roasted on it does not fall on the fire below and makes a sizzling sound. Jelica had never asked about such a fragrant smell!

A whole big wild boar Jelica ate a third? ! It was unbelievable. Of course, the rest was eaten by the class alone.

Then the two rabbits and a pheasant, plus those mushrooms, were thrown into the stone basin he made temporarily, plus the spring water next to him, and then thrown into a lot of Jelica who couldn’t give her name. The spices were boiled into a big pot of soup!

The stone basin is enough to throw Jerica in. But even such a big pot of soup was quickly killed by two guys. Such unscrupulous cooking in the wild at night will be retribution. Those cheetahs and tigers who come to smell the meat are good examples.

It’s just that it’s not Ben and Jelica who are unlucky, but the many carnivores in the forest. Basically all the animals were beaten by the class.

"I, I'm full~hiccup~" With a full hiccup, Jerica lay on the ground and couldn't get up anymore, bulging alone to show that he was really full instead of being polite with the class.

"Seven minutes full ~ just right." And Ban said comfortably, sitting on the rock above the cave, blowing the wind with a branch in his mouth. However, there is no difference between seeing and eating in the belly. ..


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