Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 149: Drink game

"Unexpectedly, it's not human!" The waiter was so scared that he hid behind the counter, revealing only half of his head and secretly looking at the uninvited Jialan two. It seems that it is not so easy to hide the two of Jialan. The two walked towards the counter.

"Sniff, I can smell it~" Jia Lan kept twitching her nose and then kept getting closer to the waiter, who was so scared that she was paralyzed on the ground.

"It smells so good! Hahahahahaha!" Jia Lan seemed very excited, took out a barrel of wine directly from behind the bar counter and kept smelling it.

"I didn't expect wine to evolve to such a level after three thousand years! Hahaha!!" Jialan sat on the table beside her and drank the wine in the barrel.

"You should also try Melascoula!" Jialan poured a pure and attractive beer into a glass, then handed it to Melascoula.

"No, our aim is to dominate the mainland of Britannia. Gerudellis will be very angry if he sees it." Melascoula resolutely refused.

"Who is it that came to the outside world that I haven't seen for a long time and said to relax and relax! Don't always be so serious, take it~" Jialan said, and was directly handed to Melais Kura.

This time it seemed to be the point of Melascoula, who was silent for a while but did not refuse.

"Delicious!!!" Melas Kula immediately became more serious than Jialan after drinking that glass of wine, sticking out his tongue, flushing on his face, and saliva. The appearance of a female drunkard is even more exaggerated than Jialan!

"Three thousand years of time wine has evolved into this way!" Melascoula looked very excited.

"This sentence has just been said by the old man!" Jialan calmed down and sat on the table drinking beer glass by glass.

"In my ranking, human beings have already risen from the lowest level of the five great clans, directly from the lowest level to the highest level with a single stroke!" Melescura was already dancing in mid-air. An ecstatic look.

"This kind of wine seems to be a great appetite for me." Melascoula held a huge barrel and poured it into his mouth and said.

"Well, it is a very pure and sweet Banya beer in light beer. It has a great apple fragrance, so it is very popular among women." At this time, the waiter who was standing by suddenly stood by. Came out, explained.

"Yeah, I can't stop at all!" Melascoula said like a drunkard.

"You know wine!" Melescura seemed to have thought of something and flew to the waiter's side and asked.

"En, en, let's work as a tavern owner for the time being." It turns out that this waiter who is familiar with the class is the owner of this tavern.

"Qualified! Even if I kill all mankind, I will leave you behind!" Melascoula shouted loudly.

"Oh, we must kill all mankind!" Hearing Melascoula's words, the owner of the tavern was shocked. "Eh~ Melascoula, can you make a private decision like this?" Jialan said indifferently. At this time, the two of the drinks in the tavern are almost ready!

"After this, the Britannia continent will be ruled by our Demon Race, and we are the elites of the Demon King! Ten Commandments!" Jialan seemed to be afraid that the cowardly boss of the tavern would not know his identity, very happy. Introduced himself.

"Demon God Race? Is the race that was sealed three thousand years ago in the legend? The Ten Commandments, I seem to have heard Miss Marlene talk about it. I didn't expect it to exist." The tavern owner looked at Jia Lan's huge body and floating. Melescura said in mid-air.

"So the human kid who wiped out the old man's heart and face is absolutely unforgivable!" After drinking here, Jialan seems to think of her purpose for coming here.

"Of course the fairies who disturb the food can't be let go like human girls!" Melescura said, standing behind Jialan at this time.

"It's been exposed long ago~ the shopkeeper, they are hiding behind the secret door behind you~" Melascoula smiled and said as he looked at the thin shopkeeper. When they first entered the store, they already knew where the Ban and others were hiding, probably because of this, they would orderly drink here at the bar.

"But they have become weak now, it is easy to kill them, not to mention drinking a lot of fine wine and now the old man is in a particularly good mood. So,," said Jialan paused and drank another glass of beer in her hand.

"Jia Lan's game Yo~~ start now!!!" Jia Lan shouted out loudly, and he could see that this guy's condition is very high now. So I was very excited.

"Listen well, if you can beat me, I will let you and the two behind you go!" Jialan said very generously while sitting on the table.

"Really, really?!" the tavern owner asked very excitedly.

"Really Jia Lan never lied!" Jia Lan emphasized.

"I can't fight or fight. If I played games at the time, I would never lose to you! What is it to play? Cards? Sieve? Or what?" The tavern owner asked with sweat on his forehead, but still very firm. Tao.

"The rules are very simple, one-on-one fighting with each other. The two sides first take up weapons to decide who will attack first, and then give the opponent a blow. Whoever dies first will lose!" Jia Lan said very easily.

It was only after he finished speaking that the owner of the tavern was trembling with fright.

"I don't know, yes, can I change to other games?" The trembling tavernkeeper asked Jialan. But Jialan didn't seem to ignore him.

"Hiccup, usually, it's a coin toss to decide who will attack first, but today is very special, let you attack first," Jia Lan said while sitting there.

"By the way, if I refuse the game, then I will kill everyone now." Jia Lan finished the last glass of beer, then stood up with the weapon in her hand and reminded the owner of the tavern. .

"Come on, decide! Kill or die!" Jialan stood there as if waiting for the tavernkeeper to attack.

"I'm doing it," the tavernkeeper replied with a very unassuming trembling. ..


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