Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 152: Fight!

It wasn't until the evening that Escano came back, and he looked like the little timid pub owner who had disappeared suddenly. The body that was thinner than Jelica was particularly conspicuous.

"Let me introduce you, this is Escano, the sin of arrogance among the Seven Sins~" Ben introduced to Jelica very briskly.

"Then, please take care of that." Escano said to everyone with a very embarrassed appearance, this appearance is completely two people from the previous daytime!

"Is this uncle the strong man in the daytime before?" Jelica shouted incredibly. When the sun appeared during the day, he would appear as a strong man, but at night he would return to the weakest appearance. This is Escano in the Seven Original Sins.

"I think we can give up looking for Di An first!" The noon sun was very warm, and Xie Chen said to the crowd lying on Dabai's shoulder.

As soon as Xie Chen's words fell silent, Jin looked at Xie Chen anxiously.

"Why? He has amnesia! Now when the Ten Commandments are attacked, isn't he dangerous outside at this time? If you don't go, I will go by myself!" Jin's reaction was particularly strong. Even if Xie Chen had rescued him before, it seemed that there was no way to change his mind about looking for Dai An.

"He is not in danger for the time being. Please grab something, I'm going to speed up~" Xie Chen suddenly reminded, half of the explanation, and then saw Xie Chen pointing in a direction and whispering something. Seeing Dabai speed up fiercely!

At this speed, there is no need for everyone in the field to sprint at full speed. The people who didn't adjust to it almost fell off Da Bai's shoulder. There was nothing on Dabai's shoulders, but Xie Chen told them to grab something and catch ghosts!

It was Marlene directly, he immediately grabbed Xie Chen's arm when Xie Chen spoke. Then, among the crowd, he looked a little better and hadn't been dumped.

Fortunately, Elizabeth and Hawke stayed in Da Bai's belly, so they were not affected by Da Bai's acceleration.

It's a boast that everyone has already arrived at the place where the huge magical power burst from Di An that they had sensed before. But Diane doesn't seem to be here! Only Menspit!

"Di An has left and is very safe, so I said that I don't need to find him for the time being, but just now, Di An should have been miserably abused by this person. Even if he escaped, he was hurt! "Xie Chen still sat on Dabai very leisurely and explained to everyone.

In fact, it should be explained to Jin that Menspit's clothes were tattered at this time, coupled with the terrifying ruins here, everyone could see at a glance that a very fierce battle had been experienced here.

"There is really Diane's magic remaining here. It is clear that you should be able to feel it." Nalin stretched out her hand to feel the same in the air, and then said to everyone.

"Hehe, Lord Xie Chen, don't you know what you are doing here?" At this time, Menspit even had the guts to talk to Xie Chen like this, and he had to say his guts.

After experiencing Xie Chen’s power twice, everyone in the Ten Commandments knows about Xie Chen’s horror. This is a strength that is not at the same level. It is precisely this way that Menspit would greet Xie Chen like this. Generally, the strong will have their own dignity. Without special things, they will not easily attack people who are weaker than themselves.

Menspitt didn't ask Xie Chen not to teach him, he just wanted to leave safely at last. He had seen too many misery of Jialan, and he didn't want to be rectified by Xie Chen.

"Don't worry, I won't touch you, but there are people here who want to do it with you." Xie Chen naturally guessed Menspit’s thoughts, but he doesn’t care about the dignity of a strong man, but it is true that some people want to fight with you. He does it, that's gold!

Since coming to the battlefield, he has always rushed up to fight against the guy in front of him who had fought with Di An. From the scene on the scene, he could feel that Di An's injury must be serious! The anger had already burned in Jin's eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't help him." In order to relieve Menspitt's worries, Xie Chen finally added.

"Then I don't know your lord, can I kill him?" Menspit suddenly said at this moment. Xie Chen is really unwilling to be here! Without Xie Chen, all these people in front of you would make his food! But Xie Chen couldn't even think of it here!

"Hehe, if you can kill! What if everyone here kills you!" Xie Chen was a little angry when he said this, right? ! I originally wanted to follow Menspit's hand to stimulate everyone's will to fight, but I didn't expect this guy to think he was good to talk?

At this moment Menspit felt a terrifying sense of danger. He felt that his life was not in the mountains of his body at this moment. At that moment, he really felt how small he was in front of Xie Chen. He could take my life anytime he wanted!

"Don't dare!". Menspitt lowered his head and looked like he was still obediently. The cold sweat on his forehead had already begun to drip on the ground. This was not because of his lack of strength but Xie Chen was too abnormal and abnormal!

"Then fight a game, fight a game and get out," Xie Chen will let Menspitt go no matter if he wins or loses, and Jin will definitely not die here so easily.

"Okay!" Xie Chen, who saw that he was about to get angry, immediately agreed. It seems that he just hit Xie Chen's bottom line.

"Are you going up?" Xie Chen asked Ban, whose eyes were almost red. This battle was originally prepared for the class, so he was naturally required to go, and if he didn't go through it, I'm afraid he would blame himself.

"Go!" Jin shouted decisively! In fact, Jin was afraid that Xie Chen would not let him go up. After speaking, Kim wanted to rush towards Menspit.

"Come back!" Xie Chen called back when he was halfway through the rush. Jin looked very suspiciously at Xie Chen who stopped him.

"Nuo, swallow this." Xie Chen handed over an unremarkable thing and said. ..


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