Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 176: End

On another battlefield, the King of Vampires was surrounded by black substantive energy around him like an armor, very dazzling. Only shortly after he formed, all disappeared in a burst of dazzling light.

"Ah! Unbelievable! My stomach woven by the power of darkness is unbreakable! Even the fiery fire of purgatory can be resisted! Something must be wrong! I am the great king of vampires! What is his power? !!!" the vampire king screamed.

He couldn't believe that he would really lose to this human being in front of him! But the fact is so, no matter how unwilling he is, none of the attacks and protections he gets can last three minutes in the hands of this human! Such a huge power gap has begun to make him panic!

"Blackberry-like silky hair, strawberry-like vermilion lips, the whole body exudes a sweet and seductive taste. The free and easy wild nature and the wisdom permeating this interweave a mysterious charm," Standing on the vampire who is three times stronger than himself Escano in front of the king read the poem that seemed to be given to Marlene in an invincible posture.

The huge axe hits his shoulders, and his body exudes a hot air wave, which is the display of his magical power. The perfect body seems to be countless times stronger than the King of Vampires.

"So, what is that? Is it a spell?" The Vampire King, who had been scared by Escano, asked with some trepidation, as if he was afraid that the burning sensation would sweep his body again in the next moment. .

"Spell? The poem you dare to say is a spell?" In the plain tone, there was an irresistible taste. The proud king despised the vampire king with contempt.

I'm done! After seeing Escano's eyes looking at him, this was the first thought that flashed through the head of the Vampire King. At this moment, let alone resist, he didn't even dare to think of running away!

Escano's magic power is innate, and no one can say whether it is a talent or a curse. His magic power is completely different from any known non-human race. The magic power comes from the sun.

Escano’s combat power is the lowest among all the Paladins, but as the sun rises, his magic power will gradually rise every hour until the peak of his magic power at noon, and the combat power will also reach the highest time. At this time, his combat power can surpass any one of the seven original sins at will!

The king of vampires confronting Escano, at this time has been abused in a non-human form. A shining sun in Escano caused all the skin on his body to be burned and festered. Even the throat was burned out, and the king of vampires who wanted to ask for mercy could only keep screaming.

When will the great vampire king become such a tragic appearance at this time? It's really embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, I've changed my mind. You messed up all my mood." Escano walked into the front of the Vampire King and got close to this terrible face. There was still no emotional fluctuations at all. Said.

At this time, Escano's body was completely comparable to the Vampire King. But the amazing magic that radiated from his body was indeed beyond the reach of the King of Vampires when he drove a horse!

"No, please," the Vampire King pleaded to Escano with a pitiful voice. It's just that his pleading didn't touch Escano's heart at all. "Blasting." Two words softly uttered from Escano's mouth, and the magical fluctuation caused at that time swept the entire Edinburgh really farther.

For a time, the whole piece of Edinburgh was shrouded by the light radiated by Escano, and when all the magic power was dissipated, Edinburgh still completely disappeared here.

In this area there are only strangely shaped stones that have been burnt. Escano stood on a wave of rocks in the center of this area.

"Night and day, I'm wondering which one is the real you." Marlene appeared behind Escano, her voice vague and helpless and asked towards the majestic Escano.

"Marlene~" It seemed that Escano would let go of his arrogant temper only when he saw Marlene.

And at this moment, Goser, who was flying in the air, used the Sword of Extinguishment at Escano, and Marlene also used it to expand his magic power to amplify the magic power of Goser.

Under the sudden attack of two magical powers, Escano finally came down slowly. It's just that at the moment Escano fell, what I thought was the poem for Marlene.

The huge black beam of light pierced the sky instantly, like a huge black column connecting the sky and the earth. This was the magic power of Meliodas. Appeared the moment Escano fell.

After the black pillar disappeared, there was another huge black hole with no bottom in the earth. Meliodas was standing beside the black hole, staring into the black hole in a daze, as if thinking about something. Just stood there silently.

This battle was completely over when Escano and Meliodas solved the vampires around them, but the whole of Edinburgh no longer existed.

People who have been bitten by a vampire will become a weak vampire, and this process is also irreversible, so all the Paladins and all the people in Edinburgh have disappeared in this battle.

"I'm like this again! Why I always can't control myself! I bet Marlene must be disappointed in me! Even if I write poems for him, it won't make any difference!" The thin Ace Kano sat in the corner of the room, holding the manuscript of his poem in his hand.

At this moment, he was obviously very sad, as can be seen from the tears that had overflowed from his eyes. Whether it is the arrogant and powerful Escano or the timid and timid Escano, his love for Marlene will never change.

"Will you read it to me?" But just as Escano had just finished talking to herself, Marlene was standing in front of him with a basket of bottles and cans of experimental supplies in his hand and whispered softly. Said.

It seems that love can really change everything. Maybe this is the necessary opportunity to save the world. It is also the root of all miracles. No matter where you are. Will not change. ..


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