Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 179: Abnormal combat effectiveness

During the trial, Hawke met a dragon, but in the battle with the dragon, Hawke did not have the slightest suspense to be swallowed by the dragon as early as possible.

It's just that Hawke seems to be a little different. He was not digested by the dragon, but stayed safe and sound in the dragon's belly. Without food, Hawke still ate the dragon that swallowed him into his stomach.

So, in this way, the dragon finally died aggrieved in Hawk's mouth. And Hawke became like this when he came back after eating the dragon. With the horns of the dragon, the body is also covered with the armor of the dragon.

"Did you bite the dragon's belly and escape?" Meliodas looked like this.

"Little Hawk, you didn't eat your stomach~" Elizabeth asked concerned.

"Whether it's burnt or raw, as the head of the leftover rice processing team, you are absolutely not allowed to be picky eaters! Then I also got invincible power! That is to spray flames from my nose!" said Hawke. Flames really burst out of his nose, but in an instant, Hawke jumped on the spot. There is no way it is too hot! He was actually burned by the flame he spurted out!

In the team, the masked man coaxed Guliamore, who had become a child and was crying, while Gauser was trying hard to help King Arthur pull the fat cat off his head. But Arthur did keep calling pain again.

"Well, it seems that everyone has encountered a lot of things~ Say hello slowly on the road! By the way, Xie Chen, didn't you go to the trial place? You look the same as before." Melio Das suddenly thought of something, turned and asked Xie Chen.

"This guy is a pervert!" asked all the people here looking at Xie Chen with strange eyes.

The place of trial is the trial of the spirit and the physical. But no matter whether it is the spirit or the body, the cultivation cave kiln has not yet launched the assessment of Xie Chen's level.

That is to say, spiritually, because Xie Chen's mental power is very powerful, it has no effect at all. The magical power is also because Xie Chen's magical power is very powerful and has no effect at all.

You should know that Xie Chen directly killed all the monsters sealed in the goddess' amber in the cave. And it's all the monsters together.

You know, Hazel and Gilsanda, two talents reluctantly dealt with one of the monsters, and the remaining goddess amber is at least hundreds.

In other words, Xie Chen directly dealt with hundreds of monsters that Hauzel and Gilsanda tried their best to kill. And it's the kind of effortless and easy kill.

This makes it difficult for everyone to accept, especially Hauser and Gilsanda, who are being compared. Even Jenna among the druids was startled by the monster Xie Chen.

"Speaking of which, is Lord Xie Chen's combat effectiveness still zero?" Hauser seemed to have thought of something and asked Hawke secretly while squatting on Hawk's ears!

"Sure enough, you care about young boy, but so do I, come, let me see it as soon as possible." Hawke rushed to look at Xie Chen, and Xie Chen seemed to feel Hawke's gaze, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly, and his body suddenly There was an inexplicable breath. The first to sense this breath was Meliodas, who had already recovered his power."This!!! Is this true? Is this the strength of Xie Chen? How can it be, how can it be higher than me! One million!!" Hawke has Jumped from the spot. Such a reaction is not surprising. Xie Chen's combat effectiveness is as high as one million? ! This is simply incredible.

"No, isn't the magic eye broken? One million?! Is there such a high combat power?" Everyone was stunned by Hawke's shout. Then they all looked at Xie Chen as if they had seen a ghost.

Among these people was only Meliodas.

"Really? Have you really reached this point? Okay, or do you still have something to hide?" Meliodas murmured. He didn't care much about everyone's reaction.

All that matters is the stat that Hawke just called out.

The fluctuations in Xie Chen's combat power disappeared in a flash, as if Hawk had read it wrong. Xie Chen showed his strength every moment when it was unnecessary. Otherwise, people who don't need him to be close as long as they can feel the magic can perceive his existence.

"The magic power just now!" Even all the demon gods who wandered around on the mainland in the blink of an eye just now sensed this powerful and unusual magic.

"Which guy is it?" Menspit's face was sullen and he didn't know what he was thinking. The previous battle with Jin was simply a shame to him. Because of Xie Chen's relationship, he actually had to become a sparring partner for the originally very weak fairy. In the end, he really changed his weak goblin once.

As long as he thought of this, his eyes would not consciously become gloomy.

"Then, then, then, let's go to Escano~" Meliodas said to everyone standing there.

"Is it the last of the sinners? Are you looking for something that can be used now? You and Xie Chen are all enough." Hawke, who seemed to have no interest in Escano, said directly.

"You must know that your combat effectiveness has reached more than 30,000!" Hawke said unwillingly.

"Three, thirty thousand?!" Although Xie Chen's foreshadowing was provided, everyone was still shocked, and everyone at Meliodas who had regained his power had to judge again.

"But Escano is stronger than me~ I would like to see the battle between Xie Chen and Escano, it will be very exciting." Meliodas is very Said lightly. There is great expectation in the eyes.

"Could that guy be an existence that can be confronted by Master Xie Chen?" This sentence had to make everyone reassess Escano, who had never met before.

What kind of strength would make Meliodas have such a terrible idea. Meliodas aroused not only the interest of everyone, but Xie Chen also seemed to be moved.

Is Escano? He is really looking forward to the appearance of an existence that can compete with himself. ..


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