Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 181: Six Stars

"Haha, you actually blushed~ You are innocent, you used to be a great Paladin Dreyfus," the girl said as she unbuttoned her hood. Revealing his original appearance.

"Your face, it can't be you!" Obviously Flaudes had recognized who the girl in front of him was.

"It's a pity, you are not the type I like." The girl said to Flaudes again as she said to the boy before in the alley.

"Hehe, it's not too bad to let a person you like eat the soul." At this time, Flaudes seemed to be a little impatient. But he still endured. Although he didn't pay attention to the Paladins of the Kingdom of Leonis, Hendrickson's incident made him understand that sometimes even these weak humans would do things that could influence history.

"My God, are you sure you want to kill me? Before you discover Lord Denzel's plan?" Del Dole, who was obviously facing Flaudes with his weapon, didn't worry about Frau at all. Udes would do it at him now.

"When I eat your soul, you will definitely die." But Flaudes didn't really dare to kill him because of Denzel's plan as he thought. As he said, he threw a fist at Del Dole.

It’s just that the fist didn’t hit Del Dole’s face, but instead hit his own face. At this moment, it seems that his body is no longer under his control, or it should be said that this is not his body at all. But losing control at such a critical time is indeed a bit hard to speak.

"What am I going to do Deldollar? How can I use my hands to hurt her?!" Flaudas said, his voice trembling and seeming to be very excited, like seeing myself looking forward to it for many years. The goddess I saw couldn't hold on to herself.

"What am I talking about?" But in an instant it changed back to the original voice. Such a thing made Flaudes feel very strange.

"It's very simple. Anyone who is captured by my charm will no longer be able to disobey me. His body and soul will belong to me and obey any order from me. To become a person who absolutely surrenders to me, this is My ability is driven by love!" Daelles, who was holding a weapon in his hand, explained to Flaudes, who was no longer able to control his body.

"Do you think your ability will be useful to me?" However, the unexpected Flavudas did not panic because of Dalles' explanation. Instead, he sneered and said, after finishing speaking, he was originally trembling. Weiwei's arm, which did not listen to her command, was very firm and grabbed it towards Dalles.

However, the unexpected Flaudes didn't fight Dalles as he imagined, but instead grabbed Dalles' arms and confided his love loudly.

"I love you! Beautiful lady!!" Flaudas shouted loudly, as he was struggling hard in the magic of Delles. If he had his own body, it would be easier to say, but at this time he is only attached to Dreyfus's body, so he does not have much immunity to the magic of Delus.

"Since you are struggling like this, then go to the next level! Only in this way will you be immersed in the love for me and you cannot extricate yourself!" Delusi looked at Fu in front of him with a deep, perverted look. Raudas said.

"Ah, I'm going to kill this woman!" In the next moment, it seemed that Flaudas had returned to normal again, but it had no effect at all, but could only maintain a moment of sobriety.

At this moment, five arrows suddenly shot from Flaudes' back. One of them even went directly to Delles. The rest of the arrows pierced Flaudes' back.

"Who is it?! Get out of me." Suddenly Flaudes shouted like crazy. At this time Flaudes seemed to be different from usual, whether it was IQ or thinking, it seemed to be exceptional. confusion. It was originally stored in Dreyfus's body, and Dreyfus's will was constantly shaking his actions, not to mention the magical influence of Delrus now. It can be said that it has become a mess.

"What's a joke?! An arrow hit me! You **** Dreyfus! You hesitated when you wanted to protect me?!" It's just that Daelles who was drawn was unexpectedly irritable , Kicking and kicking at Flaudas did not show any mercy.

"Hug, sorry, Dellus." Instead, Flaudes looked like he had done something wrong, hurriedly trying to make Dellus not angry. I also have to say that Daelles' magic power is powerful, although there will only be a demon **** without a body, but it has to be said that it is very difficult to be able to do this. It's just that Dreyfus, who doesn't know about it, is probably what happened to Dreyfus.

"I see, it's not strong enough!" He said that Daelles grabbed Flaudes by the collar and kissed it! After the kiss, I didn't know where the arrow came from, but this time it seemed to be directed at Delus.

However, unlike last time, Flaudes rushed to the back of Delles very quickly and blocked all the arrows that he shot. No hesitation this time. And his face also appeared extra firm.

"I don't know who you are, but you are trying to stupidly hurt my dear Delus. If you want to show yourself, I have to razed the entire town!" Flaudas, who was behind Delus, was at this moment. There was no tremor or hesitation in what he said. This shows that he has been completely controlled by Dalles' magic.

"Why are you here? Little kid!" Delrus asked a little surprised looking at a blond boy standing on the roof of a house.

"Sorry for being late, I just went for fun, stinky lady." The blonde boy stood on the roof very freely, looking at the two of Delus and Flaudes.

"How many arrows did you hit me just now~ It seems to be three arrows, you know this is not a fun thing~" The boy counted the arrows behind Flaudes and said with a hint of playfulness. ..


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